➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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 ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶       ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶

• ━━━━ •

     THE LIGHTS OF THE STREETS, flashes across her concentrated gaze that was set on the night road. Their plan was simple, but still quite dangerous. And that's why she like it. The redhead loved the adrelin in her veins, but the only thing she was concern about was the female's friends safety.

      It was about couple of minutes her and her team were driving in circles and Jessica could say that she could remember the streets from memory. ,,I don't know why we gotta keep driving around like this." Voice of Roman echoed through the link.

     ,,Why can't we just pull over somewhere, park, gather our thoughts in, like a bunker somewhere?" He added.

     ,,Because it does not work like that." Said Tej, before the female could. ,,We gotta stick close enough to the bad guys in orderto get in range
for Ramsey to hack them, but we gotta be mobile enough not to get shot like fish in a barrel. So, do me a favor, focus on the mission and keep us from getting killed." The male finished his speech, while the redhead pursed her lips.

    Another couple of minutes passed since then, but it didn't last that long. A cracking sound come out of the walkie-talkie. ,,Guys, they're here." The voice of Tej echoed.

     Jessica reached for her walkie-talkie, pressing the button on the side. ,,How many cars'?" She asked him.

    ,,Uh, none." He said, making her frown. ,,And that's kind of the problem." The dark skinned man added.

     The female pulled down the technology from her lips, leaning over to the side to look through the rearview mirror. Pressing her lips in thin line at the signt of a helicopter flying right behind them, she quickly pressed the button on the walkie-talkie. ,,Okay, let's give them the tour." The agent breathes out.

     ,,Break on my mark. Three, two, one. Go!" At the agent's voice they split up each in different ways, pressing hard on the gass, to speed up.

     They know that they couldn't hide from them and have know where to go, but that was the plan. The trio continue at the high road. ,,They're in range. Ramsey, start to hack." Said Tej.

     The redhead turns in her seat, to look at the curly woman who started to flicker her fingers on the keyboard. ,,Initiating." She breathes out, gazing at the screen that illuminated her features.

     The agent turned back to look through the window, seeing that they ride on to a bridge. From behind her Ramsey gaze out, her eyes flying to the sky, but seeing no helicopter. ,,I think we lost the chopper." She said, but immediately protest flew through the air.

      ,,I think we got bigger problems than that." Spoke up Jessica. The dark skinned female furrows her eyebrows, before looking at the direction her friend was facing. Cars started to clear the path for a killer drone that was dangerously close to them.

     ,,Oh, my God."

    With a confused look on her face, the green eyed woman gazed at her male company who dropped the chassis of the car. ,,What are you doing?" She asked.

    ,,Going old school." Just as he said that the drone fired at them, the girl from behind them cried out. Brian's knuckles turned white on the steering wheel as he turned to left, disappearing under the truck with barels that was now their shield.

    The blonde then goes further to left, but it was a bad idea. Pressing her lips together, in Jessica's eyes reflected the headlights of the car before them. ,,Watch out!" She warns with wide eyes. The male silently cursed, quickly turning the steering wheel, missing the car and again disappearing under the truck.

    Suddenly the vehicle sheared. The bullets ward off the barrels that the trio was hiding under. Brian trying hard to stay safe from the fire as much as possible. But the bullets hit the ropes that were holding the barrels.

     A gasp left her lips as they started to fall. The blue eyed male's foot flew on the gass, thankfully missing the barrel that was rolling their way. Brian zigzag through them quicker than expected, before their eyes saw now the road clear and safe.

     The three got back on the streets, trying to shake of the drone of their backs. The redhead, turn around in her seat to look out of the window as Brian did a sharp turn. ,,It's coming back around!" Warned the agent, turning back.

     Sirens then blared from behind them, the redhead again gazing through the rearview mirror, only seeing a police car right behind them. ,,Oh, shit." Cursed the driver, the female immediately turned to look at the direction it was meant. A missile was what she saw. She cried out as the blonde sharply dodge it, the bomb hitting the car behind them.

     Looking  for a moment on the burning vehicle, she take her walkie-talkie, pressing the button. ,,We need to lateral! Rom, where are you?" Jessica asked in frustration.

     ,,Running back, charging in!" Comes from answer.

     Licking her lips, she pressed the button again. ,,Meet us on Third and Spring." She ordered.

     ,,You got it!"

     The blue eyed male does a turn, the female beside him seeing the duo already in distance. ,,We're halfway there." Announced Ramsey, lookion the screen of her computer.

     Nodding the Gray woman, turn around, catching the hackers dark eyes. ,,Grab your computer! Get in the window!"

     ,,Why?" She asked with wide eyes,  but the woman ignored her.

