Chapter 31: Roxy

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I had to lead her away. She couldn't seem to make her feet move; they were stuck there, transfixed in front of the ruins. I coaxed her into giving me the directions to her house which was, mercifully, still standing untouched. She let out a huge, shuddering, sigh when she saw it and her feet sped up as she approached the front door.

I hung back, feeling anxious. My fingers tingling with apprehension; threatening to burst into defensive flames. Jasmine's adoptive father was the chief Arcan Priest. I wasn't sure what he would think to having a Helian inside his house.

"Come on." She turned around after knocking the door, gesturing for me to come closer to the door. Her dark ringlets of hair glinted in the sunlight; it was funny to think that we were sisters. We looked nothing alike; even her skin, dark by Brizan standards, was a few shades lighter than mine. Her eyes were blue to my brown, her hair purple to my red. I was taller than her too, my face more angular, fierce. Jasmine's face was heart-shaped, delicate and doll-like. She was pretty. I had always relied on my more seductive qualities.

I shook my head. How could we be related? Maybe she had got it wrong. I walked up to her anyway. "Why are we waiting outside? Don't you have a key or something?"

"I do, but Noni prefers it if we don't let ourselves in."

"And she's the housekeeper, right?" She nodded. "Just trying to get everything straight before I meet them."

As soon as I spoke, the door opened, just an inch. I could see a soft brown eye poking out, ringed in eye liner; feminine.

"Jasmine?" The door opened a little wider, revealing a plump, short woman in her late fifties.

"Noni!" Jasmine called; she sounded incredibly relieved, throwing her arms around the older woman and holding her tightly.

The woman smiled, hugging Jasmine back, but then she looked over her shoulder, probably expecting to see one of Jasmine's friends-another Arcan. Her eyes widened when they landed on me.

"Who's that?" She whispered the words, but they were still clearly audible.

I shifted my feet from side to side. I shouldn't have come.

Jasmine drew back from Noni. She looked a little uneasy too. "Noni, this is Roxy."

"The Helian who tried to kill you all?"

"Well no, not really, that was all a bit of a misunderstanding... Roxy's on our side." She said the last words firmly, with no trace of doubt or uncertainty. We were on the same side now. Teammates, maybe even sisters.

The Arcan woman didn't look at all convinced. But she was prevented from saying anything else by the sound of another set of footsteps approaching the door.

"Don't just stand there with the door open. Either tell whoever it is to go away or invite them inside. It's not safe to linger on the doorstep!" The voice was low, but melodic, peaceful.

"Caleb!" Jasmine smiled as the figure came into view. He was only a little older than my-our?-own father. But he couldn't have looked more different. His hair was golden. His eyes were a warm brown, keen and not as kind as I had been expecting. This was a man who was used to being intimidating. He stood tall and righteous, but his movements seemed laboured; he was perhaps older than he looked. He wore a pale, stone coloured suit.

"Oh," was all he said when he saw me.

"Caleb, this is Roxy."

"I guessed as much." He was surveying me with distaste, but there was also a hint of interest. "I suppose you had better all come in, where it's safe."

He led us into the front room, which was small, but cosy. I assumed that this was for Jasmine's benefit: all of the Arcan rooms I had been in so far were incredibly draughty.

Caleb sat in a faded armchair in the corner while Noni vanished off into the kitchen.

I sat down on the sofa, feeling more intimidated than I expected. What did I care what these people thought? It shouldn't matter to me. They couldn't hurt me. But... Caleb was the chief Arcan Priest. He was important.

After what had happened between Brae and me the other night, I knew that I needed to keep him on side. If things were to get more... serious, Brae would need to count on his support. I shifted my hands anxiously. My fingers twitched, desperate to spark tiny teardrops of flame.

To distract myself, I looked over at Jasmine. She had been acting strangely when I first saw her this morning, and for a few minutes I was certain that she knew, that he had already told her. But wasn't so sure now that he had. Why would she have agreed to spend the morning with me otherwise?

I had asked Brae if I could be the one to tell her what had happened. I felt like I owed it to her, after she had built up the courage to be honest with him about me. But I hadn't been able to do it on the way here; I had bottled when I saw how upset she was. I would do it on the way home.

"Roxy?" I looked at Jasmine, who was staring at me questioningly. Caleb was looking at me too. I must have missed something when I zoned out.

"Sorry, what?"

"Caleb just asked you how you were adjusting to being in the Arcan Realm."

"Oh. Well, it's certainly different. Colder, mostly."

"I would assume that the lifestyle is also a little more sedate. A little more modest?"

Hey! What was he trying to imply? I was ready to reply sarcastically when I remembered Brae. I needed to play nice for Brae.

"I'm not sure that sedate is a word I would use under the current circumstances. I feel that, really, I haven't yet had the chance to experience Arcan culture fully. And I would really like to, once the attacks come to an end."

Caleb made a noncommittal grunt; clearly there was nothing he could criticise in my answer. I smiled smugly, before looking over to Jasmine and finding that she, too, was smiling, though in a slightly bemused way. She had been expecting me to kick off.

"Of course, we are a very pious Realm. Unfortunately many of our services have had to be cancelled since the attacks started, but I am sure that they will resume again soon enough. I imagine you may find that difficult to adjust to. Our Realm is not as... liberal as yours."

This guy seriously had it in for me. I'd show him liberal, the stuck-up, pious-

Calm down, Roxy. You're doing this for Brae.

