➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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 ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶       ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶

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     A LOUD SOUND OF SCREECHING WHEELS CUT THROUGH THE SILENT AFTERNOON IN THE NEW YORK CITY'S STREETS. A tension that you could cut with knife fills the air around them. Jessica's green eyes not moving from the car and it's driver before her as they waited for some movement from him. A voice of the dakr skinned female echoes through the tension after a moment of waiting, but still her eyes didn't budge from her target. ,,Guys." Was heared from the communication link, Ramsey's voice coming out little bit shaky. ,,I know why Dom’s here. Police scanners are saying he’s stolen Nuclear Football."

     It's bad, really bad. They have the EMP and now even nuclear codes. Cipher really wants the best stuff, but they're not going to let her win, even is she feels that it will happen otherwise.

     Her friend next to her pull out his walkie-talkie, making her flicker her attention to him slightly. ,,It’s over, Toretto." Says Luke, his words clearly being heard by the named man. ,,Get your ass out of the car now." He doesn't answer. ,,So that's how you want to play this? Let's play."

     Nothing. It did nothing with him, like he didn't even heard it, but she knows for sure he did. Her eyes catch a glimpse of his features, but her concentrated gazing didn't last long. Suddenly Dom step on the gas, his car not stopping from going to crash right in to them but she knew better, ignoring the uneasy feeling in her stomach. But someone didn't. ,,He's going for it!" Warns Little Nobody, putting his foot away from the breaks and doing a sharp turn to the right, trying to catch down the male and stuck him between them.

     ,,What’re you doing?!"

     ,, It’s a trap!" Explains Luke. But it was too late.

     The older male circle around the blonde, making him miss. The next unexpected thing that happen was that he drive right through a horticulture, breaking the glass of the store. Thankfully he didn't hurt any of those people in the shop. Everyone then turn their cars around with the gas pedal at the ground, trying to at least gaine the same power of speed as his car. ,,And that's why we don't bring kids to this." Mumbles the woman, Luke humming in agreement.

     ,,Now I know what it feels like be every cop ever chasing us." Comments Tej. They did a sharp turn that sharp that she had to grab on to something. This vehicle surely wasn't the best at this kind of maneuvers.

      The com-link rattle after some moment of trying to catch the Toretto man. ,,I’m gonna get a little closer and I ped him." Says Little Nobody, making the redhead shake her head at that statement. Before she could say it, the dark skinned male beat her.

      ,,Oh, so you just gonna ped Dom?" Roman exclaims. ,,Little Nobody has clearly lost his little mind." She can't agree more. He is skilled driver and just trying to race after him was a bad idea. He had his tricks.

     As the blonde was right behind Dom, his confidence only become bigger. ,,I’m on him."

    Taking her own communicater, she immediately fires back at him, pressing the button at the side. ,,Easy, work together." Warns Jessica, not having time for any of his risky business. When she put it back down her eyes form into slits at the scene that was happening before her.

     The male did a sharp turn to right to the side walk. The realization of his small plan struck her immediately and her eyes widened as she saw him drive right through the scaffold at a building. ,,Look out!" The woman yells through the walkie-talkie, meaning it to everyone but mostly to the young man before them. Others quickly turn to left, missing it by centimeters but he was to slow.

     Little Nobody cursed as he sees the scaffold falling right on him. It trapped him, immediately stopping his car under the weight of the metal. Her attention turn back to Dom who now tries to escape by going away from the highway.

     The team follows him quickly but the best friend next to her had a better idea. ,,We will take the short cut." Hobbs speak up as they drove right through the metal.

     Cringing slightly at the impact, her arm stretch out, pointing down the street. ,,Turn left." She orders him, while he did exactly that. Hopefully the plan will work.

     Few minutes past since then, praying that the male be right there where they want him to be. And he was. The behind of his car was pierced with the hooks that belong to the brunette and Tej. He thought that he would drive right away, but Deckard at the other side of the road, active his own hook, piercing right though his doors. Then the duo was next, successfully hitting his car and lastly Roman who hit the front of his car. ,,Stretch him out." Says the Gray female, her green eyes on Dominic who started trying to get out of their grip.

     The others immediately complete her request by going reverse. The wheels of everybody's cars screech on the asfalt, having hard time to take control over his car. The car must've been really tuned, because there was no way and even everyone's wheels now start to smoke by the power of the car. ,,He gotta have about 2000 Horse Power in that thing." Says Luke, matching her disbelief.

