The Office

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I got the idea for this from MariChat3 's book, Detective Cipher on the Case!!

The brave young detective pulled the sleeves of her sweat shirt further down her hands and walked into the old mansion. Suddenly, she heard a bang behind her and she turned around to see-! "AHHH!" I shout and fall off my little stool as my friend from front desk, Sadie Nightshade, burst into my office. Ok I say office but it's more of a supply closet, with old boxes piled everywhere that I don't even know the contents off, and the filing cabinet I turned on the side as a desk, and the tiny window so I can watch people's feet pass by on cold, rainy days like this. "Bri, are you 'monologuing' again?" She asks. "Yes, in fact I am," I reply, standing up. "Well Boss needs you up front. What did you do this time?" She says with a laugh. "I assure you, Nightshade, you'll find out soon because it'll either be on my case records," I tell her, "or my pink slip," I sigh. She laughs again and shakes her head, "I don't doubt it Lestrange." And with that, she leaves to back to her desk. I quickly finish reading the case file I found, The Old McAlester Mansion, loads of mysterious deaths happened there and my idol, the first female agent here, Agent Luna, solved the whole deal alone! I close the case file and leave my closet and head to the chief's office. I knock on the door, "Chief? You called?" "Come in Lestrange," he says and I walk in and sit down. "Do you know why you are here?" He asks. "I'm getting a promotion?" I ask hopefully. "No. You were not on that case, Lestrange, you are in records. Nothing more," "But I solved it!" I say in disbelief. "Yes, without my consent." I stare at the balding old man. "Please give me an other chance! All I've been asking for is a chance to be an Agent!" I beg. Chief sighs, "Fine. Ask Nightshade to give you the file, you'll have a week," "Thank you so-" "Here's the catch," oh great. "If you don't solve it in a week, you're fired." "Oh-" "and, you'll have a partner." "No way! Not happening!" I protest. "Than you can forget about the case," he smirks. I sigh, "Fine, who is it?" "Agent Alex Winslow," he smirks again. "Are you kidding me? No way am I going to be partners with that jerk!" I shout. "The case," he reminds me. "Fine! At least I'm in charge of the case?" I ask. "If you must," he sighs. "You are excused." I rush out of the office and meet Sadie at the front. "Agent Winslow? You have my sympathy," she cringes, handing me a file. "Thanks, it's appreciated," I mutter, scanning the file. "Agent Winslow you are needed at the desk," she says with a perfected 'Siri voice'. We wait there for twenty minutes and he doesn't show up. "ALEX GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE OR SO HELP ME I WILL-!" "Woah, Sadie! Chill!" I laugh. She smiles helplessly as a brunette haired boy with brown eyes ran down the stairs to the desk. "IM HERE!" He shouts and I laugh. "Why is the record girl here?" He asks Sadie as if I can't hear him. "Because this is my mission Winslow," I roll and he actually looks surprised I heard him. "He put you in charge, Brianna?" He asks incredulously. "Yes, and it's either Agent Lestrange or Bri if you absolutely have too," I spat. "Well, ok then. Let's just look over the case file," he murmurs and reads the file over my shoulder.

McAlester Mansion Case File

3 murders:
10 year old girl: Abigale Abott
There's a picture of a girl with long black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes.
Death: Suicide
Died in: 2nd Floor Bed Room

32 year old Man: Gordon Harris
A picture of a tan skinned man with light hair and green eyes.
Death: Suicide
Died in: Parlor
25 year old woman: Alice Red
A picture of a woman pretty with light skin blond hair and hazel eyes.
Death: Suicide
Died in: Green House

There are also descriptions of how they died. "A ten year old?" I say sadly. "Woah! Crazy!" Agent Winslow grins. "These people died! How are you happy?!" I demand. "Uh...w-well erm," I stare at him angrily and he clears his throat, "Well, uh let's go check the place out." I shake my head and follow him outside. "So where do start, Lestrange?" He asks. I cross my arms and mutter, "Agent. Anyhow, I'm thinkin a stake out." Winslow nods and we head to my apartment. "You don't have to follow me Agent Winslow," I tell him but he only shrugs. "Just wanna make sure you get kidnaped. It'd be a shame to not see that pretty face of yours every day," he grins and winks. "Go home Winslow," I grunt and roll my eyes. "See ya tomorrow beautiful!" He shouts over his shoulder. This is going to be a loooong week. I pull my black backpack out of a drawer and pack it with, clothes, flashlight, the walkie talkie Winslow insisted on bringing, food, sleeping bag, and my silver dagger. I never leave home with out it. I yawn and brush my short dark brown  and purple hair and pull on pajamas and finally hit the hay. I'm finally going to be an Agent like Agent Luna.

Hey Wazzup?!
So I am suuuuuper exited for this book!!! And again this idea came from MariChat3 's book Detective Cipher's on the Case!!! Good job Angie!

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