Jedi comfort

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This was made from the idea horses984 gave me. I am open to any suggestions to this book!

Kanan went to his cabin late at night. Meditation was the best thing for him at the moment. He had been on a crazy mission with his team, and now he was feeling rather bouncy. An odd feeling he had to admit, but an hour's worth of meditation always helped settle him.
The OP would help the fleet a lot, but it was definitely nuts. 
An (almost) suicide run to get fuel from an Emperial cargo bay.
Kanan and Ezra were supposed to get in undetected, place some of Sabine's miracles, and wait for Hera's signal.
Everything had worked out as planned, until reinforcements arrived earlier then expected.
Ezra made a game out of it to see who could hit the most troopers. He win easily considering he had a blaster part in his blade.
Kanan grinned to himself. Yes his appreciate was developing, not only skills of a Jedi, but a clever mind.
'Well, cleverer' Kanan thought with a smirk.
Suddenly a wave of pain shot through the Force. Kanan snapped his head up, and opened his eyes.
His first thought was Ahsoka. Every day the two Jedi had gotten closer, so they could reconise each others Force signatures easily.
Getting off his meditation chair, he quickly went to the Togruta's cabin.
He opened the door to find Ahsoka tossing and turning in her bed. Her face scrunched in discomfort, and sweat and tears running down her face.
"Master" She groaned quietly.
"I swear I didn't want to leave! I didn't have a choice!"
Kanan swallowed and made his way forward.
"Ahsoka" he whispered lightly gripping her arms.
The Togruta's white birth marks above her eyes furrowed.
"Kanan?" She whispered.
"I'm here Ahsoka, it's me, wake up" Kanan urged softly.
Ahsoka's eyelids fluttered and opened to revel beautiful blue pupils.
"Hey, you alright?"
Ahsoka sat up and looked at Kanan fearfully
"I am in the Ghost right?" She asked.
Kanan gave a small nod.
"Yes, your fine. Had a nightmare about your Master again?"
Ahsoka nodded twice and swung her legs over the bed so she was sitting next to Kanan.
"I thought, after years of having them when I was young. I wouldn't have had then again" she whispered.
"Sometime our worst memory's can come back to haunt us" Kanan sighed pulling her into a side hug.
"I still sometimes have nightmares about my Master."
Ahsoka grasped his hand and smiled at him affectionately.
Kanan rested his head on Ahsoka's, while the Togruta closed her eyes and cuddled closer to her friend.
Kanan felt himself drifting off and woke instantly when he felt Ahsoka shift.
He smiled at the female who had fallen asleep on him.
He slowly laid down with Ahsoka in his arms.
Holding the girl close in a protective embrace, he whispered.
"I'll protect you from any more nightmares Ahsoka."
Before he let himself drift into a peaceful sleep. 

Part 5 completed!
I still need ideas. Literally, give me anything and I'll try to make something out of it. I might combine two ideas together, who knows! I will update soon! 😃


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