Meeting Sabine Wren

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Ezra's pov
I walked in a casino to see a lot of pretty girls walk up to me and said hey handsome do you what to party she said, the then one said do you want a drink? No thanks ladies but think you for asking, i continued to walk and finally I found the two people that I was looking for Kanan and Hera sitting in a gambling table betting money on something, I walked up to them and said mind if I can join you? Yes you may said Kanan, I sit on a career and they all looked at me, so what's your name? Said someone, The names Bridger, Ezra Bridger, what's your name miss I ask, my name's Sabind, Sabine Wren, will your very pretty said Ezra, think you Mr,Bridger said Sabine, (she has her season 3 hair colour and a dress that is the some hair colour she has, then man said do you want something to drink sir, yes can I have a cold beer said Ezra, coming right up sir, thank you said Ezra and looked back at Kanan and Hera and said so the thing you have it's a weapon right, I'm here to help you with it said Ezra but Kanan know what he was saying, he put up his gun on Ezra but Ezra was more first then Kanan, Ezra left the table up making the shots miss him, Ezra grabbed out his gun killing two of Kanan's men, then Kanan shot Ezra by his shoulder making Ezra fell on the ground blooding, then he saw Sabine the last person to see before everything went dark.

Hope you guys like the new part of the book, and remember the force will always be with you.

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