Episode - 50

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Hey everyone, I m here with next part. Thank you so much for you votes and comments in previous part. Enjoy reading.

To be continued...

Two month later:
It's been two month after Arya's wedding. After two weeks of that Tanya and Laksh also got married. Now everyone was happy in their life. So, were Swasan. there life was full of happiness, love. In all this Swara gave audition for singing when sanskar forced her to and she got selected. Even she got few singing contract. Sanskar was so happy. Their friends and family members were also happy for swara. Her dream to become a singer came true. On the other side, Riya started her career as Event organiser which she wanted to do and without any doubt Arav supported her so his family. Arav also formed a great bond with Ruhi. He treat her just like a father. Tanya was just waiting for final exams to end soon. Her life with laksh also became perfect. Just a misunderstanding separated them but now everything was fine. Alok and Nisha were also happy in their life. Nisha joined office but she only go when she wants to and Alok never say her anything because it's her decision. Everything was going fine in their lives.

Mm Industry:
Sanskar's cabin:

Sanskar was working on his laptop then only the cabin door opened.

" Who's this?" Sanskar asked in professional voice.
" The girl who can enter your cabin without your permission. That means your wife" Sanskar heard it and smiled. He look away from laptop to find swara.

"What a surprise wify?" Sanskar said getting up from chair and coming toward her.

" My recording finished so I came directly from studio. I thought to have lunch with my hubby." Swara said.

" What? You had recording and you didn't told me. I could have come with you." Sanskar said.

" That's why I didn't told you. You had meeting in morning and I didn't wanted you to ignore that." Swara said.
" Swara.." sanskar was saying when swara interupt.
" If you wanna discuss it then fine. I will go home only. I m hungry and you.." swara was saying and about turn to but sanskar hold her hand.

" Ok.. ok, let's go to have lunch."Sanskar said.

Then only his phone rings. He excused himself taking it. He talked and then say to swara.

" Swara, you wait for five minutes. I will just come after giving this file to dad." Sanskar said grabbing a file.

" Ok sure." Swara said with smile. Sanskar smiled with nods and goes out of cabin.

Swara was looking around. She stand near the large glass window and look out then she go to his chair. With mischievous smile on her face she sit on his chair.

" Umm.. let's see what were you doing hubby?" She says grabbing a file and turned the chair. She was looking inside the file, moving the chair slowly when cabin door open abruptly. Swara smiled and was about to say something thinking it's sanskar and was about to turn around to face him but she stopped as she heard a female voice. Her eyes turned fire recognising the voice. It was Kavita.

"Sanskar.. please listen to me once." Kavita says looking toward chair back.

"You must be thinking why I m here when I didn't contact you since two months. Sanskar, I m here because of you but I just couldn't come back due to passport problems." Kavita said.

Swara rolled her eyes listening her. As if Sanskar care for her.

" Sanskar, I know you must have got married to that girl swara, due to some reason and I know you love me. I trust you sanskar. You know she threatened me to be away from you. She must have some motive. Is she blackmailing you? Look, we can file complain against her and you can divorce her. We can be together again." Kavita said.

Swara gripped her fist in anger. How dare she to talk all these bullshit. And that to about sanskar that he loves her. he should divorce her ( swara). Swara tried her best to stop herself from getting up from chair and hit her face.

" Sanskar, why are you facing back? You love me na? Ofcourse you do. And I also love you. We are perfect for each other sanskar. You don't worry, you just get divorce from her somehow then we will get marry. I don't want anything. I just want you in my life." Kavita said with smile thinking sanskar listened her. He didn't shouted at her. May be she could get him back.

Then only the door opened.
" Swara.. let's..." Sanskar was saying but stopped finding kavita while kavita was shocked to find him coming inside from door.

"Kavita? What the hell are you doing here?" Sanskar asked rudely.

" Sa.. San. San.. sanskar... You here then who is on the chair?" Kavita completed word with so much difficulty.

