➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮

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     ,,WHERE?" That was the only thing that escape her lips and the only thing that matter for her. She just needs to know where.

     Another normal day, another mission in task, she thought, looking around herself. Maybe it was the loud music blaring in her ears or the people or the brightly shining lights on the ceiling. Maybe all of that above. Long slow strides were made by her, going through the people as she tried her best to merge in. The redhead was doing a quite good job, considering that most of her company were men or the lightly dressed females. Somewhere in New York in one of those high clubs that you could see everywhere, was the agent searching for her target.

     As Jessica passes at table, a new found idea comes to her mind, grabbing one of those Martini at the stranger's table. The someone didn't even seem to notice her presence, the green eyed woman smirking slightly to herself, shaking her head at the young drunk people. With her drink in her hands, she goes through another group of people. Her eyes then look up from her feet to see the doors that she was finding the whole time.

     At either side of them stand bodyguards, their hands placed in front of them, like they were guarding the queen herself. The man behind the doors was not more than a Mafia Boss. Someone says that you should never mess with the Mafia but well she can use some fun. With the drink in her hands, she goes straight to the doors, not even missing a beat in her long steps. A arm that come in her way, was the thing that made her finally stop.

     Looking from the man's arm which was stretch out before her, her eyes stops at the owner's features. ,,Who the hell are you?" He asks rudely. From behind her after she turn to look fully at the man, could be felt his company slightly shifting closer to her.

     Jessica smirks lightly, pulling her drink to her lips. ,,I'm what you call a martini problem." She says, before splashing the alcohol in to his face. He cries out at the itchy feeling in his eyes, trying to blink it away but he was too slow to block her punch. The male clunch at his stomach, his friend grabbing the female firmly by her shoulder. Without even turning around she rise her leg, her heel digging into his foot, the impact then immediately makes him hiss in pain. The woman nextly raise her elbow which hit him straight into his jaw.

     The two bodyguards lays on the floor, holding their new injuries, too unconscious to even stop her from kicking open the doors. ,,Out." Says the agent, her voice filled with calmness as her vision caught the man surrounded by women. The girls didn't question, immediately raising to their feet, running out of the room with small shrieks. The only man in the room silently gasps, already knowing who this woman was, his eyes filling with fear and slight confusion why she was even here.

    As she nears him, the chubby man tried to stand up from his seat. The redhead pouts slightly, pushing him back down on the chair. ,,I thought you were staying for the show." She remarks. Smirk graze her lips, slowly looking at the table by them, seeing something that caught her eye.

     Holding him down she pulls out her knife from her pocket and then grabs the piece of lime from the table. ,,We're going to play a small game." She explains, looking in to his his eyes but they were too concentrated on the weapon in her hands. ,,I'll give you questions, you'll give me answers...and if not..." Jessica trails off.

    Flickering the sharp knife in her hand, she cuts small piece of his skin, small trail of his blood coming out of it. The male hiss at the pressure, before it goes to a scream as she place the piece of fruit on the cut. Not wanting any of the juice going through his skin, he shakes his head with his eyes closed in pain. ,,Oh, so now you understand that's good because I don't like wasting my time over people like you." The Gray woman smiles bitterly, before continuing.

    ,,I think you might now something  about this virus." The man look at her, shaking his head. Well that wasn't the answer she wanted. She knew he was lying, his eyes told it all. ,,No?" Pouts again the green eyed woman. He shakes his head again, making her putt the lime back in to his cut.

    ,,Yes, yes!" He yells in her face, pain written all over his face. ,,I know what you mean." The agent humms, before pulling the fruit away, making him immediately sigh in relief.

    ,,A group named Eteon, sounds familiar? Do you have any idea where I might find them?" Smiles Jessica at him. The male sigh in defeat, giving her an answer that he didn't know. He wasn't lying.

    Nodding, the female stand up, but she can't help herself and hit him in his croch before she left with satisfaction that was written all over her lips as she hears him cry out in pain.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


     A SMILE GRAZE HER FULL LIPS, gazing with her green eyes down at the red marked papers in her hand. ,,A, A, A. Excellent!" She exclaims, grinning down at the curly haired girl by her left side. Sam for a moment look up from her drawing to give her a bashful smile. Folding the papers, she pass it to her father that seem to be as proud as her.

    The red haired woman takes a sip of her drink, looking out of the window to the golden tinted streets. It was few hours ago when she went on her small mission but it still couldn't come out of her mind. She didn't say anything to her best friend who sat before her, knowing that this isn't the right time to talk about any of this situation that's going on in the world. Only one reason — he has a growing daughter and Jessica kind of felt...sad. Something about going on missions with her best pal felt different than going all by herself. But she also had it all in her on hands and could do anything that came in her mind, because some of her ideas are dangerous — most of them and she knew that he wouldn't allow them.

