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Two words : I love you.

“hey its the couple-comedians!” screamed the other,

“they were so oddly cute! So envious!” the other joined,

“hey! relationships aren't aloud in school you know!” a teacher killed the joy.

The students frown at the p.e. teacher.

“SIGH.” is all the teacher could reply.

Dorothy quietly sits at the back. Usually sitting there, never in the front, never in front the shorties. “We were never a couple. The fudge.” she murmured, talking to herself as usual.

Dorothy never had any of those things you called, 'real' friends.

She spots the midget, “eek!”

The midget spots the giant, “tch.”

The giant stands up leaving her two seatmates from left to right start to wonder, “Why am I short..” the other one complained. “A...walking tree..” the other one murmured.

“What'dya mean 'tch'?” Dorothy grits her teeth.

The midget smirks, “Oh. That just means your a 'eek' kind of a loser.”

“Why does this midget creates the best comebacks all around?” she thought to herself.

“Why do you hate me so much?” Dorothy glared at the midget.

“Because your face irritates me the most.” the midget glared back at the giant.

“Ah. So that's how it is.” she said as she covers her face.

“...wait.. Are you crying?..” he asked but gets no response, “hey! Okay I'm sorry if that hit the spot. B-but its true-- I mean goddamnit.”

She slowly uncovers her face, “BLEH!” she makes her most intimidating face-making face she could ever make in front of the person that irritates her the most.

“Ack-!” the midget looses balance and bumps over to the giant.

The loud 'thud' made Dorothy squeak “eeeeek” and close her eyes.

Seconds pass before she felt her body on the cold solid ground. She opened her eyes, “Huh?” and there she came face to face.

A midget that looked irritating but look so charming up close, his both hands locked each side of her, leaving her unable to move left or right escaping from his presence. He's eyes were ocean-blue she noticed, they were mesmerizing up close. Both of their breathes locked leaving Dorothy blush at the weird state.

After all, who could've imagined a midget locking a giant with its two little midget-ly arms? Its weird to the fact that you only see a tall guy locking a short girl with its long arms, but in this situations, its quite different.

Dorothy couldn't help but admit that the midget was pretty 'charming', 'handsome' and 'cute'. But she was afraid to fall in love especially with a midget-loser like him.

She was afraid she'd break another one.

Dorothy couldn't take her eyes of the irritating midget for the midget wasn't taking his eyes off her as well. She blushed harder. “Dorothy. Its fearful to fall in love again. I don't want it
” her brain demanded Dorothy's heart, but the heart did not respond.

The midget whispers, “Two words,” he paused, “I love you.”


A/N: hey hey hey,
Long time no see,
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This is probably
the shortest-shorty-short
story and contents you
Could ever find here.
But I hope its worth it!

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