Free! Nagisa x Asahi ((your really are a dolphin)) :1:

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Asahi pov
Headmaster moroboshi wanted us to see new sports, so i thought to see swimming.
"Why do you want to see swimming?"
"Becouse i wanna see knew things!"
I thought that scen many Times in my head.
I had my normal uniform i diden't Even brother to have disguies.
I sat and watched many half naked guys, okey i was bi but iam who i am!
"Ugh so many muscels" did i hear one girl say.
"Your muscels crazy!" Did i hear another voice of a Malé say.
"Like thats something new." I heard another lifeless Malé voice say.
"Haru!" Wow thats most be a big group.
"Will its time to go! We most change." I heard a innocent voice say. So there were swimers.
"Okey! First of Butterfly!" I heard the microphone Guy say.
Then it was many guys that stod on something.
"Lets go! Lets go Lets go Lets go!" I heard a man say.
"Lets go, Lets go Lets go!" Did the other females say.
In the other end was there many boys that say.' Fight!'
It looked fun so i came up to them and started to scream with them,
They looked at me with wide eyes. Oh no!
"Nagisa! What are you doing here!? Your suppose to be down there and swim!" A girl with purple hair demanded me.
"Nagisa? Me?" I asked. The girl and the other two looked at me with schoking faces.
"Iam Asahi kasumi, not nagisa. " i told them
They looked at me with there eyes wider then i thought.
"Oh you look really like him. Sorry. So you know iam gou" the purple haired girl Said. " and this is miho and gorou" "Nice to meet you" i bowed.
"First place Rei! Second sejiuuro!" The microphone Guy Said.
-after all have swim-
Okey so gou's team won! And now i get to meet them yes!
"We Saw that Asahi kasumi was in the Crowd! So why dont he sing for us!" Screamed the microphone Guy as everyone cheered.
Gou looked at me with wide eyes "Asahi aren't you sceard your going to sing!" Did gou scream, she diden't know i was an idol? Wow.
I ran down but exactly as the Doors close was gou's them already there.
I walked to the cord room and started to change. I took my new cord, sport cord catagorie:swimming.
Gou's pov small
Someone gave us some ear thing that we were going to put on.
Was this becouse of Asahi's concert!? He most be really good.

Back to Asahi'S pov
I took Yumes favorit song, Start line

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When i sing clear i got back and changed to my clothes.
When i walked to gou and her team, i Saw that she was amazed.
"Your an amazing Singer!" Gou screamed
"I am an idol its my duty to sing good." I responded happy. I Saw her teamates.
"Hello you most be Asahi! Your concert were amazing! Iam makoto!" The male with Greenish Brown hair greeted me.
"Arigato!" I bowed."your swimming were amazing! I most say!"
"Well iam Rei and its fantastic to meet such a good Singer, in your Singing there was no Numbers or caculation! How!?" The Guy with blue hair Said.
"Before you sing there is a caculation. With what high your voice are going to be, how many degrees you hands and legs are going to be. The steps most be Perfect! You plus the steps, and you note aren't going to be minus! It most be original it most be Perfect!" I told Rei.
"Iam sorry to interupt, iam haru and i most ask what do you feel when you sing, i feel like the water is a part of me. But what do you feel." Asked the black haired boy.
"I feel diffrent, i feel like the rythem tell me what note i will take, i love it! i love the feeling! The Rythem controles me." I responded to harus question.
"You look exactly as me! Thats so cool!" A boy that looked like me Screamed.
"Iam nagisa! Its so Nice to meet you Asahi-kun" oh my Subaru! His so kawaii!" So do you want to meet my friends" nagisa looked at this friends and smiled.
"Heck yeah!" Nagisa and momoko Screamed.
"Come on!"
We walked towards M4's house.
"Welcome to the M4 house!" I Said.
Nagisa and his group were looking at the place with big eyes.
"You live here?!" Nagisa screamed, he was a little bit longer then me but still shortes in the group.
I opened the door only to be tackled from Subaru.
"Ow! Subaru!" I screamed.
"Heh, sorry i was just playing fotball with nozomu!" Subaru apolegised. Subaru looked Behind me and Saw Nagisa."Two Asahi!" Subaru screamed, "two Asahi!?"kanata screamed and ran down. And nozomu ran were we were to.
"No its not me! This is the swimming club iwatobi!"
I intruduced them "this is, haru, hes like you Subaru, Momoko, hes like you nozomu, Rei, hes like you Kanata. Then theres gou, gorou and miho."
Kanata, nozomu and Subaru smiled at me. They knew i was bi so they probebly ink i like Nagissa (if your swedish then you know.) i mean hes cute and that but i cant like him, right?

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