➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙤𝙣𝙚

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• ━━━━ •

     NOTHING, nothing could prepare her for this moment. Many, many words could describe perfectly of how she felt. Jessica had a feeling back then that she will see him eventually again but - but not this soon. The woman quite didn't take it as unpleasantly as her best friend  before her. By the small time of actually knowing Deckard, she discovered that they did a quite good team and eventually did become friends — well they find respect for each other which is a very good start. Luke on the other hand still isn't very fond of him and she sees why. The man still gets on her nerves, but who doesn't. ,,No fucking way." The two men says at the same time, glaring into each other's eyes. The redhead cross her arms over her chest, ready for their bickering to start. She purse her lips, watching the scene with boredom flashing in her green eyes.

     ,,I am not working with this guy. I been there done that." Says her dark skinned best friend. The female want her raise her hand say that she's been there too and spend a lot more time with this guy but she realized, they can yell at each other for a bit longer than that.

    ,,The minute he get's involved, you can kiss goodbye to any finesse,  because Hulk—" Deckard gestured to Luke, before his finger slowly points to her. ,,—and She-Hulk here only knows how to smash."

    The redhead's eyebrows shots up to her hairline at the words, her hand coming to her chest, like she didn't believe him that it was meant for her. A big sarcastic chuckle escapes her lips, a glare making it's way to her features. ,,I'm sorry but if I wasn't there saving your ass every five second you would be dead." Fires back Jessica. Of course there where times he helped her too but she is not going to mention that.

     ,,I don't need any of your help." He clarified, looking back at her friend. ,,Nor yours." The duo narrows their eyes at each other, same sentence falling from their mouths.

    ,,That guy's a real asshole." The two men again says at the same time, pointing their fingers at each other and gazing at the woman for a approval. She just stared back.

    Hand falling back to his side, the British male looks back at Luke. ,,That's, uh, sumbitch in your native tongue." He mocks.

    ,,That'd be wanker in your native tongue."

    ,,Are you finished blubbering?" Deckard, before gesturing to his whole figure with his right hand. ,,You sound like a giant tattooed baby."

    The male ignores the insult. ,,I'm not listening to this horseshit. I got a job to do." Luke slightly turn his body to the direction of the doors, but something tells her that he isn't even midway finished with him. And she was right again. ,,Tell your mom I said hi." He says, small smirk coming to his face when he sees his expression at the words. ,,Actually, I'll tell her myself."

     He inhales through his nose, pointing again with his finger at her friend. ,,Don't you ever talk about my mother. I'll put your head through that wall." Shaw warns, his hands flying all over the room, the redhead watching the exchange of words with raised eyebrow, holding not to say something herself.  ,,Secondly, I'll have this job done while you're still putting on your baby oil. Good luck slick." The brown eyed male turns to the door at his own side, mimicking his movements, but stopping him from exiting was the snap of fingers echoing through the air.

     ,,That's it. You just reminded me." The dark skinned agent sneers as the man turn back to him. ,,That's exactly why I hate working with you. It's your voice. It's your nasally, prepubescent, Harry Potter voice. Every time you speak — just imagine this for a second, it's like dragging my balls across shattered glass. And it hurts." He says slowly, his friend's eyebrows now hitting the top of the ceiling before a grimace forms on her features.

     ,,Well, for me...it's not your voice, it's your face. Your big, stupid face. Looking at it makes me feel like God is projectile vomiting right in my eyes. And it burns." Deckard closes his brown eyes for a moment, acting like he feels the imaginary pain. ,,It really burns." Her best friend glares down the man, leaning over and grabbing the chair that was separating them from ripping each other's heads off. His knuckles turned white from how tightly he was holding it, a small screech coming from the metal chair as it scrapes across the floor. Shaw's eyes immediately falls down at that movement. ,,What you gonna do now? Throw a bit of furniture?" He says, mokingly.

     ,,For your information I was gonna take this chair and turn this sideways and shove it right right down your throat."

     The female sighs, rolling her emerald orbs at the duo. ,,Guys..." She trailes off, having enough of this. The boys of course ignored her, her voice still too quiet to actually do something with them.

