Chapter 14 - Kaguya the Unstoppable!

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Hi everyone! I can't believe that it's already December! Sorry that Kaylee and I haven't updated in ages, and that the past few chapters haven't been all that great...but, for the next chapters, we're going to try and improve since we've just been trying to update instead of really focusing on the chapters, so, the next chapters will be better! And before Christmas, we're going to try and update a lot before our Christmas chapter that we're going to publish on the 21st, 22nd or 23rd of December! So stay tuned for that! Also, there's a very special chapter coming before the Christmas one, so keep reading!


Our dreams are rising and our hearts are singing. Aikatsu Dreams is about to begin!



"Whoops! Sorry!" a familiar voice said. Someone had bumped into me.

"That's okay...Miru!"


I grinned at Miru. "Where were you headed to?" 

As I said this, a group of girls rushed past us.

"To where all the commotion is! This stegosaurus is curious!"

Down the hallway, a group of students were crowding someone. I followed Miru to the crowd. We pushed through everyone and finally managed to get to the front. Miru's eyes lit up.

Kaguya was grinning at everyone. "I have to get going now everyone! Wish me luck!" And with those words said, Kaguya bounded away.

"I'm confuzzled" I mumbled.

"You haven't heard?" A third-year girl turned to face us. "Kaguya has decided to host the school's dance party!"

Miru and I blinked. "Dance party?"

The girl nodded happily. Every year, the school has a dance party that anyone can host! Last year, Kizuko Chiko and Hotaru Kagehime hosted the party! That's why the party was a mix of street art and gothic things!"

"Who's Kizuko? And who's Hotaru?" Miru asked.

"They're both currently second years. Kizuko is the spunky street artist, and Hotaru is the one and only 'Shadow Princess.' Both of them aren't currently in school, but Kizuko and Hotaru will return after Valentine's day."

"So the party theme depends on the people hosting it right?" I asked.


"Kizuko and Hotaru sound cool!" Miru exclaimed. The girl took out her phone and showed us a picture. The girl on the left had watermelon pink her that was in a puffy side ponytail, and cheerful honey eyes. The girl on the right had curly silver hair with a darker silver ombré at the ends, and her hair was styled in ringlets at the bottom. She had icy blue eyes.

"Kizuko's on the left, and Hotaru on the right."

Before anything else was said, the bell rang, and we all went to our classes.


"So Kaguya's holding the dance party? Cool! I hope she brings lots of snacks!" Emi said excitedly at the lunch table.

"Do you only ever think about your stomach?" Hanaka asked bluntly.

"No!" Emi protested.

Miru was busy cutting her food into mini stegosaurus'.

"And this girl only ever thinks about steogsaurus'" Hanaka rolled her eyes.

"Fight meh boi. And all you think about is your weird beauty trends! Stegosaurus' are epic gamer coolness!" Miru beamed.

Hanaka have Miru a bit of a disgusted look.

Miru leapt up from her seat and started to do a weird dance.

"My eyes are burning!" Hanaka covered her eyes.

"Why can't we ever have a normal lunch?" I pondered aloud.

"Because there's no such thing!" Emi took a bite out of her sandwich.



"And I will epically Miru Chop you!" 

Miru and Hanaka both got into their positions.


The four of us turned our heads to see Kaguya leaping towards us. She took Miru's arm and hopped away. We all took a second to process what had just happened.

"A kidnapping?!" Emi stated dramatically.


"What just happened here?" I asked myself.

Emi, Hanaka and I all resolved to go find Miru.

"Wait! We must look fashionable!" Hanaka pulled out three stylish detective outfits out of nowhere. We put them on, and Emi started to play a soundtrack that reflected mischief and mystery on this radio she got from nowhere.

"All right troops! Let's go!" I declared.



Kaguya grinned and nodded.

"Of course I'll help you plan the party! Can we have a part stegosaurus theme?" Miru asked, beaming.

"YES!" Kaguya replied with just as much enthusiasm.