   ,,Oh, by the way your Old Man and the Sea report from last week?" Started Luke, making her snap out of her senses to look back at him. ,,You did so good, it was awesome." She humms in agreement, putting her drink in the air to cheers at that.

   ,,Thanks, Daddy." Smiles the dark skinned girl, bumping her fist with his.

    Drinking little bit out of her beer, her attention shiftes to the paper which she was working on the whole time. ,,What's that?" Gestures the female.

     The younger female slightly shutters over that question. ,,It's Social studies assignment." She answers, handing her the paper. ,,It's a family tree. It's just a sketch." Her eyebrows were raised looking at the green lines. Luke Hobbs and Jessica Gray — aunt (unrelated). She cringe little bit, seeing that only the two of them were on the paper and on the small question mark where her mothers name should be. She then  pass it to Hobbs.

    ,,Oh, yeah." Luke exhales, gazing down at the assignment with the same expression as Jessica's. ,,That's our family tree right there. It's uh...it's super easy to read and very clear." He compliment gazing up from the piece of paper to look at her. ,,Yeah."

    ,,But I was going to use this." Continue the girl, her voice quiet. The woman smiles sadly at the photograph that she taken out from her pocket. ,,I found it in a garage drawer." In the photo is her father, her brother and the redhead. It was just few months after that the duo become friends with each other and it was the last time when she has been on a visit. Smiling slightly at her younger self, while trying hard not to laugh at those braids that mama Hobbs did to her, she looks back at the family.

    ,,That's you isn't? Who's Jonah? Is that your brother?"

   The dark skinned male sighs at the question. ,,Yup that's my brother." He says and you could easily see all of those flashbacks that shined in his brown eyes.

    ,,Why don't you ever talk about Samoa?" Sam asks, slowly. ,,Did something happen?"

    ,,In life things happen." He starts, trying to find the right words as the two females closely listen. ,,You may not want them to, but they do. You just gotta do your best and move on." The agent explains. ,,And the fact of the matter is...I — we are your family. We're your people." The redhead smiles at the statement, catching eyes with her friend across the table.

     ,,And you two are a whole lot." Says the curly haired girl, making the two grin down at her.

    ,,Oh, we're a whole lot."

    Luke's eyes then shiftens behind the green eyed woman, clapping his hands as he sees the waitresses, making their way to them with their food. ,,Look at this. Perfect timing." Smiles the man, looking up to the middle-aged woman that puts down a plate with pancakes before him. He sees the portion and immediately send it to his daughter. ,,Oh, no this is the mini. Thank you so much." He explains, handing the plate.

    Her green eyes flicker to the actual pancakes that he ordered, making her raise one of her eyebrows at how much of the sweet food was on it. ,,Cheat day?" Asks the waitress putting down his plate.

    ,,Cheat day." Confirms the male, looking down at the food. ,,Yeah, thank you so much." He smiles before digging in to his food.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


     THE TRIO STILL SAT AT THEIR TABLE. The females look at Luke who took his last bite of his meal, not even knowing the next thing that will happen. It almost looked like all of the comfortable atmosphere just disappeared as the agents hear all too familiar voice. ,,Lucas Rebecca Hobbs." The named man didn't even have the time to take his last bite, too shocked to even finish. ,,I haven't seen you in forever."

     The girl repeats the middle name in confusion, while the redhead looks up to the owner of the voice. He looks down at her with wide eyes, trying to hide that he obviously knew that she will be here with them. ,,Jessica Louise Gray." Locke sighs like a teenage girl seeing her crush. She rolls her eyes at the use of her full name, again Sam repeating it like the most confusing thing she ever heard. ,,Girl you aged like fine wine. How long's it been?" He asks, the woman ignoring the pathetic try to flirt. If you were in her place you would probably do the same.

    ,,Eight years actually." Answers the redhead with a bitter smile.

    He shakes his head. ,,Time flies." He whispers.

   ,,When we're all apart." Spoke up Luke. He actually seen Locke six months ago, while she really didn't want to be back in his presence again.

    The brunette looks away from a moment to catch eyes with the other man. He realise a small laugh, with a look of disbelief on his face. ,,What is your skincare routine, regimen?" He says, shaking his head. You literaly saw him six months ago, thought the redhead. Without even asking for permission, the male goes to sit down at their table right next to the female agent. ,,Because you look like a young Shirley Temple." Locke continues.

     Jessica shift in her seat not very comfortable and it makes the girl shift too, immediately going to sit next to her father. ,,Daddy who's this guy?" The woman was quicker to answer.

    ,,I don't know if you ever seen a jerk, Sam but he is the best example of that kind."

