Chapter 7 - The Lovely Asami ♡

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Our dreams are rising and our hearts are singing. Aikatsu Dreams is about to begin!


I sighed heavily.

"You okay?" Kazuna asked, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Yep! I was just on this app called IdolDream!" I responded, showing her the app on my Aikatsu mobile. "It comes pre-installed!" I said cheerfully.

"That's cool. What's this app about?" Kazuna asked, opening up the app on her own Aikatsu mobile.

"YOU DON'T KNOW?" Hanaka said, rushing over to us.

"It's pretty cool! It's like a social media thingy" Miru said as she walked over.

"It's a social media app for idols. Here, you can communicate with your fans, share posts and pictures, and this is where new songs you create go when they get released onto the Internet!" I told Kazuna, bubbling with excitement.

"And you can also receive job requests on here! Except ones provided by the school. You have to go to the Stardust News app for that. But overall, it's a ton of fun to use! This stegosaurus approves!" Miru said happily, giving Kazuna the thumbs up.

"I like the sound of that!" Kazuna said, her eyes gleaming. "But wait...why were you sighing then if this app is so great?"

I sighed once more and flopped onto the table. "Because, I only have two fans, if I don't count Hanaka and Miru..." I muttered glumly.

"That doesn't matter! Even if you start out with one, if you do your best, you can rise to the top! Turn that one into one thousand, and keep building up from there!" Miru said, doing a fist pump in the air as she spoke passionately.

Kazuna and Hanaka started clapping.

"That was amazing Miru!"

"It's probably the most grown up thing you've said in your life!" Hanaka exclaimed.

Miru's smile turned into an annoyed face.

"Leave this server now! I will fight you with my bare hands! MIRUUUUU CHOP!" Miru cried out, leaping into the air.

"And just like that, the amazing Hanaka dodges, and while her opponent is regaining her balance, Hanaka rushes forward and uses her ultimate move...HANAKAAAA SLAP!" Hanaka commentated.

"I'm not even going to ask..." Kazuna mumbled. The direction of her gaze turned to face me.

"Anyways, Miru's right. We'll reach the top together!"

"Yeah! I'm gonna fly to my dreams!" I said cheerfully, but I was still doubting myself.

"By the way, I didn't know that anybody could get IdolDream. I thought it was only for idols" Kazuna proclaimed.

"It is, but there's another version. It's just called Dream. It's basically the same thing, except 'fans' says 'followers.' Oh! And another cool feature on IdolDream is the idol rankings! Though the top hundred are the only idols shown" I told Kazuna. I finally was able to pause for breath.

"That's cool!"

She opened the app and went to her profile.

"How did our duet performance and my solo performance end up here?! I never posted them! HACKER ALERT!"

"Kazuna, calm down! Videos performed by idols are automatically uploaded. You can delete videos too if ya want. Though if you use the regular app, you upload videos yourself."

"Is the only thing you can upload performances?"

"Nope! Idols can upload anything they want! Such as pictures! Only when an idol performs is it automatic" I said, wrapping up the conversation about videos.

"Is this my username?"

Kazuna flipped her mobile around so that it was facing me. I leaned in closer to see her profile. The name said: KazunaHitori☆_

"Yeppy yep yep! That's your username! All idols have that username, though they will have their own names instead of 'KazunaHitori.' You can customise the name displayed, but the actual username stays the same. The only time when you customise your own name is within the regular app."

"That's sad...oh well! So your username would be..." Kazuna trailed off and began typing my username in 'search.'

"I'm following you, so one of your fans will be me! If you press on the number, a list comes out with all the names of the people who are your fans!" I said, beaming.

Kazuna currently had thirty fans on the app, including me, Hanaka and Miru. She scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the list, and there was my name. She clicked my name, and it directed Kazuna to my profile page. She tapped the follow button on the right-hand corner of the screen, and the four became five.

(A/N: With the image above, that's only the top part of the profile page. Obviously, when you scroll down, there'll me more content. The starry background in the image above is the actual background for the IdolDream app profile pages. Also, the golden lines are from the phone. This image is like a close up. Please do not use the image above without my permission. Also, just a heads-up, in case you forgot, Elly is Emi's stuffed elephant, and Mr. Cheesepuff is Kazuna's stuffed unicorn)

"Awww! Your profile pic is so cute!" Kazuna said, her eyes like two stars as she admired my icon.

"Thanks! I created it myself!" I said proudly. "It's based off Elly!"

"I might make my icon based off Mr. Cheesepuff!" Kazuna said, as she searched up Hanaka and Miru's profiles. "By the way, who are the other people that you're following, and what's that star thing in the grey circle?"