     ,,Now! You gotta go! Right now!" The dark skinned female nodded, packing her things with shaky hands.

     It all happened so quickly. The two drivers did 360° degree turn, the hacker leaning out of the window as the other hacker helped her in their car. Only a few centimeters separate them as Brian straighter their posture, but they didn't stay in the car too long. The duo open their door, before jumping out of the car, the missile coming their way hitting their vehicle.

     Jessica hit the ground hard as she rolled on the road. She grunts at the impact, before looking up to see the car completely in flames. A groan in pain of her friend, made her turn around, seeing the blonde laying on the cold floor, his arm clenching his stomach. She immediately got up.

     Rushing to his side, the red haired woman put her hand on his shoulder. ,,Hey, you alright?" She asked in concern. The male nodded with pain written all over his face.

     Sighing, Jessica look around herself, before turning back to him. ,,Brian, Jessica, they took out the tower!" Echoed the voice of Tej, making them look at each other with a knowing look.

     The agent get up, cocking her gun. ,,You take cover..." Ordered the green eyed woman. The man give her a nod, knowing there's no time to argue.

     Jessica give him a one last glance, before starting to run through the streets, trying to find the closest satellite. Her walkie-talkie rattled, making her grab the equipment in her free hand. ,,Guys, if you can get to the top of any one of those buildings around there, we can reroute the signal manually and finish the job." Said the dark skinned hacker.

     Placing the walkie-talkie on her lips, she answered simply, her voice little bit out of breathe as she run. ,,I'm on it." Answering, the redhead, looking up, seeing finally a satellite in the distance.

     The agent's eyes flickered from corner to corner as she enter the building. It was dark, only moon shined through the windows, lighting her path. The green eyed redhead held the gun in her hands tightly as again her walkie-talkie rattled. ,,Theres a service eievator past the maintenance sector." Spoke up Tej, the woman listening to his voice, like the only visible sound around her. ,,It'll take you directly up to the repeater." He continue. ,,Jess, you gotta hurry!"

     Before she could answer, windows broke before her, making her stop in her stracks. From the windows appeared man in armour and guns in their hands that immediately started to fire at her. Quickly hiding behind a corner, she breathes in and out, before turning around to fire back, but it was no use, because they were too many on her.

    The agent cried out as bullets flew around her, her green eyes searching for a way out of this mess. Her orbs stopped at a desk with wheel that is used for fixing cars. She got an crazy idea, but nothing other than that come to her mind.

     In crunching position, Jessica toss away the things that were on it, before going to lay down on it, rolling to her left side. The enemy stopped with the shooting as the female reload her weapon. Pushing herself off with force, the redhead slide on the ground to the direction of the doors on her right as she started to fire single shots on the man. She hit almost every one of them. Her vision was little bit blurry, but she could recognize the Asian man that was standing there everywhere. It was the man that left her in the bus.

     Rolling on her back as she neared the door, her hands raised, hitting the button that made the doors shut. Quickly jumping off the board, the woman rolled over as bullets pierced the door. Jessica didn't look back as she sprinted to the next door.

     The agent stopped for a moment in her movements, meeting with a staircase before her eyes that she immediately started going up on. I hate stairs, she thought.

     Breathing heavily, a small sigh of relief came past the female's lips as she sees the door at the end of rhe srairs right in front of her. Raising her gun in her hands, her right foot meets the white door, sending them flying in the wall at the other side. Stepping inside, the redhead looks around herself, but too slowly. Someone's foot meets her hands, her gun immediately flying out of her hold.

     Snapping her head at the direction her pigtail flipping to her shoulder, her green eyes flicker to her new company. Sneering on the Asian before her, she quickly dodge is punch, before her own fist flies to his direction. He dodge too, easily. Then with his knee he tries to kick her in the stomach, but her hands holds it in place, but couldn't help her posture to fall on the door that closed behind her. The male pushed roughly into her, the imapact not being that hard, because he hit her in to door with so much force that the door fell out of it's hinge.

     The dark haired Asian man falls on her as they quickly started to slide off the stairs. Jessica tried hard to hit him and he tried to do the same with her, but it wasn't possible, because they were bouncing and falling down the stairs. The female groans, before pulling him from her, but she only made herself slide of the door too.

     The two falls down on the ground, the redhead raising her head to look at her enemy that was just right below her. Ignoring her throbbing body, the agent turned around, trying to rush into the room beside her, but she was catched by her shoulder and send into the furniture in the room. The woman turned around furiously, her foot meating his stomach, but the the male catch her next punch.

     The Asian sends her to the ground. Jessica then flipped him over, quickly to stand up on her feet, going further to the room. As she turned around her fists raised, her green eyes widen as he kick her. Stumbling little bit, she blocked his hand, before her own meets his jaw. Unexpectedly the next thing he did was flickering his leg under hers, making them fall on the ground again.