Then only swara turned around the chair and look at her with raised eyebrow and tight smile. Sanskar gets amused to see her on his chair. She gets up and come toward them.

Sanskar was about to say something but before that swara said.
" Sanskar, why don't you go and wait for me in car? I will just come after having small conversation with your sister." Swara said with smile.

" Okk.." sanskar said knowing what's gonna happen. He shakes his head unbelievably and gave pity look to kavita then go out.

" How dare you call me his sister?"Kavita shouted as sanskar goes out.
" Yeah right, how can someone like you can be his sister? I m sorry, I unknowingly insulted sister word." Swara said.

" Anyway, Hi Kavita, we never met so let me introduce you. I m Swara sanskar maheshwari and I really didn't feel nice to see you neither you will feel nice after this meeting." Swara said.

Kavita look at her angrily.

" You.. just because of you all this happened. What do you think of yourself?" Kavita said pointing finger at him.

Swara instantly hold her hand that she was pointing finger at her and twisted it. Kavita turned around in pain. Swara twisted it more hardly and say.

" What did I told you on phone? Didn't I say that stay away from my husband? Then also you came to show your face and meet him. How dare you?" Swara said angrily.

" Ahh!! Swara leave my hand. It's hurting" Kavita yelled in pain.

" It's good na. I warned you already. Didn't I? What were you saying that he will divorce me and you will be back to him. He is my husband. I m saying again to just stay away from him otherwise, next time I will break your both hand. And you would definitely not like to punches scars on your face. Got it!!" Saying this she hardly twisted her hand and kavita scream in pain. Swara left her.

Kavita look at her with scared face. Swara was feeling so angry looking at her face so within a second she stomp her heals hardly on her foot.. and she jumps in pain holding her foot.

" Now get the hell out of her before I kill you and never show your face again." Swara said in warning tone.

Kavita glared at her.
" I will see you swara.." she said.

Swara rolled her eyes.
" Please don't. Otherwise it will be more painful for you." Swara said.

Kavita goes out of cabin then swara also goes after taking a deep sigh. She comes out and go and sit inside car where sanskar was waiting.

" Shall we go?" Sanskar asked.

" Yeah, I am feeling so much hungry. Let's go." Swara said with smile.

Sanskar nods and started driving.

" Waise, what did you do to kavita?" Sanskar asked raising his eyebrows.

" Nothing, we just casually talk. I made her understand calmly and I hope she got my point." Swara said.

Sanskar chuckled as he knew she was lying.
" I was asking because I could see her limping while walking and holding her left hand." Sanskar said.

" So? Her heals might be broken that why she must be limping and her hand comes in between door ,may be that why. " Swara said uncaringly.

" Yeah, that could be possible but swara you know something, there is camera in my cabin and I could see everything live in my phone." Sanskar said showing his phone.

Swara snatched his phone and see it was live. She rewind it back and see herself and kavita.

"If you knew then why were you asking me?" Swara said.

"It's fun. Haha.. and you know swara, this was more amazing than any movie or series." Sanskar said nd laughed.

Swara sees him. She also started laughing.
They reached restaurant and ordered food after taking seat. After sometime, their order came. They eat and make each other eat also happily.

After having lunch, they come out of restaurant.
" Sanskar, you go to office. I will take cab and go back home." Swara said.

" What? No way! Come and sit in car." Saying this sanskar moved toward car.

" No? But sanskar you need to go back to office na? You must have work?" Swara said confusingly.

" I took half day leave. So come and sit now." Sanskar said and sat in car.
Swara didn't understand but she also sat inside car.

" Arey but how can you take leave wall of the sudden? And what about your work? Most importantly, what will you do half day?" Swara asked.

" With all my right I can take half day leave from our own company nd about work, well I wasn't have any important thing to do today. So I will spend time with my wife." Sanskar said.

"Spend time with me? Really, fine let's go to mm mansion. Mom, badi maa ,uttara, pari bhabhi, tanya they will also love to spend quality time with us, Right?" Swara said with chuckle.