"If you tap that star icon next to my name, it says that I'm a verified idol. All idols have that icon, including idol group accounts. And I'm following you, Hanaka, Miru, Asami, Akane, Megumi, Kaguya, Epiphany and the school's account. Everyone is technically already following the school's account" I replied.

"Epiphany? Does that mean you're following Epiphany's group account?"

"Yep again! We haven't activated our account for Miralce☆Sparks yet. And neither have Hanaka and Miru for Royal Sunshine. That's because duet  and group accounts don't get activated by the school, unless you're a top idol. That reminds me! I have to follow Epiphany's duet units!"

At that moment, the bell went off. Kazuna grabbed her bag and pulled me along with her to class.

"Wait! I left my bag on the seat!" I said, running back to get it. Kazuna followed me, but I told her that I'd meet her at class. I didn't hear her remind me of the room change we were told about. For this lesson, our usual training room used was being used by someone else.

I grabbed my bag, checked that everything was inside, and then rushed to the training room.

Our usual one.

"I'm sorry that I'm late!" I said, bowing my head. When I looked up, I saw Asami.

"A-A-ASAMI?!" I accidentally stuttered.

Asami smiled.

"I-I'm so sorry! I forgot that we had a room change! It's in...umm...which room is it again?!" I asked myself.

Asami giggled. "Let's go together!"


I walked next to Asami, who was humming beautifully.

"You're so cool Asami!! Uh..I mean..umm.."

Asami laughed. "Thanks for compliment! I appreciate it!"

"'re welcome!" I said, bowing my head. Asami laughed once more, and continued humming.

"Umm...Asami, may I ask why you're using our room?" I asked feebly.

Asami smiled gently. "My usual training room has a loose floorboard. I was originally going to move into the room where your peers are right now, but it didn't have the things I needed. I hope that's okay if I use your room temporarily" Asami said, sticking her tongue out.

"T-That's totally fine!" I said, bowing again. Asami smiled at me. After a few minutes, we were at my classroom. When Miss Hiroki heard what happened, she said that she'd let me off the hook this time. Kazuna came running up to me at the same time.

"Thank you for helping me" I told Asami, bowing.

"It's no problem! It was nice to chat with you Emi!" Asami said, smiling her delicate smile once more. My class then got back to what they were doing, and I soon joined them, unaware that while I was doing some stretches, Asami was talking to the Headmistress, and was saying my name.


"Good morning darlings! Today-" Miss Hiroki was saying, until someone knocked on the door.

"Come in darling."

The door opened, and on the other side was the one and only, Asami.

Everyone started talking right away.

"It's Asami!"

"Asami's here! In our class!"

"She's so pretty!"

Asami smiled at everyone.

"Morning everyone! I hope you're all doing well, and enjoying your Aikatsu! It's wonderful to see new and fresh idols grow! Miss Hiroki, would it be okay if I take Emi with me for the day?"

"That's right! Hoshi said that you were going to be collecting Emi today! Go ahead darling!" Miss Hiroki said. Asami thanked her and turned to me.

"I-I'm coming!" I said grabbing my bag and swinging it over my shoulder. Kazuna gave me a grin. I smiled at her before I left the classroom with Asami.

"Come on! Let's go!" Asami said, pulling me along. Today, instead of wearing the Top Idol uniform, Asami was wearing a beautiful pastel green dress, with a white ribbon tied around her waist, a white collar, and see-through puffy pastel-orange sleeves.

Once the school gates were right behind us, a car pulled up. Asami went inside, and motioned for me to do the same.

After being on the road for a few minutes, I opened my mouth to speak.

"Ummm...excuse me Asami, but why and where are we going?" I asked.

Asami smiled. "To a very special place!" Asami started humming once more, so I assumed that the conversation was over.

Soon, I recognised where we were, and my eyes widened with surprise. Finally, we pulled up outside a place. A place very dear to me.

We pulled up outside my home and bakery, The Miharu Bakery.

I leapt out of the car and pushed the door of the bakery wide open.

"Hello and welcome to the Mi-" my mother was saying, a smile on her face. A few tears rolled down her cheeks when she saw me.

"EMI!" my mum said loudly, as she rushed past the counter and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly.

"What's all the commotion- EMI!" my dad said, coming to hug my mum and I. My parents were overjoyed to see me again. I didn't even realise the tears streaming down my face.

Asami stood at the doorway, smiling to herself.

After many tender hugs, I finally wiped my eyes and smiled.

"I missed you so much!"

"We did too honey" my mum said, smiling warmly.

"We couldn't wait to see you again!" my dad added. "How's school? Have you made any good friends?"