   ,,Ouch, Jessie that really hurt." Says the brown haired man, putting a hand on his heart, the female really having hard time not to make a remark on the nickname. ,,You still mad that i  broke up with you?" As the statement left his lips, her mouth open with a gasp going from it.

    ,,Wait you two dated?" Questions the best friend in shock and slight disbelief that he didn't knew that.

    ,,No! We didn't!" Argues the green eyed female.

    ,,Yes..." Points out Locke, little bit too proud in her option. ,,And I will have that night in my heart forever." He sigh, closing his eyes in some sort of bliss. The look of disgust really really couldn't get any bigger. She wants to say many things but maybe some other time when Sam is not around. It was just a one — one night and she got very drunk and after it happened she promised herself that she will never ever get this drunk again. That was the main reason why the agent didn't want to see him because he keeps bringing it on.

     Luke narrows his eyes at the duo. ,,To answer your question..." He starts, making them snap out of their bickering as he continue. ,,This guy is Locke and he works for the CIA."

    ,,Your dad and I...we're old friends."

    ,,We're not old friends." He corrects.

    ,,Actually we're...um we're best friends." Says Locke, playing with his necklace, the woman raising her eyebrow at those words. ,,Here's the half heart." Looking at him, her eyes goes to the necklace, seeing a half of heart. It was one of those friendship necklaces that all girls have with their best friend.

    A smile of amusement cross her lips, catching eyes with the girl who seem to find it as funny as her. ,,I don't know what that is." Answers Luke, shaking his head.

     ,,We got some ink together as well." Continue Locke, slowly loosening up his tie.

    Hobbs shakes his head again. ,,We did not get ink together." The male remarks, the two females' eyes going back and forth.

    ,,Oh, we didn't?"

    ,,No, we did not."

    The brown haired man hums, unbuttoning his shirt. ,,Interesting." The agent again repeats his answer, but he was simply ignored. ,,Well I seem to remember getting a little something like this..." He finally then move the fabric away, so they could get a look on his tattoo. ,,At one point on my body." Locke finishes, the three looking at the tattoo that they've seen already but on Luke's skin. The dark skinned man looks under his T-shirt, seeing that the two tattoos actually matched perfectly. The red haired agent mumble a small curse, still gazing at the exact same tattoo.


    ,,— Christ." Finishes the CIA agent for him. ,,I miss our playful banter."

    Jessica rolls her eyes at this reunion, already having enough of it. She turns to the male beside her, shifting her body so she could get a better look at him. ,,You've one minute to tell us what you want before I knock one of your teeth out." Warns the female as he turn to her.

     ,,You and I are after the same thing." The brunette starts, before pointing at her best friend. ,,And actually you two buddy." The redhead frowns, gazing at Luke with dissapointment. They agreed that he will take a small break from his work to spend his time with his daughter but he just could not help it.

     Before she could say anything about this situation, the CIA agent started talking again. ,,Say hello to the CT-17 virus. It's a programmable bioweapon of biblical proportions." He says, showing the papers that were in his hand, the two adults flickering their eyes over the words on the file. ,,Affectionately code-named The Snowflake."

     ,,What does The Snowflake do?" Spoke up Samantha, making their heads snap in her direction.

    The male shruggs, the woman letting him to explain it to her because she already knew what it was. ,,Oh, nothing much." Remarks Locke, his eyes on her father. ,,Just, liquefies your internal organs. Basically turns your body into a giant back of hot soup."

     ,,She is nine!" Luke exhales.

     The girl only shruggs at her father's behavior. ,,Seen worse." The agent's eyes widened, giving her a pointed look to be quiet but he already heard her.


     ,,Game of Thrones." She says proudly. ,,Jenet's house." Hobbs immediately glares at his friend.

    ,,You let her watch it?" The woman shruggs, playing innocent, hiding behind her drink.

    ,,A Lannister always pays his debts." Joins the brunette.

    The father shakes his head, before looking down at his daughter. ,,You're never going over there again." He points out making her smile slowly fading off into a pout.

     ,,But there's a new wrinkle in the case, Rebecca." Continue Locke. ,,The specifics are all in the brief." Giving the duo the files, the redhead quickly  takes it out of his hand before he could touch her hand. Her eyes flicker to the girl who tried to snatch it out of his hand, before her dad could but she was too slow and their new company obviously sees this. ,,She's ready, Becca."

     ,,She's is nine!" Hobbs repeats, thankfully the man then let it be.

    ,,This is the only unit of CT-17 in existence and the snowflake is now in hands of a rogue MI6 operative in London." Going through the paper, she come across a blonde haired woman and she might say she was really pretty and hee best friend seem to think the same.

     ,,Dad, are all spies that pretty?" Asks Sam, saying out loud the words that were singing in the woman's head.

