Finally The Big Sibling (Animaniacs)

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Fandom: Animaniacs

Regressors: Yakko and Wakko

Age: 21 and 16

Little space age: 5 and 2

Caretaker: Dot

Age: 13

Ship?: No.

Plot: Dot takes care of her brothers.

Dot was awoken by the sounds of bouncing. She groaned. Why were her brothers being zany at this time of day.

"Seriously? Ralph doesn't get to work until 8:53." she groaned.

Dot got into her pink skirt and put her flowed on her head. She went downstairs.

"Okay, you two better have a good reason for-"

She stopped short when she saw Yakko bouncing on the couch and Wakko playing with his feet.


The two Warners hugged Dot. Dot then realized they were in little space.

"Boys, go play." She said, shaking her head.

Dot sat on the couch. She sighed, realizing this was gonna be a long day. Then, she heard Wakko crying. She went into the room.

"What's going on?" Dot asked.

Wakko whined, "M-Mama! Yakky won' let me pway!"

"Yakko, share the toy with your brother!"

"No! It MINE!" Yakko said, stomping his feet. Wakko started to cry louder.

Dot smirked. "Either share the toy or I will take it!"

Yakko and Wakko simultaneously yelled "NO!!!"

"Then, you boys need to share, okay?"

Yakko sighed, "Okeh. Here, Wakky."


Dot smiled "What would you boys like to eat?"

Wakko jumped up and shouted "Anyfing!"

Dot sighed and rolled her eyes. "As expected. Yakko?"


Dot shook her head, "Too early. Maybe for dinner. Do you want eggs?"

Yakko and Wakko both yelled, "YEAH!"

So Dot cooked scrambled for herself, sunny-side for Wakko and *ick* Hard-Boiled for Yakko. The boys ate their eggs and went back to playing. Later, they watch the Mario Movie. As usual, when Peach came on screen, the boys said...


Dot sighed. After the movie, the boys went to sleep. Yakko yawned and said "G'night, everybody." Dot just chuckled.

"But, I'm not ti-" Wakko said before going to sleep.

Dot sat down. She would NEVER complain about being treated like a baby again. Because she hated being the oldest more.

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