"Just wondering though, but why didn't you ask Akane?" Miru questioned.

"Akane is on a date with Soda a.k.a Souta but whatever" Kaguya rolled her eyes.

"ALFKEORCOKQREMHA! WHAT!" Emi ran inside the room.

"Well, it was more like Akane and Souta had to go to a movie set and act as lovers, but I mean..." Kaguya grinned.

"Anyways, I heard that you're hosting a party right? Allow yours-" Hanaka began, before I cut her off.

"Hehe sorry to disturb you byeeee!" I awkwardly pushed Emi and Hanaka out of the room.

"Haha! Your friends are funny! Anyways, let's plan this dance party out Miru! You're my stegosaurus assistant!"


"Okay team! Here's what we need to get for the party!" Kaguya took out a clipboard.

"Okay! Firstly! Let's think about the setting! Where should we have the party?" Kaguya asked.

Somehow I made it on the party planning committee. I raised my hand. Kaguya twirled and pointed at me dramatically.

"Yes Kazuna?" she said in a dramatic tone.

"Uh...why don't we have the party outdoors? Maybe the place where our school festivals are at!" I suggested.

"Great idea!" Kaguya jotted that down on the clipboard.

After discussing the rest of the things we needed, we were almost done.

"Oh! One more thing! What will the weather be like on the day of the party?" Kaguya asked. Miru decided to checked.

"It's going to be sunny!" Miru responded cheerfully.

"Alllllright! That settles it! High-five everyone! This party is gonna be a huge success!" Kaguya cheered. We all cheered.


The day of the party was getting closer and closer. Miru couldn't wait because the party was stegosaurus themed. Some of the ordered decorations were already delivered. And that was good because there were a lot of decorations to put up, and the sooner we got them, the sooner we got to start preparing for the party.

Plus, the weather had been simply amazing these past few days! I could tell that this party was gonna be awesome!


"I'm so excited! Today's the party!" I exclaimed. Emi grinned.

"I can't wait to have fun with everyone!" Emi said, jumping up happily.

Emi and I cheerfully skipped out of our dorm and walked over to the location of the party.

Everything was already set up.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Emi beamed.

"Hello peasants!"

Hanaka and Miru approached us. "Hanaka, the best, has arrived!"

"And the great stegosaurus is here!" 

"Hi to you two as well" I laughed.

"I honestly can't wait for the party! I wish Hanaka and I could stay" Miru sighed.

"You're not staying for the party?" Emi asked, upset.

"We are. But since I'm the best, a teacher asked Miru and I to run a few errands for her, so we might miss the first five or ten minutes of the party. Speaking of errands, we should get going" Hanaka explained as she and Miru waved before leaving.

As soon as our friends left, we heard something. "Kuhuhu" someone creepily said behind us. Kazuna and I jumped up and spun around.

Kaguya was grinning behind us.

"Good morning Kaguya!" Emi and I said.

"Morning! The day has finally come for our spectacular party!" Kaguya jumped up with delight. As the Emi and I smiled delightedly, I felt a drip of water fall on my face. I looked up to see more drops of water fall. It had started to rain.

"AHH THIS IS A DISASTER!" Kaguya screamed.

"Everything's gonna get wet" Emi sighed.

"Let's move everything to the hall! We can have the party there" I told Kaguya.

"The hall is being used, and also the other big indoor spaces..." Kaguya wailed.

"Well, what should we do? Everything's getting wet!" Emi exclaimed as it started it our more heavily.

"Kaguya!" some girls who were on the planning committee came running towards us.

"It's raining!" a girl said.

"No kidding" the other replied.

"Should we just cancel the party?"

Kaguya closed her eyes. "Hmmmm..."

We all stood there in the rain, waiting for her answer.

"THAT'S IT! I know what to do! Firstly, let's bring anything that won't get affected by the rain into one of the spare classrooms!" Kaguya announced.