"Definitely! I've made some amazing friends, and I've learnt so much from doing my Aikatsu! Remember Kazuna, from the New Year's festival? She got in too! We're in the same class, we're roommates, and she's in a unit with me called Miracle Sparks!" I said cheerfully, jumping up and down.

"Oh! And I've also made friends with  Hanaka Jukashi and Miru Akari! The two of them are amazing!" I told my parents. They smiled.

"Oh oh! Also, this is..."

I turned around to see Asami, smiling.

"You've even made friends with your idol!" my dad said.


Asami laughed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr and Mrs Miharu!" Asami said, bowing.

"The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for looking out for my daughter" my mum said happily.

"You're a huge inspiration to Emi! She adores you, and we would always watch your performances!" my dad told Asami.

"DAD!" my cheeks grew in size as I pouted. This was a little embarrassing...

"I'm flattered!" Asami replied, smiling like the sun.

"Well Asami, could I offer you something to eat?" my mum asked.

"If you don't mind" Asami responded.

"What would you like Asami! I'll make it for ya!" I said happily.

"An adorable cake!" Asami replied, smiling warmly.

"Coming right up!"


"You better come back and visit sometimes! And keep working hard at your Aikatsu!" my parents told me, giving me one last hug before I was on my way with Asami. We had already spent half the day away.

"Thanks for the cake Emi! It was scrumptious!" Asami commented. I grinned.

"I am very happy to see that you enjoyed it!" I said, smiling warmly.

"I know where to go! Driver!"

Asami told the driver where she wanted to go. I didn't catch the place, but when we pulled up I gasped.

"You have a store here?!" I asked, staring at the Ethereal Sunshine logo. Ethereal Sunshine was Asami's amazing brand.

"It's closed today, but I have the keys!" Asami unlocked the door and we both went inside.

"Everything here is so pretty!" I exclaimed, my eyes lighting up at the sight of the array of dresses in front of me.

"Thanks! But let me show you the best bit!" Asami said, taking my hand and bringing me to the top floor.


"For what?" I asked. Asami winked at me as we went to the rooftop.

"She opened the door, and I was welcomed into the most amazing rooftop I've ever seen!

The floor was covered with soft green grass, with tiny flowers scattered on the ground. There was a tall, regal and gold fence surrounding the rooftop. There was an archway of flowers, and Asami told me that at night, lights came on and lit the whole place up. The best thing about the rooftop, according to Asami, was the outdoor stage. There was one inside too, but Asami adored the one in front of us. The rooftop was absolutely ginormous, and extravagant!

"I love it up here..." Asami said, smiling happily. She then fell backwards and landed gently on the ground.

"Are you alright Asami?" I said, bending down.

"Of course! Lie down too Emi!" Asami gestured for me to lie down next to her. I did so.

"It feels so good!" I said happily.

"It does!" Asami agreed. We laid in silence for a short while, before I piped up.

"Um, Asami, can I ask you something?"


"Well, I'm just curious to know why you brought me here today?" I asked, staring at the clouds.

Asami smiled.

"You've been a little down lately, haven't you?" Asami said.

"How could you tell?" I said, astounded.

"Because, I know what it feels like. I'm pretty sure that everyone does" Asami replied. "I brought you here because I thought it would cheer you up! Seeing the people you love most in the world can lift your spirits! Seeing your parents has given you a boost of confidence" Asami noted.

"...You're right! I guess I must've been slightly homesick, and I was worried about my idol career. But seeing my parents has made me feel a lot better, and I feel like I can relax" I told Asami.

"You definitely seem more cheerful now! And doesn't being up here let your mind clear all of the negative thoughts you have? It makes me feel light-headed"

"It sure does!" I paused. "But...can I also ask Asami, but how did you do it?"

"Do what?" Asami asked, confused.

"Go from zero to one. I'm doing everything I can to shine, but I feel like I'm doing something wrong..." I muttered. Asami smiled.

"Maybe this will help you find your answer."

Asami took out her Aikatsu mobile and went on the IdolDream app, then went to her profile. I looked over her shoulder and was once again astounded by the number of fans she had.

She scrolled down to her posts, and changed it to 'date added: oldest.'

The first thing that popped up was a video, and Asami clicked on it. I sat there watching her first performance. I didn't want to be rude....but...well...

"It was terrible, wasn't it" Asami said, laughing.

"I wouldn't say terrible..."

Asami laughed once more. "It's almost time!"

"Time for what?" I asked.

Asami grinned.


"Thanks for coming today everyone! I appreciate it! Now it's time for my performance!"

"Performance..." I said out loud. The crowds of people cheered. We were on the rooftop stage, and Asami had just gone to the fitting room.

