Chapter 16 - The Growth of a Miracle ☆

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Our dreams are rising and our hearts are singing. Aikatsu Dreams is about to begin!



"" Emi and I said in unison while being slightly confused.

"Yes darlings! I am rewarding you with a day off! Don't worry, it's been approved" Miss Hiroki told us.

Later that day, we told Hanaka and Miru about it.

"Lucky! I would love a day off!" Hanaka sighed wistfully.

"So do I! Then, I could visit a museum and see the remains of a stegosaurus and cry" Miru said, upset.

"Right..." Emi, Hanaka and I said, blinking. We were all a bit concerned for Miru.

"Just kidding!" Miru laughed. 

"Well, we gotta go to the next class now, so see ya!"


"What do you wanna do Kazuna?" Emi asked.

"I'm not there somewhere you'd like to go?" I replied.

"Not really..."

" bout we go...uh..."

"I have an idea! Do you wanna go camping Kazuna?" Emi questioned excitedly.

"That's actually a great idea! I like the sound of it!" I beamed. I had never gone camping in my whole life, so I was really enthusiastic and eager to go. We packed up the things we wanted, and the following day, waved goodbye to Hanaka and Miru before leaving.


"Wow! This place is huge!" Emi declared, looking around.

My parents owned a holiday house near the woods.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Emi!"

Emi spun around. My mum was standing in the doorway.

"Mum? What are you doing here?" I blinked.

"I couldn't let you two stay here by yourselves!" Mum answered.

"Is Dad here?" I looked behind her.

"Your father is busy working, so no, he's not."

Before I could answer, Emi spoke. "Pleased to meet you Mrs. Hitori! I'm Emi Miharu!" Emi beamed. My mum smiled.

She got us our tent, and handed it over to us.

"Don't set up the tent too far away!" Mum called as Emi and I left. I grinned.

"We won't!"


"This looks like a good spot!" Emi told me. We started to put the tent up, but eventually called my mum to help when we failed to do so.

The sun was out, so Emi and I decided to go bird watching. It was fun, but after a while, we got a bit bored.

"Do you want to explore the area?" Emi asked me. I nodded, so the two of us did just that. We came across a small stream with some rocks, we hopped onto the rocks and crossed the stream. We looked around, but couldn't find anything very exciting.


"Snap!" Emi said, slamming her hands onto the cards.

"What! No way! You cheated!" I retorted.

"Did not! I win!" Emi grinned.

"I thought you girls came here to go camping" Mum said as she passed us playing in the living room.

"Tonight. But there isn't much to do...we can't go canoeing, rock climbing, or anything really fun!" I huffed.

"How about going...bird watching!" Mum suggested.

"Done that" I said.

"Exploring the area?"

"Done that too."

Mum sighed. "Well, I have to go visit M-"

Then, her face lit up. She rushed over to the phone and dialled a number.

"Hello Mrs. Inu! Uh-huh. Not yet? Perfect! Yes, trust me! She's much more responsible, and her friend is too! Alright, see you soon! Bye!"

"I have no idea about what your mum just said" Emi leaned over to tell me. I shrugged.

"Neither do I..." I said, before resuming the game.

Mum put the phone down and turned to us.

"Would you two like to go somewhere special?"

Our heads jerked up . My mum smiled.


"Uh..." Emi blinked at the house in front of us.

"Isn't this Mrs. Inu's house?" I asked my mother. She nodded.

Mum rang the doorbell and knocked on the door. Mrs. Inu stepped out with a cute dog in her hands.

"Awwww!" Emi and I squealed. The puppy barked and wagged it's tail as Mrs. Inu put it down.

"Girls, Mrs. Inu and I are going today, and while we're gone, someone has to take care of Wagu" Mum explained.

"Is that alright girls? We won't be gone long, probably only for two hours. All you have to do is feed him, play with him, and take him for a walk in the park. Is that okay?" Mrs. Inu asked.

