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     STEPPING OUT OF THE CAR, she brushed off her leather jacket, her green eyes, hidden behind sunglasses, observed the surrounding around her. The agent with her long time friend, Luke Hobbs, were currently in Russia, at the scene of the attack that was make by the global criminal, Owen Shaw.

     The redhead makes her way around the car, meeting on the other side with her co-worker and a brunette with great builed body. Jessica knew this woman by the files they give her on her and she was very interested to meet this female.

     The brunette nodded to their directions, giving the redhead the files.

     ,,Special Agents Gray and Hobbs. Riley Hicks" said the female, introducing herself. The trio then make their way forward to the criminal scene.

     ,,We read your file" started the female agent, flickering her eyes on the files and on the path. ,,Top of your class at FLETC. Cairo, Tunis. Youngest RSO ever in Afghanistan" she speaks proudly to Hicks.

     ,,Hell, if you're half as good as you are on paper, we're going to get along just fine" speaks for the first time the male, gazing at Riley.

     ,,A Russian military caravan attacked, satellite component stolen. Cars just came out of nowhere. Six hospitalized, a dozen vehicles destroyed. All that in under 90 seconds, in and out" said the red haired woman, stopping before the scene.

     Hobbs stopped too, looking at the car in the building. ,,This is world-class. Job this good, there's only one crew in the world who could get this done"

     ,,How the hell did that get up there?" asks Hicks, looking at it. That's what I would like to know, thought Jessica.

     The brown haired woman's cell phone beebs, signaling a new message. The duo turned around, gazing at the female.

     ,,They caught one" she said.


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     WHEN THE TRIO ARRIVED TO INTERPOL HEADQUARTERS, they immediately maked their way to the man who was working for Shaw, the redhead cracking her knuckles

     Making their way through the corridor, the brunette starts talking. ,,I got you five minutes with this guy"

     Luke's eyes were set at his friend, who was now a head of them. ,,She only needs two" The female raised eyebrow, but didn't ask, she knew that the woman before them, was world class athlete, gymnast, acrobat and expert of marital artist. Riley then males her way to the room, meeting there with a younger male, already looking through the black glass.

     Jessica opens the door of the room, seeing a bald man with white T-shirt, she then circles around the male, stopping when she is before him. Hobbs closes the door, walking before the man.

     ,,We want your boss" says the dark skinned agent, the male before him gazes at him, disturbing him from the gazing at the beautiful female.

     ,,Where's Shaw?" asked agent Gray with coldness in her voice. The man stand up, going closer to the green eyed woman, none of the duo back away.

     He answers nearly spitting in her face. ,,I ain't telling you shit"

     Luke sighs. That will hurt. ,,I was hoping you did say that" He then slowly starts to walk to the door, the criminal looking at him in confusion.

     His attention goes to the female who roughly grabbs the colar of his shirt and then using her strength to trow him against the wall.

     The man in white T-shirt grunts and groans, when his back meet the wall, he didn't expect that Jessica would be this strong.

     She charge at him, the man quickly standing up. The redhead blocks the punch sent her way, before throwing her own punch and then grabbing the criminal again and sending him flying on the table whick by his weight broke.

     On the other side behind the window, is standing the trio, looking at the scene with interest, but the youngest of them was flickering his eyes on the redhead beating the criminal and the agents.

     ,,Is this legal?" he askes in shock, his eyes widening when the female trow the man at the window.

     ,,No" answers Hicks, still looking at the fight, with Hobbs who was wearing small smirk. ,,But are you going in there and tell her?"

     The man on the floor wipes his bloody nose, before standing up. ,,I've got rights, you bitch"

     ,,Not today" she says, rushing to him, before jumping at him and then doing her two-legged grapple, starting at the neck, she throws him off balance while switching legs for arms and then using her weight, sending him on the floor. The trio behind the glass pursed their lips, looking at the male with pain,like could feel it.

     The redhead grabbs the criminal's arm, twisting it behind his back, making him scream in pain.

     ,,Where's Shaw?" she whispers in his ear, with coldness in her voice.

     Then man groans again, when she pushed in to his arm. ,,Shaw's in London!" She pressed at his arm, again. ,,That's all I knew!" he cries out.

     She then let's go of the man who immediately sighs in relieve. Jessica then makes her way to the door, stepping at the male by the path to the exit, making him grunt at the pressure.

     She meets at the corridor, with her friend and the brunette who stepps out of the room, making there way with the redhead.

     ,,Well, is he talking?" asks Riley Hicks to the other female.

     ,,Not anymore"

      The brunette then speaks again. ,,That room is bugged, Gray. So, any information you just beat out of him, Interpol has now" she says.

     They turned around a corner. ,,Great. Now they can take the morning off. Shaw's in London" she remarks seriously.

     ,,Let's go pick him up" started talking now the dark skinned agent. ,,Woman, you just don't pick up Owen Shaw like he's groceries. If you want to catch wolves, you need wolves"

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     THAT DAY AGAIN HOBBS CALLED HER THAT SHE NEEDED HER, it was about that he find his team on the mission. When she find out that the team was built of the people who two years ago, robbed a safe in Rio, she looked out of the window with a look of disbelief. She thought he was joking, but her friend was never the type to joke around about this things. He was trying to catch them and know there working together.