" Swara, if you will keep spoiling romantic mood like this na then God know when our kids will come in this world?" Sanskar said in fake complaining tone. Swara heard it and blushed. She looked down.

"Sanskaaaar.." swara said in whispering tone.

"God, I just love this blushing smile and the way you say my name in this tone." Sanskar said with mischievous smile.

"Shut up sanskar. Don't tease me. Anyway, So what's the plan Mr. Hubby as I guessed we aren't going to mm for now?" Swara said.

"Let's see.." sanskar said and started the car.

Sanskar stopped the car at city mall.

" Shopping? But sanskar, I have already so much.." Swara asked.

"Even better, then you have to do shopping only for me. But before that we will watch movie. After that shopping.." sanskar said wrapping his arm around her shoulder in side hug and walk.

Swara shakes her head unbelievably looking at him and walk with him.

They watch movie together. well basically swara watched it, that too with not much concentration because Sanskar was holding her hand in whole movie and trying to disturb her and getting close to her as she was looking in front. Swara knew he was doing it knowingly. She tried to stop him few times but no use. Sanskar is always sanskar.

After movie, they did shopping. Swara selected few clothes for him. Sanskar also bought her a beautiful saree. They did some shopping for family members also.
It was already evening. Sanskar took her to a restaurant. They were having dinner when swara sees raining outside through glass window.

" Wow, it raining." Swara said cheerfully.
Sanskar also looked out.
" Yeah, see weather is also romantic like me and unlike you." Sanskar said.
Swara hit his hand.

" So, you are saying I m unromantic?" Swara asked.

" You have doubt? You are always like, sanskar your office, your work..,meeting, conference etc etc." Sanskar said dramatically.

Swara narrowed her eyes at him. Sanskar chuckled.
They had dinner talking with each other. After that they were coming out.
"Swara, you wait. I will bring car. It's raining.. you will get wet." Sanskar said.
Swara nods. Sanskar go from there.

After sometime, sanskar came with car but he didn't see swara. He gets worried and look around. Not finding her, he comes out of car and look for her. He called out her name.

" Swara.. sw.." he stopped as he see a figure standing alone in restaurant garden side area. Due to dark he couldn't see her face but he knew she was his wife only. He go close to her and see swara. She was spreading her arm feeling the rain droplets falling on her with closed eyes and smile on her face.
He smiled thinking that he was worried for her and here she is enjoying the rain. He go and stand in front of her. Swara feels something and she opened her eyes slowly to find him standing. She suddenly felt nervous with his intense gaze.

" Sanskar.. I... I was.. there.. , this rain.. I.." Swara stammered didn't understanding what to say.

Sanskar smirked looking at her with smile. He hold her hand and pulled her to himself. She gasped and look straight into his eyes.

"You are looking so angelic in this wet saree and this nervousness is making you more beautiful. Don't you feel, you should have some mercy on your husband and his heart?" Sanskar said in whispering tone pulling her closer.

Swara smiled blushingly.
" I feel, we should go home." Swara said slowly and pushed him away.

" Let's go.." she said and chuckled and started walking.
Sanskar gave annoyed look and followed her.

Sanskar was driving car. Swara was looking outside raining and thinking something smilingly. She looks at him.

" Sanskar..?" Swara said his name.
" Hmm." Sanskar said.
" Thanks, I really felt so happy to spend time with you today, shopping, movie, dinner everything. It was so good. After so many days, I felt it was just you and me." Swara said.
Sanskar sees her

" Really? If it is like that then I will take leave for few days." Sanskar said teasingly.

" Sanskar.. you!! You are mad." Swara said unbelievably looking at him. Sanskar chuckled.

" Only for you wify" sanskar said.

After sometime, they reached mm. It was still raining heavily. They went inside taking shopping bags with them. Everyone had dinner and they had already retired to their rooms. But Laksh and Tanya who were going toward their room saw them.

"Swara, your song recording took so long haan?" Tanya said.

