The Disappearance

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"It has become clear that I can not take you here and use you. Your loyalties must be bought like Madam Lestrange's. However, this is a difficult feat. So I've simply decided to take your friends. Here's my proposition, you come and let me have your body and your friends are free to go. Deal?

I spring up in bed sweating. Phew. Just a dream. It's all good. Then I remember yesterday. "I no longer have a purpose," I tell no one in particular as Salem hops on my bed and I scratch her head. "What am I going to do now Salem?" I ask my kitten, "I need some form of income." I try applying for jobs but apparently the ability to kill ghosts and people and basically everything I'm good at, is an undesirable job trait. Who woulda thunk? "Back to square one," I sigh just as someone beats the door. "I'm coming! Hold your hoses!" I open the door and Alex bursts in. "They're gone," he says breathlessly. "Who?" I ask. "Sadie and the recruits." "So I have taken your friends..." I quote quietly. "We have to go back." Alex stares at me with understanding. "Let's go," we grab our weapons and head to the mansion. "Alright psychopath!" I shout to the empty house. "We're here!" "Finally!" Luna says, floating down from a higher floor. "I thought you'd never come. Ready to deal?" "Fine. Let them go first," I tell her. "Loose the weapons," she commands and all our weapons fall to the ground and slide away from us. Now we're defenseless. "Now let them go," I command. She waves her fingers and all three girls come sliding down, tied to a chair and gagged. "Now what fun would that be?" She grins savagely.

Hey wazzup?!

Sorry this took so long and it's shorter than myself, but I just wanted to get something out there!

Peace out dudes!

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