63 ~ Aishwarya Not Letting Ranvijay Work

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Aishwarya POV

"And, about your skin tone,"

He said and I felt slight shiver running through my nerves as he moved his fingers across my arms slow enough to make the thin and small hair stand up in respect.


I could not help but breath slowly.

"Do you have any idea how much I love brown, and every shade of brown of yours,"

He said and I inhaled a deep breath feeling his warm voice fanning over my cheek. He was close and so close to me. His nose poking in my cheek and his parted lips were so soft against my skin. I did not know but strangely his body turns hot whenever we comes close to each other. His temprature rises.

"How much?"

I asked in a slow voice.

He parted his lips and bit me on my cheeks to make me inhale a winceful breath and blink my eyes rapidly.

"Like I cannot exits without you anymore, like this life would be too empty if you ever leaves me, like I will lose myself forever in you if you goes away from me. Like, I would not be able to breath if there will be no you in my home,"

He muttered and I fluttered my gaze not understanding a single word of his.

"Umm, means?"

I muttered slowly and he moved his hand from my collar bones to my neck. I parted my lips and arched my head backwards a little as he pressed my neck with his hand firmly yet being soft.

He inhaled a deep breath and lifted his face to look at me through the mirror.

"Have you seen plants?"

He asked and I nodded.

"Yes, plants, trees and nature, life,"

I said in a slow voice and with small pauses between each word.

He gulped.

"What gives plants life?'

He asked and I blinked confusingly.

"A seed?"

I said in a slow voice.


He asked and I gulped nervously.

"Soil, water, sun...,"

I muttered in a slow voice and he nodded.

"Soil, people praises water and sun for giving us life but forgets the most important thing, the soil, the earth and the mother nature. They forget it but its important, crucial and most importantly beautiful, brown,"

He said and I lowered my gaze.

"So, you think I am a soil?"

I said in a slow voice and he smiled a little.

"Debatable but I think that the most beautiful things and the roots of life is brown which people tend to ignore in the other colors. Soil, trees trunks, mountains, riverbeds, everything is brown. Even the most beautiful colors mixes upto to brown. Brown gives the life, its the one true beautiful color, its us, its reality, its everywhere and its unattractive thats why it attracts my eyes. It is so important yet never tries to steal the charm and happily give it to other colors but you know brown is silence, brown is innocense, brown is calmness, brown is destruction, brown is life and brown is the deep love that began when the fake one ends. Brown is Aishwarya and Aishwarya is life beyond survival, only the brave loves brown, only the luckiest gets brown and for me brown is the true Goddess. The Goddess of nature, Goddess of destruction, the Goddess of life and the Goddess of mine,"

He said in a slow voice while moving his hand from my neck to the shoulder and then all across my arm to the fingers.

I inhaled deeply with his words and tried to visualise each of his words that he referred and knit my brows.

"Brown is destruction?"

I asked in a slow voice and he nodded.

"Yes, have you seen floods?"

He asked and I shook my head.

He touched my fingers with his and muttered.

"Calm water is blue but when the flood comes the same water turns brown and wrathful,"

He said and I smiled.

"But, I am no life, no nature, no destruction. Just dull and non existing among the beauty,"

I said in a slow voice and he inhaled a deep breath and turned me to look at him. I felt him cupping my cheeks gently and lifting my eyes up to match his.

"You are more than a life, more than the natue and the most wrathful destruction, Aishwarya. You just need to come out of this non existing shell of yours which you take it as your destiny or life. You just have look at yourself with my eyes,"

He said in a slow voice and I stared silently in his eyes. They were soft, deep yet sparkling bright amid the darkness surrounding us.

I smiled a little and tried to ask.

"So, you always wanted a brown girl or is it just to make it up for me,"

He smiled and pulled me closer and kissed my forehead gently for a moment before saying.

"I did not want anything before you but now all I want is you for this and the six other lives,"

He said and I chuckled slowly.

"You love me this much?"

I said in a slow voice and he nodded with a slight smile.


He inhaled a deep breath and said.

"Now, you should go to bed and sleep tight,"

I thinned my brows and asked in a slow voice.

"Why? You are not coming to bed?"

I asked and he gulped slowly and shook his head.

"Umm, you know the construction of the outskirts of the Kingdom has began and I have to keep an eye on it and look after the records and everything,"

He said in a slow voice and I pouted as the tightness formed in the pit of my chest of him being busy.

I nodded and he smiled while holding my hand and pulling me to make me walk back with him to the bedroom.

I gulped as a numerous thoughts were crossing in my mind. Everything that had just happened, everything that Jiji told me and the thoughts of him being away from me.

He stopped near the bed and smiled signalling towards the bed.

"Good night, Aishwarya,"

He said and I inhaled a deep breath. I looked at the empty bed and blinked silently and then I turned my head to look at Hukum.

Who was more attractive?

Yes, Hukum was more attractive.

"I do not want to sleep,"

He knit his brows and asked.

