Chapter 4- Robot's First Day

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The next morning was a nerve-wracking one. It was K375B's first day of school, and not everyone was feeling hopeful about keeping the robot's true identity hidden.

Bennett stared at his reflection in the mirror. Mirrors. He hated them. Every time he looked into one it reminded him of what he lost. Of the life he was robbed of.

A woman entered his room, a washing up basket in her hands. "Sorry, love. I would've knocked but... no free hands."

Bennett gave the woman a small smile.
"It's fine, Mum."

His Mum frowned as Bennett placed a hand over his eye patch.
"You know, I think it'd be a good thing for you to take a look, sweetie."

Bennett quickly moved his hand away and looked at the ground.
"I'm fine."

"Benny, love, I-"

"-Go!", he yelled, startling the poor woman. Without saying a word, she turned around and left.

Before Bennett could dwell on what had happened, his phone vibrated.


Katie found her timetable info. First period she's with Bennett. Second she's with me. Then she has a free period. Then she's with Quinn.

Poor her. First lesson with Cyclops

Just give it a f*cking rest

Wow chill

It's just a joke

Whatever. Just cool it for now man

To Bennett's surprise, his phone vibrated with a private message from someone else.

Maya: Hi Bennett

Maya: Did Quinn do something wrong?

Maya: You know she's only joking right? It's part of some weird banter you two have. I can ask her to stop if you want?

Bennett: I don't care about the eye jokes. They're pretty weak anyway. Just not in the mood right now

Maya: Oh ok. Anything I can do to help?

Bennett: No


Bennett's first lesson was Science. A subject Bennett found interesting, but a class he resented due to the incessant lip smacking caused by the make out sessions of the couple in the back row.

Mr. Bunsen placed a hand in front of Katie, stopping her from going forward. Programmed to protect herself, Katie slapped his arm away. "Excuse me?"

Bennett almost avoided helping her, as he found the situation pretty amusing. Alas, his conscience got the better of him.
"Uh, Mr. Bunsen, Katie doesn't do well with sudden movements. They scare her."

A few people sniggered, which made Bennett glare at them.

Mr. Bunsen nodded.
"Ah, I see. I'm very sorry, uh, Katie was it? I just wanted to ask what your name was."

"It's Katie Newman, Mr. Bunsen", said Katie. "But please, call me K3-"

"-Katie, here's your seat!", interrupted Bennett, pointing to the empty seat next to him.

Katie nodded and made her way to the seat. Bennett shook his head to indicate that she shouldn't reveal her actual name, but Katie was left more confused.

As Mr. Bunsen proceeded to teach, the  annoying lip smacking started up. Bennett's facial expressions seemed like their was a bad smell in the air. Katie tried to copy him, but ended up looking constipated.

As the couple's session became more passionate, Bennett had to fight the urge to punch the male's arm that had somehow ended up near his text book.

A strange gurgling sound tipped Bennett over the edge.
"For f*ck's sake-"

"-Bennett, watch your tongue!"

"How about you watch theirs?", questioned Bennett, pointing to the couple next to him.

Mr. Bunsen's eyes widened when he saw the couple. A nervous chuckle escaped his lips.
"Ah w-well... yes um, let's continue."

Bennett sighed. This always happened. Mr. Bunsen was the kind of teacher that waa awkward and always felt like he was intruding on a student's personal life if he so much as looked at them whilst they coughed.

Katie looked at the plug socket near the couple. She leaned towards Bennett. "Mr. Bennett, if this is causing you to have a negative reaction, I can programme that electrical outlet to give them electric shocks when they engaged in mouth to mouth contact?"

Bennett opened his mouth before closing it and thinking again. He was seriously considering it, but he knew they had to keep a low profile. "Not yet."


The handing over part was quite tricky. For one, Bennett and Maya don't hang out with each other outside of the robotics club, so he had no idea where she'd be.

"I can send a unique radiofrequency signal that will only be heard my Miss Maya? Then all we need to do is listen out for a scream?", suggested Katie.

It was tempting but... oh who are we kidding? Hello, robot friend people!

Bennet smirked. "Do it."


Quinn and Maya had just finished a class together, and Maya was walking her to Quinn's next class.

"So are things with you and Elodie still frosty?", questioned Quinn.

Maya frowned.

"I still don't get why though. You got on so well when you were paired up for that project! I thought I was gonna lose my best friend", said Quinn.

Maya wrapped an arm around Quinn's shoulders.
"That'll never happen. You're stuck with me for life."

Quinn smiled.
"Oh héll no!", she exclaimed, sarcastically.
"Honestly though, you're the best."

Maya was about to respond, but she froze when she saw Elodie.
Making her way to them.

"Hey, Quinn!", beamed the girl. All happiness in her face disappeared when she looked at Maya.

Maya smiled nervously at the girl. "H-Hi, Elodie."

"So Quinn, Mary-Anne and Azlan are going on a date, but Azlan wants to invite a few friends to take the pressure off. Do you want to come with me?", asked Elodie.

Quinn looped her arm with Maya's. "Sure! Sounds like fun. But only if Maya can come too."

Maya's eyes widened and she looked at Quinn in disbelief. Before she could say anything, Elodie spoke.

"Ok, she can come. If she wants", said Elodie, leaving Maya speechless. "Do you want to come?"

Maya opened her mouth to try and get out a response, but a piercingly loud ringing noise erupted in her ears. "Agh!", she groaned. She screamed loudly, her pitch almost matching the one she heard in her ears.

Elodie instinctively covered her ears.

"No, go away!", yelled Maya, shaking her head. She shook her head so hard that her scarf began to slip down.

Elodie held her hands up.
"Alright, alright! If you didn't want to come you could've said", she said, before storming off.

Seconds later, Katie ran towards the pair, her hand tugging at Bennett's. "We found you!"


Hi. I know it doesn't seem like much happened plot wise, but right now I'm just sowing some seeds.

It seems like any chance Elodie and Maya had of being friends has just been ruined. What exactly happened between them?

Bennett's storyline has just begun too. Honestly I want to give him a hug but he'll probably hate that haha.

What are you most excited to see/find out?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?






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