27. Absquatulate

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to decamp; to leave quickly; to flee:

Yoongi's voice was in a low octave, in a whisper almost, in a hasty tone when he stood there, at the foot of the stairs, watching you, in silence, as the clock ticked away at 4AM. His voice was ashamed when he said I'm sorry.

"What for?" you asked, eyes wide open at the usual sleep deprivation he caused.

"I forgot about dinner, and you" he was walking up the stairs, holding onto the rail, a bit too tight and a bit too light in his step "I'm sorry"

And then he collapsed, right at your feet.

His unconscious body lay there, cold, pale, vacant of vibrancy and for a moment, you thought he was dead.

Eva appeared at the bottom of the grand staircase, having heard your scream, and she changed. She became nervous, filled with panic, and for the first time since you met her, she became ignorant, losing her sense of logic and just, standing there, confused as what to do. This wasn't Jungkook from a few hours ago, this was her boss, now, unconscious and unresponsive.

The dominos had been pushed, and now, everything was falling apart.

"He's overdosed" you screamed at her, but really, you wanted to scream at him as the tears ran down your cheeks "Get Max here, now, the guards, someone! We need to get him to a hospital. Eva! Don't just stand there!"

You held his fainted body against your own, as if he were a child, you tried to shake him awake, to no avail, you tried to open his eyes but with no success. You pressed your ear to his chest, and his heart was still beating, and you tried to tell yourself this meant he was okay.

"If you die here, and now, I'll hate you, I'll really hate you" you spoke as if he were listening, the pressure in your chest building up as you presented that reality aloud, of him being dead, the tears turning into sobs and your heart starting to sting with pain "You can't die just yet, you can't leave me Yoongi. Please, don't leave me. Please, please, please"

In the span of ten minutes you were out of the mansion and on the road, driving to a hospital you assumed, with Yoongi sprawled on the backseat. Your tears had already dried, and you were trying to calm yourself, or maybe you were going into post shock catatonia, not that you cared, you only noticed the car stop at a nightclub and protested. It wasn't until the guard stepped out of the driver's seat and in appeared Max, that you went silent.

"What happened?"

"I don't know" you answered him "I assume he's drugged up, overdosed. He walked into the house, and I could tell something was wrong. He barely walked, said he's sorry, and fainted"

Max nodded.

Driving through the city with the sunrise peeking through the skyscrapers would've been beautiful in any other occasion. Max's calamity picked at your nerves more than usual. He knew what this was, he was used to this. Anyway, the sunrise looked awful at an event like this, uninvited and bleak as its rays softly hit Yoongi's stiff body.

"He'll be alright?"

He nodded, again.

"Don't nod just to calm me down, just to keep me quiet before you murder me and dump both our bodies in the ocean- tell me, will he be alright, or is he gone and I'm about to die too?"

"I don't know what he took exactly. I don't know if someone poisoned him. I don't know. And, if he's dead, I won't murder you. He wouldn't want me too"

The pajama-clad older man didn't seem joyous of your visit one bit, but he accepted it, and you held your breath while you followed Max and the two guards who were pulling Yoongi inside, his limp arms slung on each man's shoulder. His head had fallen back, his neck twisted and it pained you to watch Yoongi like that.

"She can't be here"

"Listen here buddy, I'm not going anywhere until you get him awake and well"

"None of you can be here" he corrected himself. The others took the hint while you didn't buy it, and now it was just him and you, alone in that pharmacy scented room. He was mid sixty, edging at seventy you believed, his snow white hair carefully receding at the front of his head, and his hands that were brisk with youthful moments, giving him away, old man freckles coating them alongside the wrinkles. You took the liberty of assuming this used to be Mr. M's doctor, and was now Yoongi's doctor, because you couldn't really imagine him trusting anyone else.

"I can be here" you urged

"Miss, I'm sorry but-"

"You're sorry?" you chimed "OH how sweet! How about instead of being sorry, you shut up and do your job?"

This seemed to be enough for him, and he actually got around to doing his job, which included lots of angry glares at you who stood there at the cleaned table, where Yoongi lay, where the doctor circled and you just gazed down at him who was so tranquil in all this mess, your Yoongi, who seemed, peaceful, in such a mess.

"He should wake up soon"

"What? Really?" you could finally breathe again "How? How do you know? What even happened to him?"