     ,,Try 3000." Corrects him the dark skinned hacker.

     From the side she could see hin, looking down at something on the car and the something was NOS that he turn on. When he turn it on he goes unexpectedly reverse, tugging Roman with him. Suddenly he stop the reverse, now going straight at him. Her eyes widen as the male didn't have any time to react, while Dominic hit the front of his car with his. The dark skinned man then tries to drive back to his original position, but the Toretto male goes reverse. The sharp tugg made his friend's car flipp in the air, while the redhead watch it all with big eyes.

     ,,This is not good..." She realise a shaky breathe in concern, but it quickly goes to shock when the doors where their hook was flew out of it's hinge, flying right on them. A gasp escape her lips as the impact make the car back to a lamp, making the vehicle fall on to the side. It wasn't that big hit, but it made her groan as her side was pressed on the stick shift. This can't be happening, she thought, we almost had him. Her thoughts wanders to the plan between her and Deckard, making her question how he could just predict everything what happened few seconds ago. Her eyes goes to her friend beside her, looking for any injuries. When she fiinds none, she decided it was time to go.

     As the redhead started to climb out of the car, her friend's eyes widened in confusion and concern. ,,Jess!" He calls out to her but he was simply ignored, watching his best friend who jump out and started to run to the direction of the case that layed on the ground. ,,Wait!" He says again, now seeing what she is up to.

      She breathes heavily, her eyes stopping on the male who grab the suitcase and the criminal who was right behind. Jessica could hear the loudness of Luke's feet, trying to catch up with her but she didn't stop. Turning around the corner the female join the British male by his side, coming into sudden stop.

      Dom turn to them with a gun in his hands, pointing straight at them. She catch his eyes that slightly softens at the look on her face. This wasn't the plan. The green eyed woman knew that he didn't want to shoot her, but not being so sure about Shaw at her side. Her stomach still did turns at the sight of the weapon, pointing at the place between them, like he was thinking about who will be first. ,,You though this was gonna be a streetfight." Spoke up Dominic, his eyes flickering to Deckard.

     ,,You wait for it."

     The sound of gun cocking makes her heartbeat quicken. ,,Dom, please..." She pleads him, not wanting to see the man beside her die.

     A shock struck right through her when she hears him fire at Deckard. Her head turn in horror at his limping body, but it disappeared in blur when she sees her friend pointing the gun at her.

      Everything than goes black.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


     HER BODY SLAMMED DOWN ON A CARGO DOORS, a small grunt leaving her lips from the impact of her knees on the metal. Her hands flew to her gun, wrapped around her thigh, hers and her company's footsteps banging on the floor of the plane as each one of them hide behind a pile of shipment. Maybe this will be one of the most unexpected things she will ever do. Maybe. The red haired woman then unstraps her helment, taking it off and throwing it on the floor. Her emerald eyes turn to look behind her, her gaze stopping at Deckard and Owen Shaw.

     ,,Like the old times." Mumbles the dark haired male, with his hands wrapped around his weapon. It shocked her that he didn't try to cut her head off or something like that, but he was surprisingly was calm. Other than his brother who just couldn't stop making his stupid smart remarks.

     Turning back to the front, she lick her dry lips. ,,Yeah when we are back in the old times..." She started. ,,Do you guys remember when I kicked your assses?" From her lips escapes a small chuckle, but the two siblings could still hear it clearly.

     ,,Definitely don't remember that." Answers Deckard, his eyes shifting to her. She titled her head with a shrugg, smirk slowly creeping it's way to her full lips.

     ,,Of course you don't, I kicked your ass pretty hard."

     Owen roll his eyes in annoyance, silently praying God to make them shut the hell up. ,,Can you two shut up already? I would be rather thrown out of the plane than hearing your nonstoping bickering."

     She raise her eyebrow at that statement, catching his eyes. ,,Y'know, I can help you with that...again." She smiles wickedly at him.

     ,,No shit."

     The other male then to turn to look at them with his head gesturing to the doors. ,,Let's go." He says. ,,The arseholes ain't gonna kill themselves."

    The trio rushed to the doors, crouching, stopping by them with their weapons point to them. Owen looks up to the wall behind them, seeing something that caught his eye. Gesturing with his head, the two turn around to find a camera aiming right on them. ,,Surprise." Teases Deckard, making the woman roll her eyes, before turning back to the door. A loud footsteps could be heard from behind the doors and before they could say anything about it, they open.

