The Ghost

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Oh no. Oooooh noooo. I stare down at Bri and sigh. Ugh, she needs medical attention and I can't get her out! "Ok Liz, what do you want?" I ask the house. I walk back to the room. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I ask again. Suddenly a woman about Bri and I's age materializes in front of me. She's quite pretty, with dark hair tied in a ponytail with a ribbon, her eyes are hazel like Bri's, her lips are a dark blood red, her skin is tan, and she wears a dark black tunic and black trousers. "You're Liz, aren't you?" I ask and she nods. "What do you want with Bri?" I ask again. She says nothing, but picks up a letter from the floor, the one about William cheating on her. "Did-did he kill you? And your family?" I ask and she nods and points to where it says her mom was sick. "She died of illness?" She nods. "Can-can you help her?" I ask, my voice cracking as I look down at Bri's pale face and bloody bandages. Liz comes and sits beside her, places her forehead softly on Bri's and closes her eyes. She murmurs something and Bri smiles slightly. Been a while sense I've seen that. Liz evaporates as Bri's breathing steadies. "Oh thank god!" I breathe happily and hug her. "Ugh, what happened? Winslow?" She groans and looks up at me. "W-Winslow, wh-why are my hands and stomach bandaged?" Her face instantly flushes. "Wh-why a-am I w-wearing a d-different sh-shirt?" she stands up and staggers. "Woah!" I hold her up on her feet just as she's about to fall. "I can walk on my own, Winslow," she spats and staggers to the bed and falls on the bed, clutching her stomach and wincing. "Go to sleep, Winslow," "Good night, Agent Lestrange."

(Back to Agent Lestrange)
I fall back asleep with difficulty due to the puncture in my stomach. I risk a glance at Winslow who had fallen asleep. I wonder if what I saw was true... if it happened... or if it will...

"...strange? Agent Lestrange! Get up!" I wake up to Winslow shaking my shoulder and calling my name. I wince, "I'm up Agent. Geez," I hiss. "Sorry, I forgot," "Fine fine, whatever," I grunt and dig through my bag for the extra shirts I found. Mine bled through again. "I need to help you with the bandages," Winslow says softly, with a hint of worry in his face. "I can-," I stand behind a room divider to change but I can't lift my arms, I grunt in pain and sigh. "Close your eyes." He digs through his bag and seems to find what he's looking for and walks back here. He sets his first aid kit on the ground and looks up at me with his eyes squinted shut. "So how are we gonna do this?" He asks. I think a moment, "Uh, no idea," " far can you lift your hands?" He asks and I lift them up until the pain is unbearable and reply with gritted teeth, "My elbows are just below my chin." He nods and helps me maneuver my top so it goes over my head and arms. "Is it off?" He asks, squinting his eyes tighter. "Yea, can open your eyes a little bit so you can see what you are doing..." I say reluctantly. "O-ok..." he squints his eyes open a little and slam them to the floor. He grabs the medical supplies and wraps it around my stomach. "Too tight?" He murmurs slowly. "N-no," he continues to wrap it and cuts it off and helps me replace my shirt. "Th-thinks Agent," I mutter and he blushes slightly, opening his eyes back. "You can just call me Alex if you want," "Than thanks, Alex," I says slowly and look at the ground. I shake my head, trying to clear it. "We have work to do," I say as I grab my bag and start the long walk down stairs. "Did...did you see Liz last night?" Win- Alex asks me. "Sort of," I reply, not looking at him. I will not let him know what I did see last night. Will not. "What do you mean 'sort of'?" "Because!" I snap. "Ok, ok. Are you sure you're OK?" "Yea. I'm fine..." I grumble and continue walking to the green room. "The flowers. They're still alive!" I exclaim when I walk in. The medium sized room is filled with lavish plant life such as, roses in red, purple, and even black, orchids in multiple colors, long vines that climb to the roof, low hanging plants in bright colors, and gorgeous lilies in ombré sunset colors, but what really catches my eyes is a small bush, large enough to keep on a desk top, dotted with beautiful curling black flowers and dark green leaves. I walk closer to the plant and notice the dark red stem and thorns. "It's amazing!" I breath, inspecting the plant. "It's nothing like I've ever seen before!" "I have a bad feeling about this place..."  Alex shivers. I turn at stare at him, bewildered. "How? It's amazing! Look!" I point to an over stuffed and comfortable looking reading chair and mahogany table. "You can even read here!" "Ok, cool. Now can we go?" He begs and I groan. "Ugh, fine. Let's go." When Alex looks away I pick one of the buds off the bush and carry it in my hand. "Let's check out the library," I say and walk briskly to the second floor. The immense library is still rather dusty from the years it's sat here untouched. I look at the high shelves you'd need a ladder to reach, the sets of tables and chairs, the bay window in the corner, and the tattered old rug under my feet. "Lestrange? You gotta come see this..." Alex breaths and I follow the maze of book cases to find him. "What are you-?" I choke on my words as I  see books forming somewhat of a panel that someone could sleep on, but what made me choke is the crimson stains on the books and the cobwebbed skeleton on top of them. "Oh my god." I whisper hoarsely. I look down and inspect the bones. "These are old. Like, really old. At least for a human skeleton," I look at the dress's Intricate details, black lace and dark purple fabric. Then I see a book under her arm, Diary of Elizabeth McAlistair. "I-It's Liz..." I lift the arm gently and remove the brittle, leather bound book. "Her diary?" Alex asks as I show him the book and I nod. "This has to give us an idea why and how they died," I say softly. "Might wanna get comfortable, we'll be here a while."

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