Air pollution

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Currently, air pollution is very serious problem. Air pollution is the change in the composition of the atmosphere, causing climate change, cause disease in humans and animals. We must act promptly to save the atmosphere before it is too late. Climate change may be a big problem, but there are many little things we can do to make a difference. If we try, most of us can do our part to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas that we put into the atmosphere. Here are some ways you can help make the planet a better place : save energy, use of vehicles as environmentally friendly such as bus, bike or walking, plant more trees and recycle discarded items such as cans, bottles, plastic bags, newspapers…. Please act quickly! Save the atmosphere means you are saving yourself there!

Currently, in addition to air pollution, water pollution and the noise pollution are two serious threats to human life. Water gets polluted because people throw a lot of waste into it and a lot of vehicles on the street can cause noise pollution. If people continue to throw the waste into the water and do not use public transport to limit the amount of traffic on the road, the two threats will become increasingly more serious. We need to raise awareness of environmental protection to its increasingly cleaner, to no longer dead rivers as well as the loud noise caused by too many vehicles on the road.

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