6 ~ Aishwarya Feels Strange Around Him

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Aishwarya POV

"Badi ma said that I should give you something as gift for the first kitchen ritual,"

He said and I blinked nervously.


I managed to ask in a slow voice.

He blinked looking into my eyes and I saw him walking closer. My eyes widened a little and blinked as he was standing just an feet away from me. He leaned into the almirah and took out a red cloth which had something.

"Actually, the last time I have ever tasted such a good food was when my mother was alive. I was really young and it is difficult to remember things for young kids. But, I do not know why I still remember the taste of the food my mother used to cook. Like, there is a faded memory of my mother calling me and collecting me in her lap and feeding me with her hand. And, I laughed. That image of my mother had been intact in my memory since then. And, unfortunately it is the only memory I have of my mother. I still remember that she used to wear these in her hands and I saw these when she was feeding me with her hands. It is not that expensive and exquisite but they mean so much to me. Now, she is no more and I have not heard the tinklings of these since then. And, I could not give these to anyone, so these are for you, if you want to wear. I mean, I know you must be thinking that I should give you something beautiful not these old ornaments of my mother and y-,"

"I want them,"

I cut him off in a slow voice.

He blinked and lifted his gaze to look at me. His eyes looked into mine and he asked in a slow voice.

"Are you sure? I mean if you want a new one, I can get you. It's completely okay if you do not want to wear these,"

He said and I shook my head lightly.

"I want these, Hukum,"

I managed to say despite feeling the racing of my heart beats.

I saw him gulping nervously and undoing the knot of the red cloth. My cheeks were turning hot just with the fact that we were talking and I was already feeling like getting all flushed.

He opened that cloth and my sight fell on these thick and old gold bangles. They were beautiful.

"They are beautiful,"

I said in a slow voice and low gaze.

He forwarded his hand and I timidly took all the four heavy bangles in my hand. They were heavy and I started to wear them.

But, I felt like struggling and holding those thick bangles in my hand and wearing in other was turning a little difficult and he suddenly asked.

"May I help?"

I felt a slight shiver running down my spine and I lifted my fluttering eyes to look at him. He also blinked looking at me and with my red blushing cheeks and twisting stomach I nodded.


He took a step closer and my feet abruptly took a small step backward making me touch the almirah behind me. Suddenly, the chamber started feeling smaller as I felt him covering the major portion of view.

I bit the inside of my lip hesitantly when he took a bangle from my hand. His eyes blinking and his eyes often moving from my eyes to the hand. My heart beats was racing and I felt like freezing right in this moment.

He brought his hand closer to touch mine and the moment his palm gripped around my relatively smaller, darker and henna inked hand, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I immediately lowered my gaze as I felt a rush of warmness in my cheeks. His palm was warm, wide and big compared to mine and his hand also had henna.

My eyes shamelessly lifted up to look into his eyes. We were so close to each other that my nostrils were inhaling his smell. Due to my relatively shorter height, I was only reaching up to the base of his shoulder and my head angling a little upward to look into his eyes that were looking down at my hands.

I felt him gently pressing my hand in his and felt a shiver running down my spine. His hand felt rough yet soft around mine. He slowly pushed the bangle in my hand and I was blinking nervously yet shamelessly acknowledging his looks. His lips was beautiful.

And, suddenly he smiled a little and lifted his gaze to look into my eyes all of sudden.

I immediately lowered my gaze to my hand and felt like blushing insanely.

Ohhh my God! What the hell is happening to me?

He did not say anything and I felt him taking another bangle from my other hand and slowly pushing it in my wrist too.

I did not dare to lift my eyes again and I was literally feeling goosebumps on my neck and below my ear.

My eyes were watching his hand gently leaving mine only to take the another. He took the remaining two bangles from my hand and held my wrist. Gently pushing the bangles back he tried to make some space for these ones.

He gently pressed my hand and this time it was little stronger than before. My lips parted to inhale a deep breath and out of nowhere I suddenly felt goosebumps on my chest and my nipples hard.

