Chapter 41- Zero (Part 2)

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NOTE: I don't know how medically accurate this chapter is. I searched for information online but I got conflicting answers.

It's funny how your brain can have one of 3 responses when faced with a near death situation like this.

It can either freeze, snap into action or admit defeat.

In this case, it was the latter.

Even with their collective brain power, the panic set in and they couldn't find a way out of this.

Exhausted, Professor Harrow crashed to the ground.
Yukishiro used all his strength to pull him up, so that he was resting against the cage.

Tears streamed down Azlan's face as she began to shake ever so slightly.

Silas rushed to her, and Quinn's arm was already around her.
"Azzy?", asked Silas.

Azlan sobbed.
"I don't want to die."

The girl's words cut into them.
It finally hit them that after 17, 18 and 25 years of life, they were going to die.

"Someone will find us", said Bennett.

Did he believe it? Absolutely not.
But he couldn't watch the usually hopeful girl turn into him.

"There's so much... so much I wanted to do", sighed Azlan.
"I didn't think the world could be this cruel."

Eyes brimming with tears, Azlan looked at Bennett.
"I wish I saw the world like you did. Then it wouldn't feel like such a big betrayal."

Bennett shook his head.
You're so much better than me, Azlan. Y-You see... you see the good in everything. You make people... want to change. Like Mary-Anne."

Azlan gave him a sad smile.
"It sounds stupid but... I really th-thought she l-learned sign language for me."

Quinn frowned as the conversation turned to Mary-Anne.

"Maybe she didn't learn it for you", said Maya.
"B-But she learned it because of you. You've helped make life better for someone else who's hard of hearing by addressing Mary-Anne's ignorance."

"That's a win", said Silas.

"That's what you'll leave behind, Azlan", said Professor Harrow.

His eyes scanned the other students, a weak smile appearing on his face. "You'll all leave behind something great."

He looked at Silas.
"Your intelligence, especially for someone so young, it... well, it inspires me."

His eyes landed on Quinn.
"I know you're not so sure of yourself  b-but I'm sure of this... n-no one cares about th-their friends more than you."

His breathing became irregular and strained, but he powered through, this time looking at Yukishiro.
"For... for someone who feels like th-they don't fit in... you've m-managed to become a valuable part of this group."

Professor Harrow wiped the tears from his eyes as he looked at a scared Bennett.
"You didn't let your past define you. B-Bennett you gotta know how amazing that is."

He clutched at his chest, as if he was trying to knock more air into his lungs.

"-Professor H, d-"

"-No, I need to say this.
I've let y-you all down.
I was... supposed to p-protect you. Listen, Maya... you always do your best by others.
N-Not many kids your age have that t-trait."

Tears formed in Maya's eyes. She sobbed.
"Sir, we're going to be ok.
We chose to follow you here.
We chose to help Katie.
This isn't your fault."

The others murmed in agreement.

"No regrets, Sir", whispered Silas.

Quinn turned to Silas.
"You've... you've been the b-best boyfriend a girl can ask for."

Silas chuckled, a muffled sound coming out due to his tears. "C-couldn't have asked for a b-better girlfriend, either."

Bennett reached for Yukishiro's hand, desperate to feel some comfort.
The boy gladly took his hand, gently squeezing it.

He turned his head and held his other hand out to Maya.
"Thanks for s-sticking by me."

Maya smiled weakly, and grabbed Bennett's hand.
"It's what friends do."

Maya grabbed Quinn's hand, and she gently rested her head against Maya's.

"I love you, Maya", she whispered.

Maya choked back a sob.
"I l-love you too, Quinn."

Azlan wrapped her arm around Quinn and used her free hand to hold Silas' hand.
"You're the best, Si."

Silas smiled. "Obviously", he joked.

Azlan laughed and gave him a playful nudge.

Quinn turned to Azlan.
"H-Hey, Azzy. I-I love you."

Azlan smiled sweetly at her, tears staining her face.
"I love you too."

Quinn shook her head a little.
"No, I mean I... nevermind."

Silas held his hand out to Professor Harrow.
"I never th-thanked you for being the other person that stayed with me when I turned into a human torch. Th-thank you, Sir."

Professor Harrow smiled.
"My p-pleasure."

"Hey, L-Lady Muck?", called out Bennett.
"Your... your eye jokes weren't really that lame."

Quinn chuckled.
"B*tch, I know."

A small smile appeared on Yukishiro's face. He looked at Quinn and Azlan. "So... so have you guys s-settled on the best smoothie combo?"

Everyone laughed through their tears.

"The important question is how do we continue the Dragon Breeding Club legacy?", questioned Maya, making the others laugh.


As the energy drained from their body, the room went pitch black.

With 4 minutes until the lack of oxygen destroys their brains... there was no one to hear their pain.



What are your thoughts on this chapter?






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