" No, I was coming but.." swara was saying but laksh interupted.

" It's ok swara bhabhi, we understand." Laksh said.

" I thought, you won't have plan to come back mm tonight bhai?" Laksh said teasingly.
" Yeah laksh, you are right. Will think about it next time." Sanskar said uncaringly. Swara hit on his arm.

Sanskar chuckled.
" You both enjoyed rain so much I guess." Laksh said looking at them as they were wet and laughed.

" umm....I m going to our room. " Swara said and escaped from there as she knew laksh and Tanya will continue teasing her if she stay there but what happened was totally opposite when sanskar teased them.

"Yeah, not that much but what are you both doing and how you both came together from kitchen, I guess you enjoyed your kitchen romance more than I enjoyed rain." Sanskar Said.

Laksh get shocked and confused that how did he know.

" Nice lipstick Laksh.." Sanskar said with raised eyebrows clearing his confusion. Tanya looks away feeling embarrassed and she also moved away from there.

" I.. I .. need to go." Laksh said stammering.
" I m sure, you should go." Sanskar said with teasing smile.

Swasan room:
Sanskar entered inside room. He started to take out his jacket then his eyes caught swara standing near dressing table. She was putting her wet hair at her front and was trying to remove her hair from her earing that got entangled. He sees her bare back that was covered barely with her backless and wet blouse. He gulped and the jacket fell from his hand. She is his wife now but still she looks new everytime and awake desires in him. She threw her hair back and he gets mesmerized to see her face in mirror. Swara sees him while removing earings but couldn't read his eyes the way he was looking.

" Sanskar, please take out my night gown. I will get change." She said.

Sanskar was too lost in her that he didn't listen her. Swara turned around an snapped finger at him.

" Sanskar? What happened?" She said bringing him out of trance.

" Yeah, nothing.." Sanskar said.
" Please take out my night gown na? Swara said with smile.

" Okay.. sure" He said.

" Oh god, she is too hot to handle sometimes." sanskar thought.

He opened the cupboard and was taking out a nightgown when something fell. Sanskar picked it up from floor and sees it's the same black dress she wore in Udaipur. He thinks something and his lips curved up into naughty smile. He smirked at his thoughts.

Swara removed her wrist watch and put it on dressing table when she feels a finger tracing her back sensually. Then she feels his hot breathe falling on her nape. She felt nervous and didn't look up to see him. Her breathes slowly getting heavy.

" Sanskar..?" she said I mere whisper.

" Hmm" Sanskar said moving her hair to other side.
" What.. what..ar.. are you doing?" She asked with difficulty.
"That's I should ask, what are you doing to me?" Sanskar said huskily such that she felt her breathe hitched.

His fingers still caressing her back and heart was beating fast with his touch. She closed her eyes taking deep breathes. She wanted to say something but she felt her throat got dry. That's when she felt him holding her hand around her belly and then felt him giving something in her hand. She opened her eyes feeling it only to find the black dress.

"Sanskar this.." swara was saying when he cuts her in middle.

" I still remember that night when you wore this dress in Udaipur. you were looking smoking hot but I just tried to controlled my emotions saying just stunning and beautiful. I wanna see you in this again. Please wear it again." He said huskily.

" Sanskar but.."swara said but he interupt. He pressed his lips on her temple and whispered.

" Please for me Swara.."

Swara looked down and nods shyly leading him to smile.

Few moments later:
Swara opened the washroom door and comes out. Her heart was beating fast. The lights were dimmed. The only she could hear the soft and melodious sound of raining from window. The wind blowing giving her chilling. She looked around to find him when she felt a sudden pull on her hand and fall on his chest. He was still in shirt but the buttons were opened revealing his bare strong body. They look at each other. He grabbed her waist tight and pulling her closer. His intense gaze make her nervous. Being lost in each other eyes, they didn't notice when their body started moving slowly.

" I don't believe I just let go the chances just like that when I was almost going to kiss you but I didn't. Now I badly regret that. especially in the pub." He said slowly.