The girls ran back, told some more people, and then they all started to pack up.

"Can you two bring the people from the planning committee to the empty classroom that they're going to as well?"

"Roger Kaguya!"

Emi and I sprinted into the school building and ran all over the place to find the planning committee.

"Okay everyone. Some of our decorations and equipment are soaked, and some of the props too, but! I have a great idea! Over the years, the school has bought some waterproof material for projects. They never ended up being used, so, since we have thread and special glue, why don't we create this massive shelter?" Kaguya suggested.

"But that would take ages!" someone protested.

Kaguya shook her head and grinned. "Not if we all work together! We can all put some pieces together, then sew those to make an even bigger piece! We could also use some of those ground peg things, then use something to hold it up!" Kaguya proclaimed.

"Ooh! Like a tent right!" Emi said.

"Exactly!" Kaguya grinned.

"That's crazy though!" someone said.

"It may be crazy, but crazy things can lead to great things! And this is the only option we have!" Kaguya said. "Now, who's with me?"

Everyone exchanged glances before smiling and agreeing.

"Let's do this!"


With everyone working at a fast pace and together, somehow, we miraculously finished. We did have three hours or four hours after all, maybe five.

The group then created a 'tent.' Some girls went and got fairy lights and put them inside. The lights gave off beautiful colours. We found some substitute decorations in the storage room. After preparing everything, we were done. Kaguya cut a big flap so that people could get in and out.

As crazy as this was, it was a bunch of fun. And the party was great too! Everyone was having a great time. Overall, the party was great!

Towards the end of the party, Kaguya got up on stage.

"Everyone! I have an announcement to make! I'm gonna perform! Get ready to witness a fantastic performance!" Kaguya said.

Emi, Miru, Hanaka and my own eyes lit up with excitement.


Kaguya grinned happily as she held her cards.

"Kaguya Matsuda, gonna have a blast!"

(Title:  A Fun Paradise!)

(Music: Marina of August (short version))

(The following song is Marina of August by AIKATSU☆STARS! Imagine our lyrics in place of the ones sung. Marina of August does not belong to me.)

Coord: Tropic Sun-Dance Coord:


(A/N: This is a recolour of the Tropical Hula Girl Coord. I couldn't find anything else to match.) 

Our Lyrics:

Kaguya: Pa para paradise

The fun emerges from behind the fluffy clouds

And the seaside town bursts into colour

With excitement in my overflowing bag

And a spring in my step

Let's go have fun in the sun!

The flowers, animals and people all sway together in harmony

It's time to find my tropical haven, my paradise!

Kaguya: Surrounding me is a fun paradise!

It's time to put all those worries aside 

And dance happily to the music

And laugh with your friends!

From the fruits, photos and beaming sun

All these cheerful memories

Will make this paradise even better

Now let's hold hands and jump up high to the sun!


Special Appeal: Bubbly Leap (This appeal is similar to the Candy Rainbow appeal. The idol makes a circle that is a bunch of colourful non-transparent bubbles with her hands. The bubbles come together then explode in colour and splash the screen. When the bubbles disappears, the idol jumps up and then sits on a rainbow bubble and poses while fruits, splashes of colour and bubbles surround her.)


Everyone cheered loudly.

"That was amazing!" Emi jumped up with the feeling of exhilaration. 

"Yeah!" I agreed wholeheartedly.

"I still think I'm the best, but Kaguya isn't to bad either" Hanaka grinned.

"Kaguya really is my favourite idol!" Miru beamed. "She's unstoppable!"

"And so are we!" I declared.

After the party was over, Emi, Hanaka, Miru and I walked back to the dorms. Emi had been unusually quiet.

"What'cha thinking about Emi?" I queried.

She smiled. "Ya know, we've each performed with our partner, and have had a solo performance! Now, the only thing left, is for the four of us to perform together!"


And that concludes today's chapter! As always, I hope you enjoyed it, and if you find any mistakes, please let me know!

Till next time~

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