     The three points with their guns at the men, shooting everyone quicker than expected. If she wouldn't despise the two she would say that they did a pretty good team together. The enemies' bodies falls down on the floor as the three nextly separate ways. ,,Get to the pilot, he's got the second key." Orders the brown eyed man to his brother.

     ,,Wait for our signal." She continue, while he started to climb up on a staircase.

     ,,Give Cipher my regards." He calls out to them. You don't have to worry about that.

     Reloading slowly with calmness, the redhead join his brother by his side. ,,Still don't want to tell me who is helping us?" Asks Jessica, grabbing tightly the gun in her hands. She knew about Dom being involved with this that's why he knew exactly what was going to happen but she didn't know who had the much bigger role in this.


     ,,Why?" She push it further, making him roll his eyes in annoyance. Their conversation was cut short when four men appeared behind a corner.

     When one of them rush to strike her, she calmly shoot him in the stomach, before kneeling down when another tries to do the same. Kicking him in the leg, he loses his balance with a groan coming from his lips. Grabbing his head by his hair, she then smash it against the wall. Blowing her hair out of her lips, she clears her throat, looking up to her company who watch the scene with a furrow eyebrows.

      Putting her gun in her other hand, she gives him a look. ,,Later." He sigh, refering to the question that linger in the air. Stepping over the man, quickly taking his card, she stop at the closed door before them.

      ,,Owen." She calls, placing her forearm to her lips, where her communicater was placed.

      The link rastle for a little bit, while she placed the card to the doors. ,,In position." He answers.

     ,,Go." As she says it, she place the card on the door, making it successfully open. Placing the card in her pocket, she grab her weapon back in her hands.

     ,,We're in." Comments Deckard beside her. The duo then look around each other, trying to see if there's any danger but no-one was there other than another doors.

     The man opens it slowly, before the two rush inside, pointing their guns around the room. Nobody was there — well someone who wants their heads. Her green eyes flicker to a crib, from it looking warm brown eyes that makes her heart melt. Pulling her weapon down and back in her holster, she rush to Dom's beautiful son. The baby laugh at her in joy, trying to reach to her with his small hand.

     Kneeling down at his level, she smiles slightly at him. Shaw kneels down beside her, while she trace her finger along the son's cheek, making him get hold of it with his small hand. ,,I’ve got the package to lay on, Toretto." Speak up Deckard, making the redhead smile at the thought of his face.

     ,,He's beautiful, Dom." Compliments the woman, her lips forming into a sad smile. She knows about Elena and what happen to her. It now is another reason why Cipher needed to suffer. When he heard it she really tried hard not to show her emotion, not wanting her ex-enemies to see her like that. But they all know how it felt to someone close.

     Her thoughts about her friend disappeared as the British male grab the kid in his arms and gently place him in transferable crib. She exhales through her nose, watching him with the baby in his arms. The sight was something.

     ,,It’s gonna get noisy." He says, placing small headphones on his head, the woman by the comment pulling her gun slowly to get ready. ,,This is for your relief. Good?" Asks Deckard, putting the Chipmunks' song on full volume. The baby gives him a mumble, the answer immediately making him nod. ,,Let’s go."

     As they exit the room, she place herself before the criminal with her hand up in stop motion. ,,You take cover, I got this." She points at him, not liking the idea of him shooting with the kid in his hand. Before he could make a remark on that the doors before them open, the duo being met with men who immediately charge at them.

     She shot the first man down easily, grabbing him and using him as a shield, while her gun point at another one. Throwing away the man's body, she grab the man's hand that tries to hit her, twisting it and than shooting him in the stomach. Her head spins to look at Deckard who even by her complaining was fighting with Dom's son in his hand. Her distraction use another male who grab her by her hair, pulling at it. Hissing at the feeling, grabbing his own hair, while her gun ws thrown on the ground.

     Jessica then bites him in his arm, making him scream in pain, realising his hold on her. Raising her fist, she knock him out quicker than expected. Shaw join her by her side again as they tried to make their way further down the plane, but were stop by another black clothed men. Running at one of them she wrap her legs around his stomach, moving to straddle his head and throwing her full weight down on the ground. As she stood up, she unexpectedly was trown on to counter, smashing glasses filled with alcohol with her body.

     Her back arched at the pain piercing through her body, reaching for one of those glasses to smash it against his head but he caught. His hand wrap around her throat, making her realise the grib on the glass and wrap her hands on his, while trying to kick him in the stomach. ,,Deckard...move your ass, you idiot." She chokes out, while trying to pray the man away from her.