"Blue Tree - a nasty freebie sort off the street. Ecstasy, just ecstasy"

"I don't understand" you crossed your arms, leaning against the counter behind you, not caring for the fact this was probably his medicine cabinet and that you were contemning his doctors office "I've done ecstasy with him, he never reacts like this"

"It was laced with something; I'll know what exactly in a few hours, since I'll need to call a second opinion. And knowing his drug habits, the cocaine he snorted along with it surely didn't contribute. He's still drinking whiskey like water, am I correct?"

You didn't say anything, you continued staring at Yoongi's lifeless body, happy to know he was still alive no matter the deathly look he had, and also angry because the moment he would awake you would make him wish he were dead.

"Will he be fully alright? As in, no side-effects and stuff like that?"

"Don't worry, I've been with Agust for years, I know his immune system better than my own. He'll be fine, he just needs to keep on schedule"

Max had left altogether, nowhere to be seen. The two guards were seated in the dinning room, talking to what looked like the doctors wife. You, were with him, right back at his side after taking a small trip to the bathroom. The doctor had offered coffee to everyone, and you declined. You counted the supplies that were laid out all around this little doctors office, pill bottles, tweezers, sanitation supplies, and oddly enough, that was it, because this was an office after all, with his diplomas hanging on the walls, and a table that seemed more for experiments than humans, yet there was Min Yoongi, as human as he could get, still unconscious.

You held his hand, having pulled up a chair right next to the table; you could hold his hand and feel his thick skin against your own. His hand was cold, and you distracted yourself by outlining the veins that entwined it so beautifully.

"Do you know, when you first told me you loved me?"

Your head had practically fallen but it was propped up enthusiastically when you heard the silent voice, hoarse and exhausted, but there, speaking and his eyes, open, barely, but enough for you to meet them with your own.

"Yoongi" you breathed, as if it were your last, lunging up from the chair and into his arms as he weakly wrapped them around you "You fucking idiot"

"I didn't believe you. I thought you lied. I couldn't believe a person like you could love a person like me"

"I hate you"

"No you don't"

You kissed him hastily, all over his face, his cheeks, his lips, having ended with a small peck on his nose.

"Your hatred is awfully adorable"

"This is me being happy you're alive. We haven't gotten to me being angry that you're overdoing your drug addiction"


"Or my general anger at you"

Just as he smiled, as things were looking up, as life got better, it took back, and you looked back, having heard the loud sudden noise.

"What was that?"

Everything went silent for a while, and Yoongi tried getting up, but groaned loudly at the sensation of movement.

"Stay down" you pressed your hand against his chest

"Take my gun"


"Do it"

You took his gun out from his inner pocket, where he always kept it, and tried to make out any sound, but there was none.

Those were gun shots. You knew them very well.

The closed door swung open, and an unknown person walked in, dressed in all black, with a gun in his hand and a tacky ski mask on his face.

"Look at that, I finally found you" the man spoke, pulling at his ski mask, and you didn't think, you just did, and what you did, was shoot him, right in the chest.

He fell back onto the ground, gushing out blood, not quite dead yet obviously due to his terrible screams and yells. You grabbed his gun off the floor, just for safe measure, placing in on the counter.

"A bit off aim, the use of two hands weighed you down by the way" Yoongi spoke as you frantically looked back at him, unaware of what exactly you just did "You flinched quite cutely, which reminds me, I really ought to teach you how to handle a gun. But for a first time, you did perfect babygirl, I didn't expect you to off a guy so quick"

"If there's one, there's more" you thought aloud "We need to go"

"Look at my clever girl. That's absolutely correct"

He was whining a bit less, but more so you two managed to tune him out. Just as you'd gotten Yoongi up on his two unstable feet, the guy screeched something about how this wasn't over.

"Would you like to finish your first or should I?"

"How about together?" you offered, and he smiled so wide not even the exhaustion in his eyes could make him look sickly, because he was barely standing yet so vibrantly smiling at you. He stood behind you, shifting half his weight onto your back, but it was alright, you handled it somehow. Yoongi wrapped his arms around yours, extending them towards the guy on the floor.

"You aim for the head. If you don't get the head, just shoot till he's dead. It even rhymes" he whispered into your ear, entwining his hands over your own that were clasping the gun. He kissed the space between your neck and your shoulder, whispering a small "I missed you" into your skin before pulling the trigger with your finger, causing you to gasp a little in surprise, and there he was, dead on the ground, the guy with the perfect shot to the head. And Yoongi wasn't even looking.

"Time to go princess" 

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