Emi and I nodded happily. Mrs. Inu showed us where everything was, and what to do. Afterwards, she handed us some spare keys and left Emi and I in charge.

"This is so exciting! I've never really taken care of a dog before!" Emi beamed.

"I've known Mrs. Inu for a long time,  and I've taken care of Wagu once before! And it's a bunch of fun!" I told her.

"I love fun! Let's do this!" 

"Yeah! Now, let's give Wagu some doggy biscuits!"



Everything went fine for the first hour. Then, things started to go downhill.

"Kaaaazuna! Do you wanna resume our game of snap?" Emi told me. Wagu was currently happily playing with his own toy.

"But we have to watch Wagu..." I mumbled.

"Wagu looks happy though! Come on!" Emi said, pulling my arm.

"Emi, no!" I snapped. I was actually kind of surprised that I had snapped. Emi was too.

" I play with him now?" Emi asked meekly.

"Umm...sorry for snapping...but...I was going to take him out for his walk now..." I said quietly.

"Oh! Let's take him out for a walk then!" Emi beamed.

"Okay" I said, smiling, but I still felt a bit guilty. 

"Can I put his leash on?" Emi asked. I nodded, and moved aside. Emi petted Wagu and put his leash on, then the two of us locked the door and left the house. There was a park nearby, so we headed in that direction.

As we got outside, I took the leash out of Emi's hand. She seemed a bit startled, but didn't say anything in return. I looked down at my feet. 

I wanted to tell her my previous incident with Wagu, and why I was so paranoid. I had told Emi about how I had looked after Wagu once before, but I didn't tell her the extent of that story.

When I was younger, I had begged for Mrs. Inu to let me take care of Wagu, her beloved dog. She wasn't particularly keen on the idea, but she eventually agreed after much persuading. I was so elated that I spent a lot of time with Wagu, with Mrs. Inu making sure that everything was okay. But then, Mrs. Inu had to go shopping, just to grab a few groceries. I convinced her to let me take Wagu for a walk in the park while she was gone.

Then, I saw an ice-cream truck. Being a small and silly child, I tied Wagu and left. I had been gone for two minutes, but when I came back, Wagu was gone. I searched, but couldn't find him anywhere. I returned back without Wagu. Needless to say, Mrs. Inu was not happy. My parents apologised at least a hundred times. We created 'missing dog' posters, and three days later, someone found Wagu and returned him. Mrs. Inu was so happy that she forgave me, but I don't think she liked me as much as she did before...

I would've told Emi this, but it was embarrassing to admit my past mistakes...

I sighed. I felt someone poking me. I was brought back to reality as Emi called my name.

"Kazuna, could I hold the leash...nevermind" Emi said.

"Oh! Um...hey, do you wanna play fetch with him?" I suggested, trying to break the tension.

"Sure" Emi said.

We began to play. Emi threw the stick and Wagu chased it happily. Every time, I followed Wagu. Once, I got too close to Wagu, so he brought the stick to me. Emi didn't ask about my odd behaviour, but she finally opened her mouth to speak once this happened.

"I'm not sure what's going on here, but if you don't want me to help you, I'll just leave" Emi said bitterly, turning away.

"What? Why?!" I said, racing up to her.

"Why won't you just let me spend time with Wagu? Whenever I try to get close to him, you turn his attention to you! Do you want me to not have fun with Wagu? You've kind of been ignoring me...and why do you seem so...anxious?" Emi said quietly.

"You don't understand!" I spat.

"Then tell me! We wouldn't be having this argument if you just told me what's going on!" Emi retorted.

"You're overreacting" I mumbled. Emi just looked confused. Then she widened her eyes.

"W-where's Wagu?"

I turned my head sharply. Wagu was gone. 


"Excuse me, have you seen..." Emi ran around, asking multiple people if they had seem Wagu. I was running around, calling his name out loud.

"Any luck?" Emi asked, racing up to me.

