Episode - 31

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Hey everyone, thanks for your comments and votes in previous part.  Enjoy reading.

To Be continued...

Maheshwari mansion:

Swara came from hospital. She go to her room and packed her bags. She was feeling so much pain while packing but she kept on wiping her tears and tried to concentrate on work but couldn't. Her mind and heart was diverting to sanskar thoughts. Their moments they shared in this room, in Udaipur, falling for him.
" I can't stay here Sanskar. It's too hard for me to leave but I have to. I know I m breaking the deal and you will get angry for that but I can't live like this anymore. I get scare of my feelings , you will hate me after knowing that and I don't want that. My heart can't handle your presence around me. It want to tell you that I love you but I can't. Still I wish I could." Swara's monologue.

She sees the letter in her hand and placed it on the table and pressed it's edge with some weight. She took her bag. And take a deep breathe then goes downstairs.

She comes to hall. All present there except Adarsh, Laksh nd sanskar. Uttara went to college. Ap saw her. But she got confused to see her with bag.

" Swara? When did you come back from hospital? And are you going somewhere again?" She asked confusingly.

Everyone saw toward swara. Sujata also got up and ask her.

" Yeah swara, when did you come? Your baba is okay na?" Sujata asked her.

" I came an hour ago and yeah, baba is fine doctor said he is getting better." Swara said.

" That's good. I m sure he will be totally fine soon" Rp said with smile.

" yeah, but where are you going now with this bag, swara? " Sujata asked.

Swara was fidgeting her fingers nervously.
" I,... I want to say something to you all." She stammered in nervousness.

" What is it beta? Why are you so nervous? You can say anything. " Ap asked her.

She fist her palm. Her lips were drying. She sighed and look down.

" I... Sans.. sanskar and me.." swara tried to say but stopped

" Sanskar and you.. say na swara." Ap says to continue.

" Wait, did he fight with you? Let him come, I will see him. And you don't need to go anywhere because of him. Just let me him come... I will.." Sujatha  interuppted before swara could say anything.

" No, it's not that mom" swara said cutting her in middle.
" Then?" Sujata asked confusingly.

" We are not married. I m not Sanskar's wife." She said in one breathe finally.

" What??" Ap said in shock.
While everyone got shocked listening it.
" What are you saying swara? This is not a joke." Sujatha asked immediately not able to digest what Swara said.

Swara look at them.
" It's true. Me and sanskar never married. It was a deal for one year" she said again confirming it.

Sujatha comes to her, looking seriously. Swara gets scared a bit.

" Swara, just tell everything whatever it is. You both said you loved each other and that's why you got married. And now you are saying you both didn't marry, it was deal? Why would you do that and sanskar, what was the need for this drama when you were never married?" Sujatha asked impatiently.

Swara look at her.

" Sanskar doesn't love me. He love another girl. Her name is kavita. They weren't not ready for marriage yet and you all wanted sanskar get married that's why he faked his marriage and I... I..  helped him in all this because of my father." Swara said everything.

She explained everything about her father's condition, needed of money for operation, how she met Sanskar in his office, his offer to help her, deal for one year, Sanskar to take care of all medical facilities for her father and she will be his fake wife for one year so that he can avoid his marriage for now because he wanted to marry kavita and she wasn't ready for it because of her career.

" I know sanskar did wrong but I m equally responsible for everything.
My heart knew that I was doing wrong but I was helpless. I didn't have any choice to save my Father. Whatever is it ,I shouldn't have done that. It was wrong, nothing can make it right. I m sorry for everything, for breaking your trust and playing with your emotions, for making fun of pious relationship. I will accept whatever punishment you want to give me but please forgive me"Swara said cryingly looking down.

They saw her. They feel sad for her. They were angry but what can she do. Her intension was not wrong.

"I never knew the love of a family but you all gave me love like your own daughter. I promise you the moment I spend with you was truth not any act." Swara continued further.

" But why are you saying all this now? After two months?" sujatha asked.

" Because, I can't live with this guilt anymore. I m sorry for everything. It's all upto you whether you want to forgive me or not" swara said folding her hand.

Ap and sujatha look at each other. They were hurt, angry but sad too.

Ap goes to Swara. Swara look at her.

" no, we can't punish you for anything. Your intension was not wrong. You wanted to save your Father. It's not that we aren't hurt but you accepted it. It's really big thing. One need guts to confess her mistake and ask forgiveness. I always thought you as our daughter and  I can't hate you. " Ap said.

" Jiji is saying right. We know why you  do this but I m angry too ,why didn't you tell me anything before? And I need to know from sanskar, what forced him to do that." Sujatha said.

Dp and rp also said the same. Swara appolozise to them again. They forgave her understanding her situation. They knew that swara wasn't bad at heart. If she wanted, she could have done anything wrong. Her father was in comma, if she wanted she could have run away with money and go somewhere and provide him treatment there too. But no, she chooses to tell everything to them. It might be late but she realised her mistake.

"Swara, if you go from here then what about your father's treatment. You did all that for him and now you are backing out. What about him?" Rp asked swara with concern.

" I don't know much but I have thought something about it. I hope God will help me. But I will be relived that I won't have to lie anymore to you all. You forgave me, that's enough for me."  Swara said looking at him with small smile.

Then she touched ap feet. She blessed her. Then she touched sujatha feet. She hold her hand.

" I am still thinking, whatever you said now may prove wrong and you are my DIL. I don't think I will get one better than you" sujatha said sadly.

Sujatha hugged her. Swara closed her eyes and also hugged her back.

" I wish that could be true" swara thought in her mind. A tear slide down her cheek.

Then she took blessings from dp and rp.
"Swara, we know that whatever Happened can't change but you father shouldn't face due to it. We always cared for you. So, till your baba don't get totally fine, we will take care of hospital bills and all. You don't need to worry about it." Dp said.

Swara look at him.
" No bade papa, you don't need to do that. You all forgave me. It's enough." Swara said.

" Bhaisaa is saying right Swara. He need proper treatment. I know you will do something but are you sure about it? "

Ap and sujatha also told her the same. Swara agreed finally.

" I don't know how to thank you all. I am feeling myself lucky. You are doing so much for me, thank you so much. But after my baba will be okay, I will pay you money and you won't deny it. Please it's my request." She said overwhelmingly.

" Ok Swara, as you say. But only when your baba will be okay." Rp said. He pats her hair.

Swara nods once again saying thank you to them. She go to pari. Pari look at her with sad smile.

" Take care of yourself and this little pari , bhabhi" swara says with smile and teary eyes.

Pari nods.
" I got my little sister in you. I m really going to miss you" pari said.
" Me too bhabhi" swara said.
Pari hugged her.
" If you love him so much then why don't you tell him. Whether you loved him before or not but now you do, I can see it in you eyes. Why are you running away from love?"  Pari whispered in her ear.

Swara get shocked to know pari knows it but she composed herself and say

" I can't bhabhi. I can't see hate for me in his eyes. Just never tell him about it.  You are having swear on me" she whispered in broken tone.

They break the hug. Pari nods at her. Swara look at everyone. They weren't angry. Their eyes shows hurt and sadness. She also didn't wanted to go leaving this family but she has to. She took her bag and turn around to go out. Slowly walking toward main door,, she was thinking about the moments she spend here with all family members, sanskar, rituals, fun moments everything. She wipes the tear from corner of her eyes and goes out.

To be continued...

Next: Sanskar's reaction..

That's all for today's part. Will be back soon with next episode.

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