The Destiny

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(Agent Lestrange's POV)
I run with all I've got, which, in all honesty, isn't much. The black void fallows close behind. "NO!! GET BACK!!" I shout at it but the void is relentless. I trip on something on the black ground, or at least I think it's the ground, it's a little difficult to tell where the ground starts and the sky ends. The swirling black void over comes and consumes me. "NOOOOO!" I shout into the smothering darkness. Just then a blinding white light shines on the darkness, destroying it. I fall to the ground and stare up at a ball of pure white light. I thought it would hurt my eyes so I instinctively shield them but there's nothing to shield them from. The glowing light begins to show images, my parents holding me as a tiny infant, me sitting on the school steps with Alex in 3rd grade, me and Alex doing homework at the little cafe, me reading in the library with Sadie, Alex hugging me outside the cafe after I had found out I'm adopted, me and Alex standing in protest when people tried to to tear it down, my first case, and one picture I don't recognize, my self laying on the bed in my apartment with Salem curled up next to me and Alex crying on the bed side. Oh my god. I'm not breathing in this picture, my lips are pale and cold, like my skin, and my jacket ruffled. "This is the present. You can go back if you wish. Or you could stay, and live here, eat what you please, do what you wish..." a soft, angelic voice from the orb tells me. "I-I can go back?" I ask horsely. "Yes. But you must choose now." "I-I wanna go home..." I whisper and I'm no longer in the white endlessness, instead I'm on a cliff. "Bri?" A voice behind me asks incredulously and something barrels into me. "Ohmygod!! You're alive!!" "Agent Winslow," I say. "Yea?" I look up to face him. "Get off, and it's Agent Lestrange." I grunt and push him off. Whatever this feeling is, I don't like it. That's when something shining catches my eye.

(Third Person POV)
Lestrange stares off and Winslow looks perplexed at her. "What's wrooooo... Oh. Mygod." He gasps at the chaos below them. Their town, consumed by thousands of spirits and Luna standing above it all. "Is, is this, our future?" Winslow asks Lestrange who simply turns away from him. "Just...just leave me alone," she whispers and walks in the other direction but her path is blocked by a glowing orb. "You can not escape fate, Brianna Lestrange. Your mother knows that..." it says. "No! Do not speak of my mother! She is a terrible woman!" Lestrange shouts at the orb. "She did great things...terrible...but must fulfill your destiny...the two of are special" "Will you shut up?!" Lestrange pleads, holding her head. Winslow perks, "What do you mean, 'special'" Lestrange shoots him a glare and sits by a tree. "Well, go on." "For a very long time, spirits have roamed this world...we can not see them usually because they are somewhat in another dimension...some places," "Like the McAlester's place," Bri says. "the link between the dimensions are weaker...allowing the spirit to manipulate objects and even people in that area...but not leave...certain people," "Us," "can be used as transport for the stronger spirits from their dimension to they may roam freely anywhere...Madam Lestrange is one of them...she did not want to be, in a sense, she sacrificed her cousin to go in her place...she can travel between realms on her own for and hour at a keep this power...she must continuously sacrifice these people..." "And we are her next target," Lestrange grunts, standing up. "But why? You're her daughter. She loves you!" "Apparently not as much as immortality. Now can we go home?" She directs her question at the orb and it glows brighter, blinding the two agents. Alex wakes up in the chair and Lestrange in a puddle of sweat on the bed. "Ugh. My head hurts," she turns to the chair. "Why are you here?! I didn't know you'd be here!" "Why wouldn't I? You almost died at the manor!" "So?! I'm back aren't I?!" "Well how was I supposed to know you would be?! How was I supposed to tell your best friend I had left you dead in an abandoned, haunted manor?!" Lestrange falls silent and Winslow softens his voice, "This is so much more than a case..." Lestrange sighs and runs a hand through her colored, uneven hair, showing her multiple piercings, " no nononono!!!!!" She frantically runs to her jeep and Winslow barely makes it inside as she speeds off to the station. "Wondered when you'd get here," Chief says, sipping coffee as the two burst in his office. "We...this...pfft..." Winslow puffs. "This is not just a case any more. We need a thorough investigation," Lestrange says seriously. "Let's see, today's Monday correct?" They nod. "Time's up." "But-!" "You agreed. Now pass over your badges." "Badges? I...I thought it was only mine?" Lestrange asks softly. "What's the fun in that? Plus, Agent Winslow brought it up," "You did?" "Yea. What else was I gonna do?" Winslow shrugs. "Thanks..." Lestrange says so quietly she doesn't think Winslow heard it. But he did. "Hate to break this beautiful and awkward moment but I do need your badges." The two reluctantly hand the pieces of shining metal to the chief and walk out of the office.
(Age- *clears throat* Bri Lestrange's POV)
"" Nightshade gasps. "Yup. We got sacked," I say as I set my box on her desk. "You don't even have a plant!" She says. "Yea. No." "Here comes our replacement now," I roll my eyes. "That was fast," Winslow says and stares at the two girls walking in. "Hey! I'm Zill," the taller one smiles. She has a yellow beanie with yellow and blue animal ears, tanned skin, black hair with blond highlights tied in a tight french braid, a white t-shirt, a neon pink tight jacket, and long athletic shorts. "I'm Brooklyn. This is where we're supposed to sign in, right?" The shorter one asks. She has tan skin, dark brown hair in a pony tail, brownish green eyes, a tight fitted bright pink shirt, short denim shorts, and brown sandals. "Yea," I shrug and pick up my box. "Gotta go, Agent. Dinner?" I ask. Sadie nods and grins mischievously. "Why doesn't Winslow and the new recruits join us?" She says in a mock sweet voice. I groan. I can't say no now! "Yea. Sure. Winslow was probably gonna show up any how." I walk briskly out the door and to my jeep and Winslow climbs in. I forgot I'm his ride. "Show me where to drop you off," I say gruffly. "Uh, w-why don't I help you set up dinner?" He asks shyly. "Ugh! Fine!" I drive home and park my jeep and we go in my apartment to begin cooking.

Hey wazzup?!

I finally got this out.

So, Bri and Alex got fired, Sadie, Alex, and the newbies, Brook and Zill, are having dinner at Bri's place. Awkward much?

Any how! I hope you liked this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace out dudes!!

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