I lifted my gaze to look into his eyes not able to understand what was happening to me. How was his touch was making me feel all those things? Why was it all was making me feel these things that I never felt? And was it good to feel that? Or I was abnormal?

He gently pushed the bangles in my wrist one by one and I just stared at his face.

I was feeling out of breath and hot and did not know the reason of it. He once again smiled a little and lifted his eyes to look into mine.

I blinked as his eyes looked into mine but I was not able to lower my gaze now. I felt as if he held me together just with his eyes and I was feeling like all pulled towards him.

"It's beautiful,"

He said in a slow voice and I lowered my gaze to look at my wrists now all filled up and having no remaining space for another single bangle as if only waiting for these four ones only.

I gulped and nodded lightly feeling all strange all of sudden with the closeness.


I said in a slow voice and blinked nervously to see him still holding my palm with his.

I tried to calm down my racing heart beats when he slowly took my hand closer to his face. My eyebrows thinned and my lips parted to see him holding my hand. My chest was doing up and down with the heavy breathing and the moment he gently leaned in slightly closer to place his lips over the back side of my finger. I felt a strong shiver running down my spine and I could not help but withdraw my hand immediately back.

I gulped feeling the sensations running into my body.

May be I got sick.

"What happened?"

He asked in a slow voice and his brows thinned in a row with concern. I did not know what exactly happened but I felt something in my stomach.

"I do not know, I am feeling -- sick, all of sudden,"

I tried to say and placed my hand on my stomach. I felt like something twisted in my stomach.

He smiled a little and I furrowed his brows.


He said and asked in a slow voice.

"What exactly is happening?"

I blinked nervously and lowered my gaze not able to find the exact words for it.

"I do not know but I think something... twisted-- in my... my belly,"

I managed to say with the shaky voice and he took a step back and I immediately felt little calmer as the air brushed against my hot cheeks.

"I think you need water,"

He said and walked towards the table and poured water in a glass from the jug.  Bringing it back to me, he handed me the glass and I take it with my trembling hands.

There was a slight smile on his face that he was hiding all the time.

What was wrong with me?

"You should take some rest. You have probably got tired with the cooking and everything is new here,"

He said and I nodded lightly. He took a few steps back from me and walked towards the couch to sit there.

I lightly sipped the water and saw him sitting on the couch and getting busy at work again.

He told me to rest. And, I think it was good to rest.

I also walked towards the bed and trying my best to not make the sound of my anklets and bangles and jewelry echo in the chamber while I walk. But, it was not helping as they were creating the only sound that was there, present between us.

I sat on the bed carefully not to mess the dupatta on my head and my eyes were continuously looking at him.

My stomach was twisting and shivering and goosebumps were all calm now but I was still feeling affected with his presence.

I did not know why was this happening to me. And why was it happened when he came close to me.

Maybe because he was a man. But, my father was also a man and I never felt this when I was close to him. Maybe that was because I saw him growing up from the childhood and I just met him.

I think that things would get better with time and I would start feeling normal in some days and good around him. I smiled a little with the thought but still his presence was affecting me.

I did not know what was it doing exactly but it was doing something.


Suddenly, my ears caught Moni's voice as she came in and called.

I immediately stood up from the bed and asked.


"Bai-sa, the dinner will be served in the chambers only. Let me help you change,"

She said and I looked out of the window only to realise that it was turning evening.


I managed to say and we both walked into the dressing room and closed it leaving him alone in the bedroom to study.

I immediately inhaled a deep breath when she closed the door and I felt better immediately.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

She asked and I looked at her with the slight nod.

She thinned her brows and I gulped. May be I should tell her to seek some help. She knew him more than me.

"There is something I need to tell,"

I said in a slow voice and she smiled.

"Yes, ofcourse,"

I inhaled a deep breath and saw her coming closer to me.

"I do not think that everything is good between us,"

I said and she just smiled.

"It's Alright. Arranged marriages do not have that kind of love and it gradually happens. Things will get easy and beautiful when you will bear his child in this belly of yours. ,"

She said touching my stomach and I gulped.


I managed to say.

That means the child would make things better.

Another Update!!!

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