I shook my head. "This is all my fault!" 

"No, I shouldn't have started the fight..." Emi looked at her feet.

"Well, you were right. The thing is..." I sighed.

Emi looked at me. "We may be walking around for a while, so tell me! We're best friends! You can tell me anything."

"Well, it's sounds stupid, but...I've lost Wagu before..."

I blurted out my previous story to Emi.

"I didn't want to tell you though because it's just so...argh..." I sighed.

"Kazuna, you should've just told me! And, we will find Wagu again! Promise!" Emi grinned.

I took a deep breath. "Yeah!" 

We then hugged each other. Then Emi screamed.

"Is that Wagu?"

I jolted back and spun around. Wagu was happily wagging his tail.

Emi and I bolted after him and caught the dog.

"You little troublemaker!" Emi said, hugging Wagu. She looked at me.

"Do you want to hold him?"

"Nah, you should" I answered. Emi smiled warmly. 


"We're back!" Mum said.

Emi and I smiled. Wagu ran up to Mrs. Inu.

"Hey Wagu! Awww, you seem so happy. Thank you girls!" Mrs. Inu said, smiling brightly. 

"It was no problem" Emi said.

"Yeah, no problem at all" I replied. Emi and I exchanged glances, then sighed before we started to chuckle.

Mum and Mrs. Inu seemed a bit confused, but everything was fine after that.


"And then...BOOM!" Emi yelled. I squealed, laughing.

"You're not supposed to laugh at a ghost story!" Emi pouted.

"Sorry" I giggled.

Emi then stuffed her face with the roasted marshmallow she had been roasting.

We made some smores, and happily ate them, Emi eating quite a few.

"Do you think we should go to bed? We have to go back tomorrow" I said.


We put out the fire and crawled into the tent, but not completely. We watched the stars twinkle above us.

Today had certainly been interesting.

"You know Kazuna, I want to become a glimmering star!" Emi said.

"I know that" I smirked. Emi stuck out her tongue. 

"I know you do too."

"Yeah, you're right about that!" I grinned. Just then, a shooting star passed us.

"Woah!!! Make a wish Kazuna!"

We both made our wishes. I think they were very similar.

"Huh, what a cliche" I chuckled after the shooting star had vanished, and after I made my wish.

"But still, amazing" Emi beamed.



"Miracle☆Sparks, like a rising dream!"

(Title: STAR☆Power)

(Music: KIRA☆Power)

(The following song is KIRA☆Power by STAR☆ANIS. Imagine our lyrics in place of the ones sung. KIRA☆Power does not belong to me.)


Dreamy Smile Coord:

Snowflake Enchantment Coord:

Our Lyrics:

Together: Let's try our complete best!

Let's try our complete best as we soar to the sky!

The sparkling tears that we have shed

Turn into wings as we fly beyond

Kazuna: Everyone, Everyone!

Our feelings connect and become one

Emi: Let's Smile, Let's Smile!

As we dash together towards the sun

Together: (Fly High)

Emi: I want to share

Together: (My friend)

Kazuna: This day with you

Together: (Fly High)

Emi: As we try our best

Together: Let's join forces and accomplish with all our strength!

Together: Let's try our complete best!

Let's try our complete best as we soar to the sky!

Replenish the happiness in this moment


This dream that will be granted

Is part of an even bigger goal STAR ☆ Power

The sparkling tears that we have shed

Turn into wings as we fly beyond


Miracle☆Sparks' Group Aura: Consists of petals, golden stars, silver stars, snowflakes and snow, and pink and blue flowers

Special Appeal: Miracle☆Sparks Dreamers (refer to Chapter 1 if you want to know how this appeal goes)


Emi and I high-fived.

"Good work Kazuna!" Emi beamed.

"Same to you Emi!" I responded cheerfully.

We grinned at one another.

"Stardom, here we come!"


And that's it for today's chapter! If you find any mistakes, please let me know! See you at the next chapter!

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