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Jungkook : Bitchhhh

Jungkook : TF!!!!

Taehyung : Happy

Taehyung : I don't
wanna F you

Jungkook : I don't
wanna F you too

Taehyung : Are you
Bipolar or something?
You said it just now....

Jungkook : Ughhh go
to hell

Taehyung : Well no

Taehyung : What's the
matter huh?

Jungkook : I met her!

Jungkook : I got a
heart attack!!! You
knew all the while
but didn't tell me!!!
I looked like an idiot!

Taehyung : You told
me not to say a word,
scroll the previous texts,
idiot :D

Jungkook : But you
could have saved me
from the embarrassment
but you didn't!!!

Jungkook : I messed
up everything, couldn't
even propose properly

Taehyung : Did you
even say something?

Jungkook : Everything,
crush and all

Taehyung : Excellent,

Jungkook : You are so
mean T_T

Taehyung : Sorry
not sorry

Taehyung : Atleast
she knows now, and
you spend some time
with her.

Taehyung : What did
she say? Did she say yes?

Jungkook : She didn't
say anything clearly,
she said she likes me
as well and then got up
in the bus.

Taehyung : Wait.... you
didn't walk her home?

Jungkook : Oh shit
I forgot T_T

Taehyung : Idiot, don't
cry if she leaves you

Jungkook : Noooo T_T

Jungkook : I was really
nervous and forgot,
please don't say that....

Taehyung : how can
you forget this?

Jungkook : I just did,
don't know how....

Taehyung : Amazing...

Guys Update....

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