"Didn't you get scared that I would had slapped you." Swara said slowly wrapping her hands around his shoulder moving up from chest.

"well, I wasn't in that much sense to think all that. You hold the power to control my mind. It stops working being close to you and heart, it just want what it wants." Sanskar said murmuring close to her lips.

Sanskar twirl her around and hugged her from behind. Swara realised they were dancing just like they danced in pub.

" So still remember the dance?" Swara asked with smile.

"I can never forget any moment I spend with you." Sanskar said.

He hide his face in her hair, moving down he nuzzled in her neck and placed the lingering kisses there. Swara closed her eyes and smiled with ticklish feeling. She moaned his name resting her head back on his shoulder. She hold his hand on her belly. Her knees felt week as he lips traces her skin toward her neck. She turned around slowly to face him. He pulled her closer by her waist and lift his hand up to her face. He tugged her hair strands behind her ear and hold her face gently. They look at each other and they have a beautiful yet intense eyelock. His thumb caressed her face gently, then her lips and leaned toward her. Their eyes got closed and distance between their lips decreased. Their breathe entangled. He was about kiss her lips but swara put her hand in between their lips resulting him to kiss her palm. Sanskar felt it and opened his eyes to see her giggling at him.

" Dance was nice but don't you remember we didn't kissed that time Mr. hubby as you got call." Swara said and pushed him with giggle to move away but he instantly pulled her leading her to crash into his chest and tighten his grip around her waist.

" Hmm, you're right but not now wify.. Today, we aren't going to be disturbed due to any phone call." Sanskar whispered close to her lips in such tone that she felt shiver ran down her spine. Before she could say anything or do something.. he placed his lips on her and kissed her passionately. He ruffled her hair gently and deepen the kiss. Swara gives in and also responded. Still kissing her, his hand reached to zip of her dress. Her heart skipped a beat and she gripped her hold on his shoulder as he slowly slide down the zip. They break the kiss being out of breathe. He kept his forhead against her catching his breathe then look at her. He took her in his arm while Swara encircled her arms around his neck looking at him. He walked to bed and made her lie down slowly on bed. Getting on top of her, he placed the kiss on her forhead. She closed her eyes feeling his blissful kiss. She hugged him as he dugged his face down to her neck, sliding dress from her shoulder. She arched back and her fingers clutched on his bare back pulling him closer responding to his touch and kisses.
Few minutes later, the light was turned off and room was filled with thier moans and groans. They made to love.

A week later:
It was usual morning. Sanskar was getting ready for office. Swara came inside room with his breakfast as he told he will do in his room only.

" Sanskar, your breakfast." Swara said.
" Yeah, just a minute swara." Sanskar said wearing his wrist watch.

Then only Swara phone ping with message. Swara checked her phone and see it was Nisha who was telling her to meet her at Universal mall at 11:00a.m. She chuckled thinking Nisha is obsessed with shopping and no one can stop her. She replied ok, I will be there.

" What happened swara? Who's message is it?" Sanskar asked putting tie around his neck.

Swara goes to him.
" Nisha, she told me to meet her at unv. Mall. at 11." Swara said taking tie from him and started tying.

"She really love shopping a lot. I m sure Alok have to face tough time to handle her." Sanskar said with chuckle.

" Why? Will you stop me if I will do shopping?" Swara asked.

" Why will I? Whatever is mine is yours. I can never stop you from anything but what to do you aren't fond of shopping only. You just accompany Nisha, Riya or tanya. They must be thinking that I stop you from doing that. " Sanskar said.

"Shut up sanskar! Why will they think that. I don't do much shopping Because, I have already too much things and I don't need more." Swara said finished tying.

" Ok wify" sanskar said.
" Yeah, now come and have breakfast." Swara said.

Sanskar nods. He finished his breakfast.
" Ok swara bye, take care and call me." Sanskar said and pecked her lips.
" Yeah ok , you too take care." Swara said.
Sanskar went out. Swara arrange the file that was on table.

