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Ajashakti strode through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. The words of Vakrang echoed in his mind, casting a shadow of doubt over his previously unwavering confidence. Behind him, his guards followed.

From the towering heights of the palace, he could see the courtyard below. A bustling activity was underway as Rakshasas and Danavas made final preparations for their departure. Their laughter and excited chatter reached his ears, a stark contrast to the somber mood that had enveloped him.

The image of the departing army, coupled with Vakrang's words, created a disturbing picture. Could this be a well-orchestrated plan by Indra, a calculated move to weaken their forces ?

Ajashakti's mind was now firmly entrenched in the possibility of Indra's treachery. The thought of his kingdom being manipulated by the gods filled him with a cold fury. As they reached the secluded inner quarters of the palace, the Antahpura, the guards halted, their duty bound by the king's decree. With a nod of dismissal, Ajashakti entered the private sanctuary, leaving his formidable protectors to guard the entrance. The heavy wooden door swung shut behind him, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Ajashakti moved through the intricate corridors of the Antahpura, his footsteps echoing in the silent halls. As he passed by, maids and attendants, their eyes wide with a mix of awe and reverence, bowed low in respect.

Suddenly, the sounds of extremely sweet and melodious, laughter and giggles caught Ajashakti's attention. Intrigued, he walked over to the corridor railing and looked down, only to see Anugamini in the sprawling gardens, standing amidst the downpour. Her body, drenched to the skin, shimmered in the ethereal light, her hair a wild cascade of dark curls.

Ajashakti watched, mesmerized, as Anugamini's laughter filled the air. It was a sound he had never heard till now, a melody that soothed his troubled soul. All his worries, the doubts, the suspicions, seemed to fade into insignificance as he beheld the radiant beauty of his wife.

A surge of longing swept over Ajashakti as he watched Anugamini from above. Without a second thought, he descended the grand staircase, his steps echoing through the palace.

Reaching the ground floor, he leaned against a nearby pillar, his gaze fixed on Anugamini. Her laughter, like a sweet melody, filled the air, carrying with it a sense of carefree joy. As he watched her, a soft smile spread across his face, his heart melting under the warmth of her infectious happiness.

Ajashakti stood rooted to the spot, his heart pounding with a mixture of awe and adoration. Never had he seen someone as pure, as innocent as her. His gaze remained fixed on her, his eyes wide with wonder.

But this moment of perfect tranquility was shattered by the sudden appearance of a maid. Her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Ajashakti, and she quickly bowed, her voice trembling slightly, "My King !"

Anugamini, startled by the maid's intrusion, turned around. Upon seeing Ajashakti, a gasp escaped her lips. Her face, previously flushed with the joy of the rain, now turned a shade of red.

Ajashakti's gaze flickered between the maid and Anugamini. With a subtle gesture, he dismissed the startled servant, a bit irritated that the moment was disrupted. His attention returned to Anugamini, whose eyes were wide with a mixture of surprise and fear.

Anugamini lowered her head, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of crimson. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." She murmured.

Ajashakti's gaze lingered on her, his eyes drinking in the sight of her drenched form. The thin, wet fabric clung to her body, revealing tantalizing glimpses of her skin.

"There is no need to apologize," he replied, his voice low and husky.

Ajashakti removed the crown from his head and placed it gently on the damp ground. He stepped out into the rain, his gaze fixed on her.

"There is no need to apologize, little bud," he said, his voice carrying a gentle warmth. "You have delighted me beyond measure."

The rain fell in torrents, washing over Ajashakti as he walked towards Anugamini. His hair, once meticulously styled, was now a wild cascade of dark curls, clinging to his face and neck. The water droplets traced intricate patterns down his muscular torso, glinting in the ethereal light.

As he drew closer, he reached out and gently took a lock of Anugamini's hair in his hand. The strands were damp and heavy, clinging to his fingers. Her eyes, wide surprise and a hint of fear, met his gaze.

A chuckle escaped Ajashakti's lips as he looked into Anugamini's eyes. "You have an extraordinary power, dearest," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "The ability to uplift my mood in an instant."

"Was your mood bad ?" She asked, her voice soft and concerned.

Ajashakti nodded, his gaze fixed on her face. "It was a typical day in court," he replied, a hint of weariness in his voice. "There are suspicions of treachery, a plot to undermine our power."

Anugamini's eyebrows raised in feigned surprise. "Who would dare to plot against the king of the Asuras ?" she questioned.

"The king of Devas." He replied.

"Indra ? What has he done?" Anugamini asked, her voice filled with concern.

Ajashakti's expression darkened as he responded, "He has brought in the monsoons prematurely, disrupting our plans."

Anugamini shook her head, "But Indra is not like that. He would never resort to such underhanded tactics."

Ajashakti raises a brow, "You speak as if you know Indra personally."

"We humans pray to him," she replied simply, "Without him, life wouldn't exist on earth. He maintains the cosmic order in the three worlds."

"You say as if he is just," Ajashakti responded, a bitter edge to his voice. "Yet, he slays our kind without mercy. He is the cause of endless suffering for our people."

"What will you do if other forces come to conquer your land and seek to exploit your people and your resources ?" Anugamini asked.

Ajashakti fell silent, his mind racing. The words echoed in his mind, a challenge to his long-held beliefs. The stories of Indra's cruelty, woven by Daityas had shaped his worldview. But now, faced with Anugamini's question, a flicker of doubt ignited within him.

"Regardless," Ajashakti replied, his voice firm, "it is still treachery on Indra's part to manipulate the weather to suit his needs."

"Indra cannot manipulate the natural order," Anugamini argued, her voice filled with certainty. "He is bound by the laws of nature. Unless, of course, someone has asked him to intervene."

Ajashakti's brow furrowed in confusion. "Who could possibly be powerful enough to influence Indra ?" he asked, his voice filled with doubt.

Suddenly his eyes widened in surprise. "Mother has spoken of Narayan," he admitted, "saying he often aids the Devas. Could it be him ?"

Anugamini shook her head. "Narayan would be in deep slumber this time of year," she explained.

Ajashakti pondered this information, his mind racing. "Then it must be Kailashpati," he suggested, his voice filled with growing suspicion.

Anugamini shook her head again. "Mahadev is busy tending to his devotees and the followers of Narayan," she replied. "Besides, he rarely interferes in the affairs of Devas and Asuras. He chooses no sides."

Ajashakti was perplexed. Who could be powerful enough to manipulate the gods ? The question echoed in his mind. He looked at Anugamini, seeking an answer, but found none in her serene expression.

"Perhaps it's simply nature's course," Anugamini suggested, her voice soft. "Monsoons arriving early or late is not unheard of."

She then looked up at the sky, her face illuminated by the soft rain. A gentle smile played on her lips. "Such beauty cannot be born of treachery," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder.

Ajashakti watched Anugamini, her innocent wonderment filling him with a sense of peace. He sighed, a sound filled with resignation.

"Perhaps you are right," he admitted, his voice softer than usual.

Anugamini's heart pounded with relief. Her plan was working flawlessly. Ajashakti, the formidable king, had been swayed by her innocence. For now, at least, the secret of her involvement remained safe.


Baate toh aisi karti hai, jaise bahut masoom hai 🌝🤣

Also the way Daityas and Diti have brainwashed Ajashakti regarding Indra, who is his bestie ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

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