➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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• ━━━━ •

     THE RIDE WASN'T PEACEFUL AT ALL, from the commands between the soldiers to the thought floating in her head. She was right. Dominic didn't abide his words that they will catch Shaw together, but she didn't know that Brian will know what he's been up too.

     This was her fight. Jessica was the one who almost killed Owen Shaw, not the Alpha. He almost killed her friends and if she wouldn't make them, this would never happened. That's why the redhead never wanted friends, family. Jessica has Hobbs, Elena and Samantha and still she was taking a big risk.

     Her face crunched in psychical pain, the emotions that she never liked to show, were breaking theirselves to freedom. Her green eyes water, making her vision blurry and as she moved in her seat, so she will not be seen, her two friends seem to catch her sudden movement.

     Their eyebrows knitted together, looking at her with worry. ,,You alright?" Asked Dom, moving closer to her as the blonde did the same.

     The red haired agent shake her head, trying hard to make the tears go away. Her lip slightly trembled, before the female look up to meet their eyes, but as she did that a tear falls from her right eye, rolling slowly down her cheek. ,,It should've been me, only me." The duo show on their faces a clear confusion, but she quickly cut them off, before any of them could say anything.

     The woman felt weak. Weak of showing her emotion. It wasn't even the right time to talk about this, but she couldn't keep it in herself anymore. No one saw her like this, not even Luke. The duo really know that this was important, because she never show this much emotion and they felt terrible, yet they didn't know why.

     ,,I, I almost killed Shaw, not you. I put your family in danger, because of my stupid decisions. I almost lost Han, Giselle, Luke and put all of you down this hole with me." Said agent Gray, her gaze falling on her boots.

     ,,Maybe it was you who almost killed Shaw..." Trailed off the Toretto male, catching her watery eyes again. ,,but you didn't put us in danger. We were in trouble our whole lifes."

     ,,It wasn't you fault, any of it and we're in this together. We're family." Finished Brian. She never wanted this, but know she awered, how much she need it. Someone to talk to in our worst times. Someone who will be there for you when no one would, with someone to hold hands when you're feeling your worst.

     Jessica Gray nodded, new tears finding it's way to freedom. She placed her hands on her mouth, trying not to realise a sob. The duo before her weren't there anymore, they were sitting on her each side, holding her in thight warm embrace.

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     THEIR CAR COME TO STOP, arriving at their destination, the redhead step out of the vehicle, reloading her gun. Turning to her side she spotted her friends. Giving them a quick nod, the agent made her way forward. As the soldiers removed the metal door and went inside for guard, her and Mr. Nobody made their way inside.

     It was dark and quiet. The only sound were they footsteps as they tried to find their target, the small lights, illuminating their path. Cocking of guns were heard as the soldiers come to stop, meaning only one thing.

     Raising her own gun, the redhead stepped from behind a box which were surrounding the whole area. In her green eyes flickers confusion as they fall on Deckard Shaw.

    The confusing thing was that he didn't seem to give them his attention at all and the second thing was that he was sitting at a table, peacefully eating the meal before him. ,,I hope you're enjoying your last meal." Remarks Jessica with cold stare, not moving her eyes from him.

     At the sound of her voice, he glance up. He even looked little bit annoyed when he was interrupted from his dinner. The male meet her cold stare for a second, before he glanced at the others who were all standing behind her. ,,This is it?" Deckard remarks, little bit offended. ,,This is all I warrant? A dozen men...and a lady?" He added the last part, clearly doing it on purpose. The agent only gave him a sarcastic small smile, before her glare harden.

     ,,I think you we'll find it's more then enough." Comments Sheppard, while the criminal wipes his lips with a handkerchief, but they didn't expect for him to pull a fuse from a grenade that was hiden in his handkerchief. The soldiers straighter, cocking their guns, while the woman didn't even budge.

      Dominic slowly made his way towards him as he takes out the fuse from his teeth. ,,I am ready to meet my maker. Are you?" He asked, stopping by Jessica's side.

     ,,What were you expecting, Toretto? To catch me off guard? Me standing here, waving a white flag?" He sneered. ,,You ever hear saying,  the enemy of my enemy is my friend?" The redhead could feel that something was off, but she didn't say anything, only gazing around herself with a weary expression.

     ,,I don't have friends, I got family." Said the Alpha.

     ,,Well, I got a lot of friends."

     Just as he said that, an explosion went off behind them, making them fall on the hard dark ground. The female quickly put pressure on her hands, standing up. Guns were fired her way and so she quickly hide behind a corner.

     Realising a breathe of air, she steps out of her hiding spot, aiming at the enemy. Even by the darkness, the female shot about six of them.

     Suddenly everything seemt like in slow-motion. Her head turned into her right side, meeting eyes with Mr. Nobody. Her eyes widen seeing blood coming from his wound and her heart seemt to stop as he was shot in his back, after giving her a wink.

     She didn't care about her surrounding, immediately rushing to his side. Quickly holding his head up, Dom appeared on her side, before he as quick as possible helps him stand up.

     Their friend who was left behind tried to grab the God's Eye, but the female stop him. It was too risky and she won't let something happened to him.

     The quattro rushed to the exist
Then the redhead sees a grenade thrown their way, making her push the trio forward. ,,Get down!" She shouted.

     It went off, but thankfully it didn't hit them, everyone making it out of the place. Breathing heavily, Jessica rushed out of the scene, immediately going to the driver seat of their car. As she was sure that everyone was in it, she made a sharp turn, turning the car, before she pressed her foot on the gas, speeding off.

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     THE TRIO LEFT MR. NOBODY IN THE DESERT, leaving them with mixed emotions. They were concerned, of course, but they know that he wasn't the type of man to give up easily.

     As the Black Widow gazed at the city before her with her friends surrounding her side, her thought goes to the old friend of hers, laying in a hospital, somewhere below her, but she quickly snapped out of her thoughts as their dark skinned friend started to open his lips.

     ,,I'm all for winging it, but this is crazy, man. We got mercenaries with some real heat on us." Roman said to everyone. ,,I mean, I ain't scared or nothing, but..." He trailed off, them still keeping their attention fixed before them.

     ,,Man, I don't even have a gun!" The male said, freight in his voice. The statement make Dominic glance at him from corner of his eye.

     ,,Gun?" He said, before looking back before him. ,,We got whole city."

     ,,And we may have more then that." Spoke up Tej. ,,If they use God's Eye, it'll tap the cameras around town to find our location which means we could plant a virus and then break in when they access it."

     ,,So you're talking about hacking my hacking device." Said the dark skinned female, realization coming to her voice. ,,It's brilliant." She compliments, smiling.

     ,,Yeah, but there's one problem. The signal strength. We can't start hack on them untill they're within a two-mile range." The male hacker explained.

     ,,That's really close." Remarks Letty, speaking for the first time.

     ,,Close?" Comments Roman. ,,These guy's are military. If they're within two miles of us, we're already dead. I don't know about y'all, but I really didn't plan on dying today." He said the last part, while looking at his watch for effect.

     ,,Only one way to stay alive." Spoke up the red haired agent. ,,We play keep-away with Ramsey."

     ,,What?" She breathed out with shock, snapping her head in the female's direction.

     ,,They can't hit us if we keep moving." Said Brian, gazing at the two females, understanding what she was up to.

     ,,And I will take Shaw." Comments the Alpha, going away from them, but by the shock from Jessica's statement, they didn't catch it expect for her and his wife that was already making her way to him.

     Ignoring the teams bickering, the green eyed woman gazed at the city with a big sigh leaving her full lips.


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