My Eyes

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I hear the click signaling she was gone. Now that I have all the info I can understand why they needed me to do this. This target was going to be one tough kill, my skill will be needed. I get up from the chair and head to Alice who already had a cute shirt and flared skirt with shorts under it picked out for me. 

In under a minute I was dressed and back in the chair adjusting the bald cap as Alice picked a blond shoulder-length wig. Soon I had been transformed into a new girl, Mary Hops, now it was time for prep. I turn to see Alice had already put the other clothes I would need into my bag, so I go up to get some weapons. I grab my fake ID, a garrote wire, a silenced pistol, and some rat poison, I had a feeling it will come in handy.

"The jet is ready when you are Shadow."

I put the last of the supplies in the bag and sling it over my shoulder. I activate my voice changer looking back at the mirror, satisfied not seeing myself.

"Let's kill us a singer."

I start to head to the door when I here a small voice call 'excuse me'. I turn and see the boy looking really scared, and I kinda feel bad for him. I feel like I need to make him less terrified.

"Yes, is everything ok Denis? Do you have a question?"

I put on my gentle, soft voice and I can see him relaxes at my voice.

"Well, yes. I never saw you put on contacts, so how are your eyes green now?"

Oh right, most don't know of my tech... eh, I owe it to the boy.

"I'll tell you if you can keep it secret,"

I wink and his eyes widen, probable at the thought of knowing one of the infamous SR's secrets. He shakes his head vigorously and looks in anticipation, I can feel Alice's look of shock and weariness.

"Well, I have special tech in my eyes, and with my mind I can change their colors."

As I tell him this I make my eyes change to purple then blue.

"I use this to keep my black eyes hidden, but it also has a very special feacher. This is what I use to make me the greats hitman in the world."

His excitement is palpable, this makes telling him worth it.

"When I tell them too, they activate to show an x-ray of the building and highlight my target and others around are outline. That is how I never get caught and do it so fast."

The amazement in his eyes were adorable.

"Now remember, you can tell no one about this. If you do I will have to take care of you."

He nodded and that was my que. I got up and switched my eyes back to green. With my disguised back I head to the door, making sure to grab my ear piece. As I pass Alice I stop and give her a two finger salute before heading out. I head to the runway and jump on the jet, showing my ID to get on. Once i'm on and buckled in we head off, the flight was filled with funny banter and witty jokes.

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