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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the sacred grounds, Diti stood before the blazing fire of the yagna. Her dark braided hair cascaded down her back, her expression focused and determined as she chanted the sacred mantras of the yagna. With determination in her eyes, Diti poured offerings into the flames, calling upon the ancient powers to hear her plea.

The Daityas, known for their wickedness, could sense the power emanating from her as she called upon Srinav. Some of the Daityas shifted uncomfortably, their confidence waning in the face of Diti's unwavering resolve. They whispered amongst themselves, their eyes darting between Diti and the flickering flames. They knew that if Srinav answered Diti's call, the fortunes could shift dramatically in their favor.

Offerings of rare herbs, aromatic incense, and precious gems were cast into the fire, their fragrant smoke spiraling upwards towards the star-studded sky. The atmosphere crackled with mystic energy as Diti's fervent prayers echoed through the night, beseeching Srinav to heed her call.

Yet, the night was devoid of any sign of the elusive son-in-law of Vishnu. The crackling flames mirrored the intensity of Diti's desire, fueled by her desperation to shift the tides of the eternal conflict. As the hours passed, her once steady hands trembled with urgency, and her voice grew hoarse from fervent prayers. The moon cast a soft glow upon her face, highlighting the resolve etched in her features.

With each passing moment of Srinav's absence, Diti's sacrifice escalated in fervor and intensity. The air crackled with energy as she poured her heart and soul into the yagna, seeking the intervention of the one being who could sway the balance of power. Yet, the night remained silent, only the sound of Diti's pleas echoing through the darkness.

However, as more hours passed, Srinav remained elusive, causing Diti's composure to crumble like the embers of her sacrificial fire. Her serene countenance twisted into a mask of determination and anguish, her once immaculate attire now rumpled and stained with sweat and tears. The rudraksha beads around her neck seemed to weigh heavy with the burden of her unfulfilled plea, and the flowers in her hair wilted in the oppressive heat of her fervor.

The Daityas huddled in the growing twilight, their eyes fixed on the inferno that was Diti. Her form, once regal, was now contorted in a grotesque dance with the flames. A chilling desperation emanated from her, a palpable hunger that gnawed at the very fabric of reality. As the first streaks of dawn pierced the horizon, a sinister transformation began. The mother they knew was fading, replaced by a vengeful woman, her eyes burning with an unnatural intensity.

As dawn descended, a hushed stillness enveloped the atmosphere, shrouded in the golden hues of the rising sun. A subtle shift rippled through the air, like a whisper of ancient power awakening. A soft breeze gently stirred the sacred flames, casting dancing shadows across the faces of the Daityas. And in that moment, a sense of foreboding gripped their hearts as they sensed the imminent arrival of a force beyond their comprehension.

Suddenly a divine radiance descended from the heavens like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the surroundings in a brilliant glow.  It was a light that seared the retinas, a light that promised both creation and annihilation. And in that blinding radiance, a figure emerged - Shreeshaktiswar.

His fair skin glowed under the divine light, adorned in vibrant yellow and orange silks that shimmered with every movement. He was heavily jeweled, his kind eyes exuding compassion and wisdom could calm the most restless hearts. The Daityas, unable to bear the brilliance of Srinav's presence, dared not look directly at him, their hearts filled with a mixture of fear and reverence.

"I am impressed by the intensity of your sacrifice, Diti," Srinav's voice resonated with authority and compassion, "Why have you called upon me ?"

Diti, her eyes filled with determination, replied, "I crave a son, a child of unparalleled power. You, Srinav, are the epitome of divine energy. I beseech you, be born to me."

Srinav gazed at her with compassion but shook his head gently. "Diti, you underestimate the power of my energy. I am the son of Shakti and Shree. To birth even a fragment of me would consume you utterly."

“I will endure any pain,” She vowed, her voice laced with desperation. “Grant me this boon.”

"Diti, if I were to enter your womb, you would burst into a thousand pieces the very moment." Srinav said.

Diti, determined, pleaded, "But my sister Aditi bore Vishnu in her womb. Why can't I do the same with you ?"

Srinav explained with compassion, "Aditi is pure of heart and righteous in conduct. She has done immense austerities to be worthy and capable of bearing Narayan. Your intentions are driven by power and vengeance. To bear me would mean your destruction."

Diti fell silent, deep in thought, contemplating another way to fulfill her desire. The once fierce aura surrounding her seemed to waver in the face of this challenge, but her resolve remained unbroken. The realization that her only chance was slipping away left Diti silent, her mind racing for another solution as anxiety gripped her heart, knowing time was running out.

As she calmed her mind, a sudden realization dawned on her like a bolt of lightning. With newfound resolve, she opened her eyes, her gaze steady and unwavering. A plan began to form in her mind, a risky and dangerous gambit that could tip the scales in favor of the Daityas.

Desperation clouded her features, and she finally spoke up, her voice trembling with urgency. "If destiny prevents you from being born of my womb, then let us forge a different path. Forsake your divinity, your memories. Become a Daitya." 

Srinav’s visage contorted in disbelief. “To cast aside my divinity, to embrace the darkness of an Asura ? The consequences are unimaginable.”

"Chaos is the coin of our realm,” she retorted, her voice dripping with cold calculation. “And you, Srinav, will be its king. Grant me this boon, you are bound to it anyway.”

Frustrated yet somewhat resigned, Srinav warned, "I know it is my duty to grant you a boon, but you ask for that which may bring destruction upon all. And my greater duty is to ensure peace in the cosmos. Hence your wish shall only last for a year."

Diti's confidence shone through as she declared, "If you become my son, a year is more than enough time to fulfill my quest, Srinav."

Finally, he sighed heavily and reluctantly agreed, "So be it, Diti. Your wish will be granted, but remember the price you pay for meddling with the divine."

Then as a great light began to engulf Srinav, a sense of foreboding gripped his heart. He looked up at the realms above, fear evident in his eyes, knowing the consequences of what was about to unfold. The light intensifies, wrapping around him like a cocoon of destiny, as he grapples with the weight of Diti's wish and the impending chaos that threatens to unfurl.

"Amarsri," he whispered, his voice filled with a desperation he had never known, "my love, shield me from the darkness I am compelled to walk. Save me from the sins I am bound to commit in this form not of my choosing."

With a heavy heart and a sense of foreboding, Srinav closed his eyes as the memories of his divine existence began to blur, fading away into the unknown.


Ab kya hoga ? 🌝

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