    ,,No." He says, the red haired woman raising a playful eyebrow on his answer. ,,She's just unusually attractive."

     ,,And deadly." Add Locke. ,,Last night she was part of an MI6 team, tasked with securing the virus. She then proceeded to kill her entire black ops squad. She stabbed one guy in the chest using a brick." He explains, gazing at the curly haired girl. ,,Do you know how hard that is? To stabs someone using a brick?"

     ,,Get to the point." Sighs the female agent, the man thankfully listening to her request.

     ,,The point is there's no sharp edge." The woman rolls her eyes as he continue. ,,How did she get an entire brick into another person's chest? She either had to be really strong or the other person had to been like born without, like, bones."

     ,,Get to the larger point." Explains the redhead, having enough of this.

    ,,She stole The Snowflake. She went totally off-grid." Locke answers, making the female sigh.

    ,,Who's this?" Ask Luke, showing him a photograph with a man on it.

    ,,That's the scientist we believe created the virus."

    Agent Gray smiles. ,,Great. Where do we find him?"

     ,,He's off-grid too. Impossible to find, maybe dead." The woman shakes his head. This is not good.

     ,,You're very helpful, Locke." Says Hobbs, his voice full of sarcasm.

     ,,And you two are the world's best trackers." The male leans forward to him and even putting his hand over hers. The redhead snatch his hand off as soon as it touch hers. ,,I am sure you'll figure something out."

     ,,Oh, no, no, no." Shakes his head the agent before him as he says this. ,,We're DSS, you're CIA. We don't work for you." Jessica nodds her head at that.

     ,,Your Boss loaned you out. You do now dickface." He says, the female whistling and shaking her head. Boy is playing with fire. It's true what he was saying and he also knew that where he goes the redhead will be always right behind him.

     ,,What'd you just call me?" Glares the dark skinned agent, hitting the table with his hands as he leans forward to the brunette.

     He immediately puts his hands up in shudder, now knowing this wasn't the right choice of words. ,,Hey, hey, hey! Let's just settle down. All right?" Locke remarks, pulling his hand into stop motion. ,,We've already got a black site running in London. There's an operative there, top of his game. He'll be your contact."

      ,,We don't need anybody else." Jessica says. ,,We work alone."

     Shockingly the male snap at her, the green eyed woman really trying not to punch straight in to his stupid face. ,,We've got bigger problems than your fragile ego or the fact that a moment ago I most definitely shit my pants." She cringe immediately, making her death glare fade off as his eyes goes to his pants.

     ,,The entire world is at stake here, all right? This thing gets out, we're looking at lot of liquefied organs and I mean, like, everywhere. And not just yours and mine." Locke points at the girl, trying to be as invisible as he can be but he really was doing a bad job at that.

     ,,Uh, he knows I can see him, right?" Says Sam, raising one of her dark eyebrows.

     Her dad leans back in his seat, before turning to look at her, giving her an answer. ,,He knows nothing, Jon Snow." He smiles with the woman snickering at the horrible pun.

      Locke's brown eyes flicker over the family. ,,So, what's it gonna be, Becky, Jessie? You gonna partner up?" The two agent gaze at each other for a moment, nodding, finally decided with their decision.

      ,,We're in."

      ,,Of course you are."

     Luke tilted his head, looking up and down the man before him. ,,Do you remember what I told you in Rwanda?"

     ,,It still burns?" Question Locke.

     ,,No, the other thing."

    ,,Stop watching me sleep?" Okay this is getting weird.

     ,,I said, we're not friends at all." Luke sighs out, shaking his head.

    ,,We're best friends." The male argues, correcting him, saying the statement with him.

     ,,And to watch your back —"

     ,,Can I wash your back, yeah. Oh, remember. "

     ,,Watch your back." Hobbs repeat, glaring.

    He nodds. ,,Lot of back. I got you." The agent hangs his head low, sighing. ,,Hey, same old Hobbs, huh?" Grins the agent, gesturing to the named male.

     ,,Same old Locke." The two men then do their handshake, making her sigh in relief that this was all over, before she speak up again, taking her last sip out of her beer.

     ,,All right...who's on the case?"



hey guys
sorry for the late update again
i tried to find the hobbs & shaw movie with subtitles because there literally isn't any script on the internet and also because english isn't my first language
okay now to the point 😅 i found this website with the whole movie with subtitles and a good quality (it's completely completely free)
and want to share a link here with you guys because there was a person asking me where i usually watch or download the fast & furious franchise
AND ALSO 40K? i am crying (i'm not kidding)
i feel like it was just yesterday when we hit 30k and guys you don't even know how much i appreciate your support and i love reading all of your comments seeing you're enjoying reading this book as much as enjoy writing it
i literally luv you all so much




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