"But, why? Its late and you should sleep,"

I lowered my gaze as I was unable to understand what exactly I wanted but the much I was able to process was that I wanted to be with him. His gaze brings smile to my face and his warmness sends me comfort. I feel alone without him.

"I want to be with you,"

I said in a slow voice and he inhaled a deep breath.

"You are with me. See we are married and this is our chamber, thats our bed and you are going to sleep here while I am studying there on the couch. Just a few metres,"

He said and pushed my shoulders to make me sit on the bed.

I blinked silently and inhaled deeply while looking at him.

"Lie down, Aishwarya and sleep,"

He said in his deep voice and I could not help but laid down on the bed frustratingly and looked at him.

"I hate you,"

I crused under my breath and he looked at me.

"I heard you,"

I immediately lowered my gaze and muttered.


I said and he smiled and pulled the comforter up.

He looked at me while lovingly covering me up till my chest and said in a slow voice.

"Sleep tight, baby,"

He said and I closed my eyes and nodded.


He straightened up and the feeling of the removal of his touch from my arm made me open my eyes again. I saw him walking towards the couch and opening up the book again. The chamber was dark but the light lamp on the table was making him shine bright.

"Close your eyes, Aishwarya,"

He said from there and I inhaled a deep sigh of frustration. The sleep was nowhere around my brain. The thought of him close to me, kissing me and sucking me was making me feel so restless now.

I tried to concentrate on sleeping, calming my wandering mind down but it was not seeming like happening.

Frustratingly, I opened my eyes and looked at him. I sat up and threw the comforter away.

He immediately lifted his eyes from the book and I grabbed the comforter in my hand and looked at him.


He questioned and I took the comforter to him and put it on the empty side of couch.

"I will lie here,"

 I said and he thinned his brows and smiled.

"But, do you not think it will make you fee uncomfortable,"

He said and I shook my head and sat beside him.

"No, the empty bed makes me uncomfortable,"

I said and he looked at me with a smirk.

"So, you are going to not let me read for a while?"

He asked in a slow voice and I shook my head.

"I did not say that. I just want to be with you while you comfortably read,"

I said and looked at him.

He inhaled a deep breath and shook his head before closing the book and shifting a little.

He placed the pillow on one of the arm rest of the big couch and laid straight on it. His one leg was down and other knee was high leaving the space for me between his legs. He wrapped his one arm around me and quickly pulled me closer to him. 

"Come here,"

My back touched against his chest and I lifted myself a little up as he pushed my hair aside to make me even more comfortable.

I exhaled deeply with the euphoric feeling of warmness and comfort. Pulling the comforter up I covered both of us and closed my eyes silently.

"Now, I feels like sleeping,"

I said in a slow voice and I felt him touching the side of my head with his chin.

"And, now it feels like a restraint for me,"

He said in a slow voice and I smiled.

"Why? is something happening to you?"

I asked and he cupped my jaw and traced my lower lip with his thumb slowly. A few of silence passed before he muttered in a slow voice.

"You do not have even the slightest of idea, baby, don't you,"

He said and I inhaled a deep breath while turning my face a little to look at him.

"Do you want me to touch your... scroll?"

I tried to ask in a slow and timid voice as it was making me feel shiver while talking about it.

He silently stared into my eyes that I could see above my shoulder and shook his head slowly.

"You should rest,"

He said in a slow voice and gently traced my lips with his finger. Blinking silently, I lowered my gaze to his slightly parted lips and lifted my gaze up to eyes again.

"I always rest, give me some work to do,"

I said in a slow voice and he looked deep into my eyes.

"What work do you want to do?"

His voice was slow and it was making me feel a thousand things that I were not able to describe. I did not know how but I always feel so relaxed and so much at peace with him. I mean, he was the only person with who I could share everything that could come in my heart. Like everything, even if it would sound awkward and selfish, I always feel like telling.


I said in a slow voice and the back of my mind was making a few scenerios of what he might ask me.

Although, all those visuals were making me feel weak, afraid and giving me the sense of sin but for the first time in my whole life, I wanted to be a sinner, I wanted to commit those sins, if they were.

He took his lower lip between his teeth for a moment to cover his slight smile and lowered his gaze on my lips for a few moments before rolling his head back with a deep sigh.

"Aishwarya, Aishwarya, Aishwarya... my baby, you do not know what you are saying,"

He said in a slow voice and groaned a little and I could not help but feel tightness in my lower abdomen and thinned my brows.

My gaze looked at his neck having that Adam's apple moving as he gulped with his closed eyes.

"I mean it, Hukum, tell me what you want to do with me?"

I asked in a slow voice and he angled his gaze back to me and looked at me silently before lowering his gaze to my lips and brushing his thumb on my lips.

"You tell me, what do you think I want to do with you?"

He asked and I felt a tint of blush rising up to my cheeks.

Another Update!!!

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Love You All ❤️❤️❤️

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