Chapter 22- Pre Party Woes

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"Why did you say yes?", asked Silas.

"I panicked!", exclaimed Professor Harrow.
"Besides, we can't exactly say no. He'll become more suspicious."

"So we have to go into the mouth of Héll?", questioned Yukishiro.

"Afraid so", frowned Professor Harrow.

"What are we going to do?", asked Azlan.

"The only thing we can do", replied Professor Harrow.

"Rob a bank and run off to Portugal?", suggested Yukishiro.

"No. We're gonna lie through our teeth."


The fated day arrived, and no one had spoken to Maya since yesterday. Still, Professor Harrow said it was crucial that Maya was kept in the loop.

Quinn: We're going to Everett's for dinner tonight. Meet in usual room after school.

Quinn sighed as the minutes flew by. Maya usually responded to her within a couple minutes.

She didn't hate Maya. If anything, she felt hatred towards herself for not being the kind of friend Maya wanted to open up to.

The mind plays weird games, doesn't it?

With a sigh, Quinn grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs.
"I'm leaving now!", she called out to the empty house.


Bennett left his room, jumping out of his skin when he saw a tall figure in front of him.
"Dad! Don't do that."

His father crossed his arms.
"You really upset your mother the other day."

Bennett sighed.
"She was being pushy!
Why can't she understand that I don't want to dig up ancient history?"

Bennett's father frowned.
"You know, when you were taken-"

"-I don't wanna-"

"-No, you listen to me! The day you were taken was a day we will never forget. Every day was Héll for us. We searched day in and day out. We had nightmares about the terrible things you went through. We know it's hard son, but we want to share your pain. We just want to know what happened."

Bennett stared at his father. He couldn't help but picture his parents crying in his room, watching from his window, hoping he'd come home.

"I'm not ready, Dad."

His father's face softened.
He placed a hand on his son's shoulder, a frown appearing on his face when Bennett flinched.

"Sometimes, son... you just have to dive straight in to the pain. To the struggle. It's only then that you'll realise the strength you have."


Maya sat next to the engraved tree. She told her Uncle she was too unwell to go to school. She did feel rather unwell though, just not in the way that could be cured by medicine.

She couldn't help but feel like a stranger's simple glance was a public announcement of Maya's sexuality.

Getting out of bed proved to be an issue for her. Getting ready in general was hard, made evident by her loosely placed scarf, with locks of hair slipping out.

"Uncle Mo doesn't know I'm here. He thinks I've gone to the Pharmacy. I hate lying to him. Turns out my whole life is a lie", said Maya.

She stared at the scruffily written name on the tree. She reached for it, before stopping and pulling her hand away.

"You probably hate me, don't you? I wish I wasn't what I am. I can't change who I am, Mum. Please, Mum... I need you to be ok with that."

Tears streamed down her face. "Please, Mum! Please, just give me a sign. Do anything, I need... I need you to be ok with who I am."

Maya sobbed into her hands, pleading for her Mum to tell her she loved her no matter what.


After Mary-Anne's betrayal, Azlan decided she needed some space, so she walked to school by herself.

"Azlan!", called out a familiar voice. When Azlan turned around, she saw Elodie.
"Hi. How are you?"

"Fine", replied Azlan.
"I'm not in a good mood today so can you keep whatever you have to say to yourself?"

Elodie frowned.
"I wasn't going to... I know what Mary-Anne did was wrong. She knows it too."

"Does she?", questioned a sceptical Azlan.

"She misses you.
Our feelings... they can make us do stupid things, you know?"

"So we should be forgiven for our stupid mistakes?", asked Azlan.

Elodie nodded. "Within reason, yes."

"Then why won't you forgive Maya?"

Elodie froze. Now that it was all out, she could be as open as she wanted to be.
"She understood me.
In a way not many people did. She didn't see me as 'just another popular girl.' She listened to me. Wanted to know how I was doing. Then she completely ignored me when I needed her the most."

Azlan's face softened.
"Elodie, be honest. The painting of Maya that you have in your head... is it like the Maya you know?"

A pensive expression appeared on Elodie's face.

Azlan shrugged.
"So, maybe it's all in your head?"

Elodie shook her head.
"No. No, it isn't. She lied to you guys! She's been lying to everyone for so long. People can be two faced, Azlan!"

Azlan nodded.
"I know what it's like to deal with those kind of people, Elodie. The weird deaf kid who likes robots?"

Elodie's eyes widened.
"Azlan, I didn't mean-"

"-I know. Look, what Maya did was bad. Really bad. But I know Maya. And her mistake is eating her up inside."

"Do you know why she lied?"


"It... it sounds like you know. Azlan, please... I need to know."

Azlan frowned.
She had been in Maya's place once. She may be out and proud now, but Azlan related to Maya's fear. Telling Elodie could very well put her at ease.

But it wasn't her secret to tell.

"Talk to her. She's not a villain."



This was quite a sad chapter. Hopefully the next one will be more light-hearted and funny.

What are your thoughts on this chapter? Any theories/assumptions/questions?

What can I do to improve this story?






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