Mm industry:
Sanskar came back in his cabin after finishing an important meeting. He checked the time. It was 11:35 a.m. He Sees phone but didn't find any message or call from Swara.

" Weird? Didn't she reached mall till now?" Sanskar thinks.

Then he thought to call her. He dialled her.
" The no. You are trying to reach is currently switched off." Sanskar heard.

" What the hell!! Swara never switch off her phone." Sanskar said.

He called her again but again got same answer. After a couple of try sanskar call mm. Sujatha take the call.

" Mom, where is swara?" Sanskar asked.

" Swara went to meet Nisha. Didn't she told you? It's been more than half an hour she left." He heard sujatha and gets worried.

"O.. ok mom." Sanskar said.
" But what happened sanskar? " Sujata asked.

" Her phone is switched off. That's why I was worried. I will call the driver. That's ok." Sanskar said.

" Oh, may be her phone is not charged. And yeah she went alone. Not with driver." Sujatha said.

"What? But why? Where is he?" Sanskar asked.

"He is on leave since a week sanskar. You forget?" Sujata said.

" Oh yeah ok mom. I will call you later " sanskar said and cut the call.

He was now getting more worried. He wish that swara is alright. He called swara again only to get same answer. Then only someone knock on his cabin.

" Come in." Sanskar Said calling swara.
It was Alok.

" Hey alok you here?" Sanskar said.

" Yeah, just passing bye so thought to meet you and laksh. But why you look worried? Is anything wrong." Alok said looking at his expression.

"Don't know Alok. Swara phone is switched off. I have called few times but same answer. She told that she went to meet Nisha in mall. I think I should go and check myself." Sanskar said and was about to go out but Alok stopped him.

" wait Sanskar, she must be with Nisha only na. Then why don't you call Nisha?" Alok said.

Sanskar sighed.
" Yeah, you are right. I totally lost my mind thinking about swara." Sanskar said.

" Wait, I will call Nisha. Everything will be clear. Don't worry. Swara must be with her only." Alok said.

Sanskar nods.
He called Nisha. Sanskar signed him to put it on speaker. After few rings Nisha took the call.

" Hello Nisha." Alok asked.
" Yeah Alok..." Nisha said.

" Is swara with you? Give her the phone. Sanskar wants to talk to her." Alok said.

" Oh but swara is not with me. I was calling her only but her phone is switched off. She messaged me to come but she is only nowhere to be seen?" Nisha said.

"What? You only messaged her to meet you in mall na?" Sanskar asked being confused.

"What? no Sanskar, I got her message to meet me in mall and She will wait in parking. I came here because swara told but I can't find her anywhere" Nisha said.

Sanskar got really worried now. Alok sees this.

" Nisha, just look around the parking. If she told you in parking then she must be there only." Alok said.

" Yeah, ok I...... ALOKKKKK" Nisha shouted his name all of the sudden.

They heard her shout.

" Hello.. hello... Nisha Nisha... Are you there? Nisha?" Alok asked being worried.
The call was disconnected. Alok immediately called her back but her phone was switched off.
Sanskar also got so much restless. Firstly swara and now Nisha.

" We need to go there Alok. Let's go!." Sanskar said.
Laksh who was coming to his cabin. He saw their expression and he also got worried.
" Bhai, Alok, what happened?" Laksh asked.
" Swara and nisha's life in danger. We have to go." Sanskar said and immediately rushed from there following by Alok. Laksh also go behind them.

They sat in car. Laksh also sit inside saying he is also coming with them. Alok told him everything totally restless. Sanskar was so much worried for swara. He was driving too fast.

" Ok bye Arav" Riya said as she was about to open the door of car to go out. Arav hold her hand to stop her.

"Riya, this is not fair. Atleast give me a good bye kiss. Just like an apple a day keeps doctor away like wise, a kiss a day keeps your stress away." Arav said dramatically.

" Shut up Arav and go to office. You are already late. Dad told you to come office soon but see the time. It's already more than 11. " Riya said.