    ,,Of course you are. Cause that's your answer to everything." The criminal exclaims.

    ,,Guys, can you for love of God —" Again they didn't hear her, Deckard only continuing with his insults.

     ,,Smash a hole through every problem in a massive truck. That's not gonna work here."

    ,,Ah, I think it will work fine." Just before the two could do anything, a voice from other side of the wall broke them off.

    ,,Guys, why don't your take a seat and we'll talk through this?" Says an CIA agent behind tbe mirror glass. For an answer her best friend trow the chair he was holding the whole time with death grib on the black stained glass. For the first time the red haired woman fully stepped out of her shadows, those words that she kept the whole time for herself, being spoken.

    ,,Us and you, we've been done this road." She points to each one of them with her arms still crossed over her chest, glaring at him with her green eyes. ,,And for a split second, I thought you could actually stop acting like an asshole and work with us like a normal human being!" A small sarcastic laugh comes from her the second time, disappearing as soon as it was released. ,,Let me tell you it's a total waste of time, you're total waste of time."

     The redhead really thought he was something better than all of the people kept saying to her, even her innerself wanted to give him a chance. She was really naive. Even those words that left her didn't seem to move something in him or he was just good at masking his true emotions. ,,For once, I couldn't agree with you more." After a moment of silence answers Deckard. ,,And if you two don't mind, I'm gonna do this my way." Looking around the room from any remark on that statement, the females sighs in true dissapointment but it is too quiet for anyone to hear. ,,If anyone's got a problem with that I suggest you come out here and stop me." His answer was a just silence from all the people that could hear him. ,,Smart lads." He comments, takeing a last glance at the duo with a plain expression on his face, before he makes his way out of the room.

     It didn't take long for someone to broke the silence. Jessica spoke up just as she sees him fully exiting the floor by going in an elevator. ,,I'll go after him, see what he's up to. Try to find anything that could helps us find her." She said with her gaze still trained now at the closed door of the elevator.

     Without even waiting for an answer, she exits the room with her head held high how she always did.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


      A FAMILIAR but a unexpected noise is heard from other side of the doors she is standing before. It was just a few minutes after she saw Deckard going through this door, thinking it would be better not to be fully right at his tail. She remembers that no-one followed him other than herself but those loud noises said otherwise. It clicks to her that the visiter isn't someone who is on their side.

     Grabbing her weapon that is hidden in her leather jacket, she slowly with her foot opens the already open doors. Her vision was met with darkness other than a blaring red and blue lights. Just as she was going to step fully inside, she looks down on the ground. Something catches her eye and the something is a string leading to a grenade. A confusion flashes over her but her question has to wait, still hearing the crashing noices but now more clear. With her eyes looking between the grenade and the direction of the noise, she then goes to follow. She carefully step over the string, turning around corners of the apartment. Her sight caught a body laying on the ground and another and another. They were dressed in black ops clothing and were heavily armoured. Something tells her that they are for sure members of Eteon.

     Her posture hardens, her hands that hold her gun stopping at the two men before her. Deckard seem to register a new presence in the room but he was too caught up with the male before him, to know it's actually her. She fires quickly as she points her gun at the member of Eteon, shooting him right in his head. His body falls down on the ground while Shaw goes to look at her with his weapon in his hands, breathing heavily through his nose. A microwave is his weapon.

     The woman lowers her pistol and straighten her back. ,,Still don't need my help?" She asks, cocking her eyebrow at him. The man rolls his eyes, already lowering his own weapon but he suddenly tense up as something caught his eye behind her.

     The red head narrows her green eyes at that movement before they immediately widened when he throws the microwave right at her. In instinct she crouchs, missing the kitchen supply by a millimeter. Her head snapped behind her, just seeing as a man falls down on the ground when the microwave hits him in the head with a click! Standing up she shouts Deckard a look as he gives her a expression that says —you were saying?

     Jessica rolls her eyes in defeat, putting her gun back in her jacket. ,,Fair enough." She said.



i know it's a short chapter but the next will be super long so...yeah
hope you like it!


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