     She knew every member of the team. Dominic Toretto and Mia Toretto, Brian O'Connor, Roman Pearce, Tej Paker, Gisele Harab, Han Lue, Tego Leo, Rico Santos and Vince friend of Dominic who died by the time of the robbery. The woman was by that time in Afghanistan when the robbery was talking it's place, she also know one special member of that team better than others. Dominic Toretto. The redhead is friend of Elena Neves, she was firstly was shocked that her friend was with that criminal, but she didn't know him that much, to rate him.

     When she arrives at the place, she meet the duo at elevator, waiting for her.

     Stepping in to the elevator, she looks up to Luke. ,,You sure about these guys?" she ask, a sigh passing between her parted lips.


     She nodds, while pursing her lips, by the time the door of the elevator slides off, the trio making there way to the criminals.

     ,,I thought that was our last job, Brian" They heard a voice, saying. ,,And who's paying for all this equipment? The taxpayers?" He then did a pose with buff shoulders. ,,So now we work for The Hulk?" By the sarcasm it must be Roman Pearce, thought Jessica amused, now they were close enough to see all of them. ,,That's what we're doing?" he says, before looking around. ,,Why do I smell baby oil?"

     ,,If you keep running your piehole,
you're going to smell an ass-kicking" says Luke form behind, the male turning around finding two females with him. The redhead giving him a look to make her place to stand, Roman nodds looking Jessica up and down.

     All of their eyes were on them, when they stopped before the table.

     Dominic Toretto makes his way closer to them. ,,Alright Hobbs, you got the best crew in the world standing right in front of you" he says, catching eyes with the red haired agent. ,,Give them a reason to stay" Agent Grey looks at her friend, the male giving her a nodd of permission.

    ,,Our target is Owen Shaw" she started her speech, trowing his files, with his photo on the front on the table.

All of them started come closer, for them to hear. Roman rubbed his chin. ,,We are working for the Hulk and for the Black Widow, too?" he mumbled.

     ,,Former major in the S.A.S., Spec-ops soldier. He ran the UK's Mobility Division in Kabul and Basra"

     ,,Ah, damn" says Tej, while going to the table,all eyes now on him. ,,That Mobility unit's the truth. We're talking vehicular warfare, best in the world. Those guys don't mess around"

     ,,For years, they've been running jobs in Europe, but it's their most recent jobs that graduated them to a whole new level. Three targets, highly specific. The program terminal
from an ICBM missile..." the female couldn't finished the speech, because the Pearce guy, was speaking through it.

     ,,Got a little change?"

     The other male, gave him a look of disbelief. ,,Seriously?" he says handing him the money. ,,You're a millionaire, and you're still trying to ask for money?"

     The dark skinned looks at him in the eye. ,,That's how you stay a millionaire" he says, going to the vending machine.

     ,,So what does this all mean?" ask Brian.

     ,,Well, our best guess is that Shaw's crew is building a Nightshade device" anwers Luke.

     Giselle raises her eyebrow. ,,Which is?" she ask.

     ,,A tech bomb. Designed to block an entire military communication grid for 24 hours" started Riley, explaining.

     The dark skinned agent then continues. ,,If you blind a soldier for a single second in the middle of a fight, he dies"

     The redhead then finishes it. ,,If you blind a country for 24 hours, the loss of life is unthinkable. This could be worth billions to the right buyer" The last part, she says with more seriousness in her voice, her eyes little bit flickering to Roman who was having a hard time with the vanding machine.

     ,,Billions? Why don't we just
steal that shit?" says Tej, gazing around.

     ,,Hey, man" called out Roman. ,,Which one of these things is a dollar?" His friend rolls his eyes. ,,It says something about..." He then quickly jumps back, when a gun shot was fired at the glass. Everyone jump by the sudden attack, now everyone looking at the redhead.

    Jessica pulls down her gun, gazing at the male by the food with her piercing green eyes.

    ,,It's on the house" she remarks. Roman slowly kneels down picking up the food, but still keeping his eyes on the female. The team started like the Gray girl more and more.

     Hobbs turns to the team, like everyone on him. ,,I want you to help us catch Shaw, he's only got one piece left that he needs, and I intend to stop him before he gets it" He then speaks with softer tone.,, I know you guys are a family. So I'm offering you a chance right now to make that family whole again" He then drobs a photo of Letty Ortiz on the table, making a thick silence between them.

     The blue eyed male, break the silence and speaks with confidence in his voice. ,,You want to make this family whole again? Get us to Letty, we'll get you Shaw, full pardons
all the way around"

     The brown eyed man shook his head. ,,I can't promise you that" he said.

     ,,Yes, you can" The duo then starts eyeing each other.

     ,,That's the deal. Take it or leave it" spoke up Dom, like natural leader, the agency trio then starts eyeing each other, their minds all over the place.

     The redhead looks up to Toretto, with confidence. ,,You get us to Shaw,
and I'll get your pardons" she stated firmly.

     ,,You heard her" answers Brian finally, now gazing at everyone. ,,But this is different. We're not dealing with cops, we're not dealing with drug dealers. This is a whole
different level" he finishes.

     ,,We're getting paid, right?"




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