"Asami Ogawa, like a ray of the morning sunshine!"

(Title: My One Wish)

(Music: So Beautiful Story)

(The following song is So Beautiful Story by AIKATSU☆STARS! The link for the off-vocal version of this song wasn't working, so here's the actual version. Imagine our lyrics in place of the ones sung. The song does does not belong to me.)

Coord: Morning Meadow Princess Coord


Our Lyrics:

Asami: Every time the sun comes up

A new beginning awaits me

When I confront a wide river filled with tears

I'll build a bridge made up of my dreams

The wish on the other side is what I'm aiming for

A ray of the morning sunlight brightens up my path

And the little fairies guide me on my journey

My wish is shining before me

Even when the days seem endless

I will reach tomorrow

Because my wish is to see your smile

The miracle filled with wishes is in full bloom

Just like my soaring heart that brings me forward

Every time the sun comes up

The feeling to go forth comes over me

And I'll keep chasing your smile till the very end


Special Appeal: Dazzling Ethereal World (This is a combination of the Heartful World and Dreaming Heart Fever Appeal. The idol appears and places a finger to her lips, and a curtain closes while the idol is in the position. Then when the curtain opens again, the idol twirls around and different coloured stars and hearts surround her. There isn't going to be a premium and rare variation)


I felt all tingly. Asami truly was dazzling. There were no bad words to describe her performance. "Thanks everyone!" Asami said, as she walked off-stage.


"So Emi, did you find your answer?" Asami asked me on the way back to Stardust Academy.

I smiled.

"I think so! You went from zero to one, because you never stopped working your hardest!" I said.

"It's more than that! I never stopped believing in myself, even through the toughest times. Even when you doubt yourself, just be you, and keep moving forward!" Asami told me.

"Of course!"

After a while, we were passing Hoshikira park. Something caught my eye. "Hey Asami, could we stop here?"

I hopped out of the car and ran towards the stage.

"Wow! I never noticed that there was a stage! Though it's still under construction..." I realised.

"It is. But I know who's creating it" Asami said to me. "Come on, let's go!"

I followed her once more into the car, and soon enough, we arrived back at school. But Asami didn't let me go back to Kazuna.

Asami pulled me along with her. She knocked on Headmistress Seiko's door, and when she heard the words enter, she opened the door, and unsure of what to do, I followed her. This was the first time that I had met Headmistress Seiko personally. I bowed my head. She smiled.

"Good afternoon Ogawa, Miharu" the headmistress said.

"Good afternoon!" Asami and I said in unison, bowing our heads.

"So Ogawa, what is it that you need?" Headmistress Seiko asked.

"One word. Stage" Asami said. "I think Emi here would be perfect!"

"Very well then. I trust your judgement Ogawa. Miharu."

"Uh..yes?" I said awkwardly, confused as I stepped forward.

"The school is building a stage at Hoshikira park. Though its incomplete, Ogawa as deemed you worthy and is putting her trust and faith in you, and so am I. We would like you to be the first one to perform there, once it's completed, which should be around two weeks from now, right before the next Kiseki audition" Headmistress Seiko told me.

"I-It's such an honour! Thank you for this opportunity!" I said joyfully, bowing. When I lifted my head, my eyes were gleaming.

I was finally going to get a solo live!

Asami smiled at me. I smiled back broadly.


"That's great Emi!" Kazuna cheered, hugging me. We were sitting on one of the benches outside. Hanaka and Miru came over at that moment, and once Kazuna told them about my solo performance, they started to jump happily too.


"Aww, that was so sweet of you!" Megumi said as she sipped her tea. Epiphany was currently siting at their fancy gazebo, surrounded by a small lake. There was a white marble bridge to get to the gazebo.

"That was a very noble thing to do" Akane agreed.

"Right! You always know just what to do!" Kaguya proclaimed. Asami smiled, a bit embarrassed.

"You all would've done the same! We just have different ways of guiding our underclassmen. Come on girls! Let's go go go!" Asami said, crossing the bridge as she and her friends ran to the school, the wind in their hair and smiles on their faces.


"I'm gonna fly to my dreams!" I said, standing up from the bench. Kazuna, Hanaka and Miru followed me. We ran to the school, the wind in our hair and smiles on our faces. We ran all the way to the highest floor, and went over to balcony. We were all panting, but the view from up here was incredible!

"To get to the top is no easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and determination. But once we go up the stairs to success, we'll be at the top!" I said, turning around to face my friends. They smiled at me.


Together we all stood at the balcony, and admired the view from the top.


Well that was pretty long ^^'

I hope you enjoyed it! If you see any mistakes concerning grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc., please let me know so that I can correct them!

Till the next chapter~

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