     His fist meets her, the redhead desperately trying to reach something around her that could help her, but nothing. The duo's fists flew in the air, each of them blocking successfully, but it didn't last long. Groaning in pain, Jessica's vission becomes blurry for a moment, but her eyes could not unsee the metal that the man was going to smash her with. From behind him, she sees somethimg that give her a great idea. She reached around herself, fiding the right thing that she needed. It happened quickly, he raised his weapon in air ready  to strike, but at the same time, she hooked the rope on to his belt, her leg kicking him down off her and then kicking the barrel down the shaft that was linked to the rope.

     The male gasped, his weapon falling from his hands, almost hitting her head if she wouldn't rolled to side. He slide off her, screaming and effortlessly trying grab on something, but it was too late. Jessica watch him falling down the hellhole with a shrug. ,,Too slow." She mumbled, before standing up to her feet with heavy breathing. The Gray turned back around, sprinting back to go up the stairs with frustration. Not again.

     She got at the roof quickly as possible, kicking the door that was separating her and the satellite. Her body was met with a cool breeze that got cooler as it hit her sweaty figure. Looking around, the female finds the locker, running to open it. ,,I'm at the repeater." She annoced, pressing her walkie-talkie to her lips.

     ,,The access cable's in the base. Just mug it into your phone and Ramsey will be back online." The dark skinned male hacker explained and she then did exactly that. Pulling out her phone and quickly pressing her fingertips on the screen, before again putting the equipment to her mouth as she was done.

     ,,Got it." Knowing it worked, she started to run to the nearest exit.

     When she run out of the building, her eyes searched the parking lot, looking for the men car's that she was earlier fighting. Her emelard eyes stopped at a black SUV. ,,Tej, Roman, I'm on my way!" Exhaled the woman, rushing to the vehicle that was calling her name.

     ,,All right, sweetie, I'll see you there." Said Roman, making her rolls her eyes, but she couldn't fight the small smile that grazed her lips. From the moment that happened on the party, he and even others couldn't stop teasing her. She then learned it was all planned and the face she made was even better than the one at the proposal. Shaking off her memory, she started the car, her foot slamming on the gas, leaving the place.

     Turning around a corner, her eyes firstly searched for her blonde friend. It wasn't hard to find him, he was right in front her, waving to pull over. Stopping the agent looked to her left, to see Brian get on with a heavy sigh. ,,You actually did it." He said, nodding his head in respect.

     Jessica immediately raised her eyebrow. ,,Of course I did it. Why you seem so surprised?"

     At the question, he turned to her, his blue orbs finding her green ones. ,,It's nothing." The male said pursing his lips. She give him a open lip smile, before her hands wrapped around the starring wheel, but stop to look at him again, seeing his face out of corner of her eye.


     ,,Let me drive, we will be there quicker."

     Rolling her eyes, she turned to face the front, smirking. Giving her a gaze with furrowed eyebrows, his eyes widen as suddenly she pressed her foot on the gas, turning around and speeding to get her two other friends.

      Brian pursed his lips in proudness. He only saw her driving a car once and didn't get too much out of it as he tried to save Mr. Nobody. He didn't even catch that they were already stopping to let Tej and Roman get in.

     First Roman got in, not fully looking up. ,,Okay, Brian, so you just follow this road and then turn ri-i-ght." His eyebrows shot up high in the sky, seeing that behind the wheel was the redhead earlier and not his male friend.

      Jessica turned around with a laugh, before continuing her ride. ,,May I say I am impressed." Spoke up the other man, nodding with a smile.

     ,,Thanks, Tej."

     As she started to near to the chaos center, her stomach started to do flips.  Something feels wrong. Her nostrils fills with smoke and her vision catch a glimpse of fire. When she did the turn like Roman told her to do, her foot immediately flew to the brakes. Her green eyes widen, before quickly stepping out of the vehicle to have a better look.

     Smoke and fire was everywhere, but that wasn't the biggest concern now. At a top of a building that started to quickly fall to it's debris, was a car and she already new who was driving it. Dom. In her mind she prayed for him to get out of their safe and healthy, but Jessica wasn't sure after what happened next.

     The male flew from the building in his car, aiming only for a one thing. A helicopter that was floating in the air. She didn't know what he was up to, before, even by her blurry vision, she saw Dominic leaning out of the car to hang a bag full of explosives on the chopper. ,,Dom!" Screamed Letty, few feet away from her. Her mouth open in horror, seeing her friend in the vehicle falling into the ruins, the impact destroying it the car.

