Chapter 4 -MyteryThrillerIN prompt / Stranger

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From the comfort of your bed, you check your video doorbell to see if a disputed delivery was left yesterday and who took it. Instead, you see a stranger letting themselves into your house. You do not see them leave.


Aisulu lay in bed, the soft glow of her phone casting a warm light against the darkness of her room. With a sigh, she reached for her device, intending to check the footage from her video doorbell to see if her long-ordered boots had finally arrived.

But as she opened the app and tapped on the live feed, her heart skipped at the sight that greeted her—a stranger outside her front door, fiddling with the lock as if she owned the place.

Panic surged through Aisulu's veins as she watched in horror, her mind racing with a million questions and fears. Who was this intruder, and what was she doing in her home? Had she come to rob her, or worse?

With trembling hands, Aisulu reached for her phone, dialing the emergency services as she watched the unfolding scene on her screen. But as she waited for someone to pick up on the other end, her heart sank as the stranger disappeared from view, leaving her with nothing but an empty doorstep and a sinking feeling of dread.

Frantically, Aisulu scanned the footage, searching for any sign of the intruder's departure, but there was nothing—no trace of her presence, no clue as to where she had gone or what she had done inside her home.

As the minutes ticked by, Aisulu's fear turned to anger, her pulse pounding in her ears as she realized the violation of her privacy and the threat to her safety. Whoever this intruder was, she had crossed a line, and she was determined to find out who she was and why she had targeted her.

With a steely resolve, Aisulu sprang from her bed, her mind racing with possibilities as she formulated a plan of action. She would scour every inch of her home for clues, call upon her friends and allies for assistance, and leave no stone unturned until she had uncovered the truth behind this unsettling intrusion.

Aisulu's heart raced with fear and confusion as she checked the picture of the intruder: a dawning realization washed over her like a tidal wave—the stranger she had seen on her video doorbell, the intruder in her home, was none other than herself.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Aisulu recalled the events of the previous day—the failed attempt to jump to a new dimension, the sudden shift in space and time, and the disorienting sensation of finding herself in a world too similar to her own.

But as the puzzle pieces fell into place, Aisulu's fear gave way to a sense of grim determination. She may have stumbled into a parallel dimension by accident but refused to let it become her prison.

With a quick glance at her phone, Aisulu confirmed her suspicions—the date and time matched that of her own world, but the coordinates differed.

She ran out of the house and called her companions—Zack, Sam, Paul, and Zara—each one wearing expressions of confusion and concern that mirrored her own.

"We're not in our world anymore," Aisulu whispered her voice barely a breath against the rising tide of uncertainty. "We've crossed into a parallel dimension—a world too similar to our own, but with subtle differences that set it apart."

But even as doubt threatened to overwhelm them, Aisulu refused to give in to despair. "But I do not understand; Murphy sent the coordinates!" she said, her voice steady with resolve, "this means we fought for another realm! Meet me at our spot. Bring the soldiers, too!"

With renewed determination, Aisulu and her companions explored their new surroundings, their minds ablaze with questions and possibilities. They knew that as long as they stood together, they would find a way to overcome whatever challenges lay in their path.

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