"Reason is you only." Arav said.

" What? You don't wake up soon. You wanted to drop me. I didn't ask you and I m the reason?" Riya said and hit his arm. Arav chuckled.

" Ok now, I m going. I have meeting. Client must be waiting." Riya said.

Arav pecked her lips.
" Ok bye." He said and winked. Riya look unbelievably at him.

"Ok But listen , you don't need to send any driver. Neither you come. I will go home by cab." Riya said.

"Riya but.." Arav was saying but Riya look at him.

" Okay but inform when you reach home." Arav said.

" I always do that." Riya said.
She comes out of car and waved her hand.

Arav started the car and drove away. He was driving when he got call.

" Hey buddy.." he said answering the call putting on speaker.

" Whatttt??" He heard opposite side and was shocked.

" Don't worry, I will be reaching there." Arav said and drove his car fastly.

Universal mall:

Sanskar,, laksh and Alok reached. They searched for Nisha and Swara. Alok find Nisha's car. That's when Sanskar also sees Swara's car in other side parking slot. He immediately rushed to car but didn't find anything. Then he saw her phone on the ground. He pick it up and find the tempered glass was broken due to falling.

" What happened Bhai? Did you find something?" Laksh asked.

" this car.. and Swara's phone. That means She came here." Sanskar said.

" I also found nisha's car and phone." Alok said.

"I m not able to understand anything!!We have to find them soon." Sanskar said.

" But how bhai?" Laksh asked.

"It's clear that they are kidnapped. We have to called the Cops!" Laksh said.

" I have already called them. They are coming." Arav said coming there.

" What happened? Did you find something?" He asked further.

Laksh told him.

"I just don't understand, who will do this! Who is behind this!! I swear I m not gonna leave that person!" Sanskar said angrily.

That when his phone rings. He sees private no. He took the call.

" Sanskarrrr.... Ahh" He heard swara's voice and wincing in pain. He got scared.

" Swaraaa.., where are you? Swara?" He asked impatiently.

" What happened Mr. Sanskar? Just by hearing her wincing you got scared. What will happen when you will find her dead? Hahaha" He heard a man saying and laughing.

" shut up!!! Who are you and why are you hurting her? I swear I will kill you if you even try to touch her." Sanskar yelled out.

Laksh took phone and put it on speaker.

" Hahaha Sanskar,. I didn't expected this from you. You forget your enemy too soon. You started this just because of her right? Saying that I laid finger on her character. Now see what happens to her. And Alok, Don't worry about Nisha?"

" Nisha? Where is she??" Alok said worriedly.

"Haha, well she is also with me. Every action has a reaction Mr. Maheshwari and Mr. Dhar. You did a grave mistake that you messed up with me. Now enjoy it. "

" DAKSH RATHORE!!!! You will face the most painful death if you do anything." Sanskar roared out.

" Well it's already started Sanskar. And it's just beginning. Enjoy the show." Sanskar heard evil laugh from another side and call got disconnected.

" Damn it!!" Sanskar yelled out clutching his hair in his fist.
Alok hold his head.

" Laksh, Arav, where is Tanya and Riya?" Sanskar asked all of the sudden as something clicked his mind.

Arav got his point so as Laksh.
" Don't worry bhai, I talked to Tanya and I already sent driver to pick her up from college and drop her mm. She must be reaching home now." Laksh said.

Arav's face expression changed. Sanskar noticed it.
" Arav? Where is Riya?" Sanskar asked.
" Shit!! Riya went for a meeting with a client." Arav said shockingly.

" What!! Arav just call her right now!" Alok said.

Arav nods and immediately took out his phone to call Riya but then only his phone rings. It was the private no. He immediately pick it up and put it on speaker.

" Very bad Mr. Jaisingh, you left your own wife alone in cafe and went to search your friends wives. Now what about you Riya?" They heard.

Before Arav could say anything. The call was cut. Arav without wasting a moment called Riya. Riya picked up the call. Arav felt he got breathe.

