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Ahsoka and Kanan held hands as they looked across the Rebellions base.
The Ghost had landed a few minutes ago and they were discussing how to tell their friends. 
With a nod from Ahsoka, Kanan picked up his com.
"Hello? This is Kanan. Can everyone please meet in the common room?"
"Sure thing Kanan" Hera replied.
"Be right there" came Ezra's voice.
"With you in a minute" Sabine answered. 
"Coming" Zeb said.
The two Jedi went down to the Ghost.

The Ghost crew had gathered in the common room.
"What do you think this is about?" Ezra asked Sabine.
"No idea. But I'm sure they'll explain" the Mandalorin replied. She was holding her paint sprayer. 
Kanan and Ahsoka came in.
"Hey you two. Why'd you call us?" Hera asked.
Ahsoka smiled at Kanan and lifted her hand so they could see the ring.
Sabine dropped her sprayer. Ezra's mouth dropped open and so did the others.
"You're married?" Hera asked.
The two Jedi nodded.
"Holy kriff! Congrats you two" Sabine smiled.
The others grinned at one another.
"However. There is something we need to tell you" Ahsoka said losing the happy expression a little.
"What is it?" Zeb asked.
"Ahsoka and I are leaving the Rebellion."
There was a very long silence.
"When did you decide this?" Hera asked.
"Today. We're gonna take a ship and make a home somewhere. We're not sure where but we know what were going to do" Ahsoka replied.
Ezra was looking at Kanan.
"But...What about my Jedi Training? What about Malacore?"
"I'm sorry Ezra. You can have my Holocron to continue training. Just promise me you won't go to Malacore?" Kanan said.
The boy nodded slowly.
"Okay" Ezra replied quietly.

Ahsoka and Kanan put the last of the supplies in the ship they were taking.
The crew stood watching as the two Jedi approached.
"I'll never forget you guys. Thank you for everything" Kanan said.
He was half crushed in a huge hug from Sabine and Zeb.
"We love you too Kanan" Sabine smiled as they pulled away.
Ahsoka approached Rex.
"So. You're going. Again" Rex said.
"Yeah. But this time, I'll have company" Ahsoka said looking over at Kanan who was saying goodbye to Sato.
The clone sighed.
"I won't forget you Ahsoka" Rex said.
"And I won't forget you either" she replied hugging him.
Rex embraced her then let her go.
With a last smile at him, she went over to Hera.
"You'll keep an eye on him for me won't you?" Hera asked.
"Of course. He'll be safe with me."
Ahsoka hugged the twe'lik and then moved on to the others to say her goodbyes. 
Kanan came over to Hera. 
"So. I guess this is it" Hera said 
"Yeah. Hera listen. Thank you. For everything. You've made my life so much better since Order 66. I promise you'll always be in my heart."
Hera pulled the Jedi close and buried her face into his shoulder.
"And you'll always be in mine" she whispered beginning to cry.
Kanan hugged Hera tight. Feeling a deep ache inside him.
She pulled away.
"Be safe out there Kanan." 
"I will."
Kanan turned and went towards Ezra who had been standing quietly.
Kanan crouched in front of him.
The boy looked at Kanan mournfully.
"Hey. We'll see each other again kid. I promise. This isn't the last goodbye" Kanan said gently.
"But I don't want you to go. Kanan, I need you" Ezra said voice cracking.
Kanan put his hands on the boys shoulders.
"Kid. Remember the first solo mission you had. I was the one to suggest it. I knew you were ready so I let you go. Now it's your turn to let go. You've become a far greater Jedi then I could have hoped you to be. I'm so proud of you...Son."
Tears fell from Ezra's face and he embraced Kanan tightly.
Kanan hugged Ezra back.
In his mind he couldn't believe he'd said it.
He couldn't believe he'd atcually called Ezra his son. When he pulled away, Ezra dried his eyes and smiled at him.
"You go live a life you won't forget."
"I will. Thank you Ezra. May the Force be with you."
Kanan stood and went to Ahsoka.
"You ready Ponytail?" The Togruta asked.
Kanan glanced over at his friends then back to Ahsoka.
"Nope. Let do it Snips."
They saluted the team before heading into the ship. The rebels waved madly as the shuttle took off and flew into the sky.
Ezra watched it go. Feeling sadness pull heavily at his heartstrings.
He felt an arm wrap around him and looked up to see Hera.
"We'll see him again" she told him.
"I know" Ezra replied and felt someone grasp his hand.
He looked over at Sabine and smiled.
The rebels looked out to the fading shuttle in the sky. 

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