     The redhead's vision started to get blury, but she suddenly saw Deckard tapping on the man's shoulder. He turns to look at hin, only being met by a fist. A breathe of fresh air makes it's way to her lungs, making her cough slightly. ,,Thanks." She replies, massaging her neck, before looking at him.

      He nodds, while she leans over to look at the baby. ,,You good buddy?" The baby smiles at her making her nod and smile, before her and her company goes further.

     The brown eyed man gives her quickly but slowly the baby in her hand, while changing their positions, seeing that he was only one with gun and bullets. He shot the last man standing as the female open the door before them. On the other side was the blonde haired woman, looking at them with slight panic in her eyes. ,,You are out of bullets Deckard." She remarks, flickering her blue eyes at the weapon in his hand.

     ,,Like I’m need a gun to take care of you." The named man says, placing the gun down, while the red hair woman place the baby carefully down on the ground.

     ,,How did you find me?"

     For an answer Jessica pulls out the cross necklace, it dangling from her finger as Cipher look at it, seeing the red flickering light. ,,Resourceful." The green eyed female smiles bitterly at her, while making slowly her way to her.

     ,,You have a lot to answer Cipher." Exclaimed the criminal, glaring at the platinum blonde. ,,For what you pulled my family through. My mother. I’m gonna make sure that never happens again, to anyone." He continues.

     ,,There is only one flaw in your plan." Cipher answers, backing to the doors of the plane, making the woman look at her in curiousity.

     ,,What’s that?"

     ,,Only one of us has a parachute!" The redhead runs to catch her, but the woman puch the button at the door, making it slide open.

     She jump out of the plane with parachute on her back, disappearing into the clouds. The wind makes Jessica stumble to the doors, but quickly getting hold of the wall before she could fall either. Her eyes get blurry of the wind, but still seeing Deckard rolling over to the door, placing his leg between them, before the baby could slide down. Raising her fists, she hits the button, her body immediately falling to the ground of the change of gravity.

     The male before her hits the metal door in anger, while she crawls to look at the kid. The duo look at him with heavy breathing, seeing that nothing happened to him. It makes them smile. Everyone was safe, they ignored the woman that just escape from them, just to enjoy this moment.

     ,,Told you this would be fun!"

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


      WHEN SHE WALK THROUGH THE DOOR, she was met with gazes full of relief that makes her smile. Her eyes goes each one of them, catching the smiles that were send her way. Deckard steps out of the doorway, stopping for a moment as he search for Dom. Only a one step is all it takes and she was wrapped around two pairs of hands. Ignoring that they squeeze her little too much, she wrap her hands around Samantha and his father. ,,Don't do that ever again." Luke says, placing his chin on the top of her head.

     She smiles slightly at the remark. ,,No promises." The redhead teased, caressing the girl's head. The trio then pulls out of their small family hugg, Sam glaring little bit on the female when she heard the words.

     ,,Don't say that, Jess." She mumble, before leaning again for a small hug. ,,You're like my step-mother that I always wanted to have." Jessica smiles at that, the girl's father doing the same.

     Turning around, her eyes stop at the two men who everyone was now looking at. ,,This could be interesting." Comments Mr. Nobody with his assistant by his side. She humms in agreement, wrapping a arm around the girl by her side, while she gaze at the duo.

   Deckard place the crib down beside him, sighing. ,,What made you think I would do it?" He asks.

    ,,Brother-hood." Answers simply the male before him. ,,I saw that look you gave Cipher, I knew you wanted revenge. Glad I did it." He exchange his hand to him, Shaw taking it, before shaking his hand in a newfound respect.

    Backing away, he stop for a moment, before he leaves. ,,Can’t believe you went to see my Mother." The criminal shakes his head, before both of them laugh at the statement. Her smiles dropps slightly and then she couldn't help but realise a small laugh. So she was the one who help them.

     Deckard place down his son, putting his hands in his pockets, seeing it's time to go. Before he exits he turns to the redhead with a small nod. The woman smiles, doing the same, giving her goodbye, but she has a feeling this isn't propably the last time they will see each other.

     A hand on her shoulder makes her turn around, finding Mr. Nobody with a small box that he immediately hands her. Furrowing her eyebrows slightly, she takes it in her own hands. ,,Your record’s been cleared." He starts, while she take of the lid of the box, finding her gun with her badge. ,,Full re-instatement, you got your job back."

     ,,That is if you want it." Speak up the blonde next to him, making her smirk, while she take her gun out.




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