Brae was worth it. I could put up with this bigot for a little while. Jasmine needed me to be nice as well. It wouldn't go down well if I insulted him. "I'm sure I will adjust." I smiled as demurely as I could.

"How is Brae?" Caleb asked next, directing his question to Jasmine.

Her cheeks coloured instantly. She clearly hadn't told him about their breakup.

"He's... coping. As well as can be expected really. It's a very difficult time, for all of us. And he's been very busy."

"You two still arguing?"

She looked shocked. "I... What... No. We're fine. Our friendship is fine." She spoke the last sentence firmly and pointedly and Caleb seemed to understand at once.

"I see." Was I imagining things, or did he glance over at me as he answered? Was he psychic or something?

"So," Caleb continued. "Was this just a social visit, or was there anything in particular that you wanted?"

"I wanted to see you of course! And I thought I could lend Roxy a few things for keeping warm. But, also, I'm worried about the two of you, out here, alone and exposed. I think that you should move up to the castle, where it's safer."

Caleb scoffed. "I will not be chased out of my home by hubristic scum."

Flames, this guy was rude. He didn't even glance my way apologetically, like the others did when they insulted the Helians around me.

"Caleb!" Jasmine scolded.

"No, Jasmine. This is my home. I will not leave it under duress. If they are brazen enough to attack the house of a man of God, they will get their comeuppance. Besides, our faith will protect us, the Air God looks after his children."

Delusional much? If Cinaer had any idea that this was the home of a priest, he would target it specifically and no amount of prayer would save this guy then.

Jasmine seemed to agree. "The Protectors at the palace will protect you; we are the agents of the Air God, the provision he has made to keep you safe. But I can't look after you if you're here. I need you with me."

Caleb shook his head. "I will be fine. Of course, if Noni wishes to leave, she is more than welcome to; I will not judge her for it."

Sure... Right... Because he was clearly a completely nonjudgemental person.

"Of course not!" came a voice from the doorway. "If you stay, I stay. I will not go without you." She stood strong and firm, a tray with two mugs of steaming liquid on it in her hands.

Caleb smiled at her fondly and extended a hand out to the tray as she passed. "Keep your hands off!" she snapped. "I made these for the girls. You will have to wait for yours."

"But it's my house!" he whined like a child. I looked over at Jasmine, who was clearly struggling not to giggle.

"Exactly. You can wait. Guests are served first. Speaking of which, all guests are treated with equal respect in this house. So please be nicer to Roxy. She is Jasmine's friend and we will treat her with kindness."

Caleb glared like a petulant child, prompting Jasmine to get to her feet. She took both mugs off of the tray and glanced over at me.

"Come on, Roxy, let's go upstairs and find you that coat." She smiled warmly at Noni as we passed her and the woman squeezed her gently on the arm.

"I'm sorry about Caleb," she said, shutting the door to her attic room. "He is lovely, but a bit stuck in his ways. He'll get used to you eventually though." She smiled and handed me one of the mugs.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at it dubiously. It was gloopy and light brown and smelt incredibly sweet.

"Mocha. Noni's speciality. You'll love it, I promise; it warms you right up." She grinned before taking a huge gulp from her own mug. I scrunched up my nose and followed suit.

Jasmine was right, it was incredibly warm. I was sure that I could feel it trickling down my throat and reaching my stomach, where it heated everything to a cosy temperature. "Can I carry a flask of this around permanently while I'm here?" I asked her, feeling the corner of my lips turn up in a smile.

Jasmine grinned back and put her half-finished mug down on a dresser, heading straight over to the wardrobe. "Let's see what we have in here for you..." She rummaged around inside it, throwing a pale grey coat on the bed, along with two jumpers, three pairs of thick, fluffy socks, and a gorgeous, soft grey scarf. "All yours."

"Are you sure? Don't you need it?"

She shrugged. "I've got enough for me. You need this stuff more right now. You've got to keep your strength up, ready for the plan."

"Why are you being so nice to me?" The words came out before I could really think about them.

She paused for a moment, considering her response. "Because... I feel like I didn't give you a fair chance. I was so caught up in my feelings for Brae and how you impacted on them... I still feel terrible about leaving you, okay, and I know that this doesn't make up for it-that no amount of warm clothing ever could-but it's the best I've got. And at least it's something. But," she continued, running her hands over the scarf, "if you think of anything I can do to make you forgive me, then please let me know."

I gulped. I had to tell her. "You could forgive me?"

Her eyes jerked up, looking straight into mine, questioning. "What do you mean?"

"I... We... Brae and I... We kissed. I'm sorry. I know that things between the two of you are complicated and I shouldn't have done it. I'm just getting in the middle of things. But..."

"It's okay."


The smile on her face had become fixed. Her bottom lip was quivering ever so slightly and her voice sounded far too light; forced.

"It's fine. Brae and I are just friends. I know how much you mean to him. Besides," she added, forcing out a laugh. "I kissed Tristan last night. So I guess Brae and I are really over." The lip continued to quiver.


"I'm going to go and visit Devon." She cut across me. "Brody will be there, so it will be better if you don't come. Why don't you take all of your new stuff," she thrust the clothing into my arms as she spoke, looking anywhere, everywhere but me, "and head back to the castle. I will see you there later."


"Goodbye, Roxy."

There was nothing else I could do. I turned andleft. 

{Just when things were starting to go well... Do you think the girls will move past this, or will Brae always be between them? And what do you think of Caleb's treatment of Roxy? Please vote/comment to let me know what you think.}   

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