" Riya, where are you? Are you okay?". He asked.

" Hello Arav, yes I m fine, what happened? Anyway, I don't know what's the matter. The client is not here, I asked from manager also but he also don't know anything. I called him but no response. So, I m going home by cab." He heard Riya from other side.

" What? No Riya!! Just wait for me. I m coming there." Arav said.

" But Arav, what's the matter? I already took the cab." Riya said.

" No!.. Ok ok.. right now where are you exactly?" Arav asked.

" City center road but Arav why are you so worried?" Riya said.

" Nothing, Just stop the cab and come out. I m coming there within five minutes." Arav said moving toward his car.
"I m ..... AAARAVVV!!" He heard Riya's scream and call disconnect.

" Hello hello!! Hello Riya!!" Arav shouted her name.

Sanskar banged hardly on car bonnet angrily. And now laksh got call.

" Laksh Maheshwari, Don't you think, You shouldn't trust your driver too much. Money can change anyone's mind." They heard Daksh.

" Daksh just stop it before it turn worse for you!!" Laksh shouted on him.

" It was already worse. You all made my life worse. So it's my turn to snatch the most important thing from your lives and make your lives worse so that you regret messing with me. I promise you all will regret every bit of it." Daksh said and call got disconnected.

Laksh called Tanya immediately.

" What? Are you checking if she is alright or not. Well, till now she is unconscious only. But you never know what happen further." He heard Daksh voice.

" How much furious you four must be feeling na? Well, it happens!! When your life suddenly took 360 turn. Sanskar, you are root cause of everything happening. You insulted me and filed complain against me for that girl. Laksh and your friends also supported you na? Then feel the pain also. I lost my projects all because of you who turned my image down in business world. You all changed so much in my life, destroying my buisness, sending me jail.. now I will change your lives just wait and watch! You four destroyed my future, my business, snatched my projects. I m just returning the favours you have done on me. You all didn't left anything to destroy me." Daksh said.

" Because you deserve that only Daksh. I kept my personal life away from professional. I complained against you because you misbehaved with swara. After that, it was you who wanted to destroy me. You are sick bastard Daskh Rathod and no one will ever want to have any personal or Professional relationship with you, the one who involve in drugs business. You wanted to throw us away from this business world but it happened with you only." Sanskar said.

(After sanskar came to know about Daksh, he filled complain agaist him But he never let swara know about it. Using his influence, Daksh got bail and he tried to destroy sanskar business but he handled it always with laksh. After knowing it, Arav and Alok also turned down their projects and deals with his company. Daksh tried to destroy their business but his own business was turning down due to rejected by major and top companies, that was Maheshwaris, jaisingh and Alok's company. He continued his drugs business in kolkata for profits. Later, Arav come to know that in kolkata and they helped police to expose him. He was sentenced to jail for that. After few months of jail, he somehow came out from jail only with motive to destroy them.)

" Oh just shut up sanskar!! You all are responsible for my downfall. Now I will destroy you all. By the way, I must say you all have selected so beautiful wives. Intresting...." Daksh said with smirk.

" Daksh!! You bastard. Your enmity is with us so just leave them." Arav shouted.

" Tch tch tch, such a peace to find you all in this condition but I will feel more satisfaction to see more pain. " Daksh said.

" What do you want Daksh?" Sanskar shouted.

" Just my Revenge. I will see you dying every bit."

" Just leave them Daksh otherwise you will face hell I swear." Sanskar said.

" Oh sure sanskar, but Alive or dead. It depends upon me" Daksh said in hard tone.

Call gets disconnect.

To be continued...

Precap: Ending with super long Epilogue...

Yeah, the story came to end now. I had decided only 50 Episode so this is longer update. Don't worry Epilogue will be very long and I will try to end it properly. Basically story is already end with this final twist and I don't wanna drag it more. I hope you understand.

That all for today's update. I will be back soon with Epilogue. It can take 4-5 days to write so please wait till then.

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