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I don't wanna know

I blinked my eyes, slapped my face, slapped my sister's face and the beautiful floor's face before I realize that..

Before my eyes.. Is I, Dorothy Hansel. With a little amount of makeup and simplicity, I never knew I could look this beautiful. I always thought of myself as a fabulous hippo.

And I wasn't even fat, i'm skinny by the way.

I glanced at the clock that was hanging beside my drawer and a lamp on top of it. "Seven fifty.." I paused, "SEVEN FIFTY?!" I exclaimed jumping from my comfort zone full of useless hippo thoughts of mine.

"I'm gonna be late!" I said slapping my face the fifth time around while my sister facepalms to herself quietly, "What?" I said.

"WELL. What are you doing?! Get going!" She said throwing at me a black jacket. "Now, go!" She said pushing me.

I sighed, "Not like this is any important.." I said rolling my eyes, "He probably only invited me because he wanted to insult me." I said.

Yes judging from the days passed, he's been always so mean to me, cold, and arrogant. He's like a spoiled Prince- I mean brat. God, why did I ever thought of him being a prince?

Not all prince's are handsome..

Pfft! Oh god, sorry timothy the arrogant midget!

And I laughed to myself again while my sister just looks at me with both confusion on her face and horror.

I looked around the coffee shop he told me to go to. No one was there much, only a guy which I meant the cashier-guy dancing while humming with the music being played.

Weird-ass cashier guy..

Wow. Coming from a weirdo hippo like me. Hash tag, shameless bashing.

I sat at the nearest seat next to the entrance in case I needed to go bail timothy and he's evil intentions. "I've known far too much about him and his evil intentions.. I just need to know." I said ordering a small-size tiramisu with ice.

And I came face to face with a "Dorothy :)" note the SMILEY-FACE part inserted. Well, the guy's having a good day. Its a good damn day because holy lord, its only been awhile since I've seen a employee be this happy.

They'd usually greet you with the usual unenthusiastic remarks, "Hi. Welcome to..uh.. This suck-ass store we have here. Go on, buy some or I'll get fired..Have a nice day.." Its all written in their oh-so-happy faces!

But this one? Oh this one has to be a good-damn guy.

I feel my pocket vibrate a little, "Good lord, I hope this is the midget." I said grabbing my phone from my pocket looking at who was calling, "Hey, timothy." I said.

"Hey, Dorothy.." He said having a rough voice.

"You okay midget?" I said being disturbed of him calling me my name when he's usually always has been calling me walking tree, tree guardian, tree-residing-woman, giant.. Meh, etc.

"What are you wearing?" He asked.

"Uh, just look for someone wearing a beige colored hat with. White single strap tied into a ribbon on it and a girl sipping in a tiramisu with ice Starbucks cup." I paused, "with my name in it of course."

I can hear him chuckle for a moment. Oh god.

What do you mean 'oh god' you drunk af hippo. Falling for him? Nah. That love thing is a sucker for me.

I'm too afraid to break another heart.

You get me?

And I don't even drink. Dafuq.

Then someone suddenly sits next to me. A guy with blonde hair and those all-so-oceanic-blue-captivating eyes that meet mine, "T-timothy?!" I said surprised.

He looked so, non-timothy-ish. What the hell am I even saying?

"Busy eye-raping me?" He smiled. STOP SMILING. I JUST CAN'T.




"Don't be too confident about yourself." I glared at him.

"Well... I'd just like to ask if.. You know somebody named Melissa Charms?" Who dat?

"That's my sister.." I said my eyes widening.

"Yeah, I think I like her.."

And that's the last time I ever want my hopes getting up over some stupid thing called, "love.."

Hey! Hope you like this chap! Let me know!
Oh and also, sorry for the late update. I still
hope you like this chapter! And I'll probably
shout out someone worth it.

Gimme to meh I'm worth it ~

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