     She didn't think. Her feet immediately give her the strength to run for help as fast as possible. The redhead's brows furrowed in confusion when she saw Luke Hobbs standing before her, but it quickly disappeared, her concern bigger than confusion.

     The other agent saw her pass by, but he ignored it, before turning to shoot the bag that was on the helicopter. Successfully hitting it and making it explod. His brown eyes then immediately flew to Jessica as she tried to lift a big piece of the building of the car.

     Her limbs felt numb as she tried to lift it, almost giving up...but then to pairs of arms wrapped themselves around it, lifting it with ease. She already knew who it was. The cement landed on the floor as her and Luke removed the door of the car.

     Her breathe hitched in her throat, while she moved out of the way so the dark skinned agent and the blonde could pulled out the Toretto. Her green eyes filled with tears, placing her hand over her mouth at the sight. Looking at the male laying on the floor surrounded by his friend and wife, Jessica felt a hand on her shoulder, drawing small circles on it, trying to calm her. She didn't want this to happened. Please wake up, wake up, prayed the redhead.

     ,,I want you to keep his head tilted up, all right?" Said Brian, showing Letty the way, his voice shaky. ,,Keep it back like this. Pinch his nose, keep his head tilted." His hands then pressed into his chest, doing the first aid.

     The redhead watched with blurry eyes, not caring that anyone could see this side of her. She watched her friend laying on the floor looking lifeless, lip shaking as the blue eyed man tried so hard to make him breathe, the brunette trying to stop his movements, knowing it wasn't helping. ,,Stop!" Letty cried out, pulling him off Dom as she placed him in her arms.

     ,,Dom. Dom, baby." Rasped the female, while the others watched them in sadness. ,,I know you're hurting right now. But I want you to listen. Stay awake and focus on me. I remember everything, it came to me like a flood. I remember that night in the Dominican Republic, the night we got married...we have eternity in this moment. If you die, I die. And I'm not ready to leave this place yet." She cried, pulling him closer to her. ,,This moment is still ours. I remember everything. I remember it all."

     ,,It's about time." Come out as a unexpected answer.

     The Gray woman laughed in happiness at the voice. Looking at her friend, his smile made her sigh in relief and to pull him in a small side hug. Her lips were pulled in big smile, gazing back at the couple.

     ,,Why didn't you tell me we were married?" Asked the brown eyed female, mumbling into his skin.

     Dominic look at her, with the most love in his eyes, she ever seen. ,,Because you can't tell someone they love you." He said.

     For an answer Letty pulled him into a kiss. Everyone cheered in happiness and relief that it is all over and everyone was safe.


✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


     A SOFT BREEZE OF AIR FLEW AROUND HER, her red hair flowing in the air and eyes glowing in the sun that shined on her skin. On her lips was placed a big smile as she gazed at Mia who playing with Jack. ,,Daddy! Come play." She called out to her husband, her lips pulled into a smile, looking at her son who runs to Brain.

     ,,Yeah." Said the blonde as a answer, before turning to look at the small boy rushing to him with a giggle.

     The boy comes to him, the male raising him into air by his armpits. ,,Yeah, buddy." The child smiled at him as the others smiled too at the sight.

     ,,Duty calls." Spoke up Dominic, nodding at the older male.

     ,,It does." Answered the O'connor man, before standing up. He then raised his son into the air by his arms, running to the female that was waiting for them at the sea.

     Jessica smiled at their direction, before turning to look at Roman who was talking to his friend who ignored him, gazing at the family at the beach
,,—because the sun is out, I'm kind of medium rare, but I can get, like, well done. Like, really dark—" Tej nudge him with his elbow to stop him from rambling. ,,What you nudging me for?" He asked offended.

     The male answered him with his gaze still fixed at the trio. ,,Close your mouth for two seconds. Just open your eyes, man."

     So Roman turned around to look at the couple with their son playing. ,,Beautiful." He said. Something about them was so beautiful and peaceful that person could watch them for hours.

     ,,That's where he belongs." Breathe out Letty, cutting the moment of silence.

     ,,Home." Remarks the Toretto.  ,,Where he always belonged."

     The green eyed agent smiled, her eyes looking into the distance. ,,Things are gonna be different now." She spoke up.

     Dominic stood up, gazing at them with a longing gaze. ,,You aren't going to say goodbye'?" Asked Ramsey, looking at him. He look at her with a smile and a knowing look, before his eyes turned back at his sister, his best friend and their son.

     ,,It's never goodbye."


I used to say I live my life a quarter-mile at a time and I think that's why we were brothers.

Because you did, too.

No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter-mite away or halfway across the world.

You always be with me.

And you'll always be my brother.


hi guys
first of all i am sorry i didn't updated sooner
second of all i feel like this isn't the best chapter you guys deserve

and guys stay safe  ❤️


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