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Confusion rippled through the Daitya ranks. Vakrang, his face flushed with anger, was about to retort when a sudden light erupted from Ajashakti's finger. A beam of celestial energy shot forth. It struck the monstrous creatures, disintegrating them into nothingness. The colossal beings, which had seemed invincible moments ago, vanished like smoke, leaving behind only ripples in the water.

"They were mere illusions." Ajashakti said.

A hush fell over the Daitya army. Their fear had been replaced by awe and confusion. How could he pierce through the illusory powers ? The monstrous creatures had seemed so real, so terrifying. Yet, with a flick of his finger, he had dispelled them as if they were mere phantoms. Diti's smile widened into a triumphant grin. A surge of pride and anticipation filled her heart. This was only the beginning.

"Impressive," From the depths of the river, a woman emerged. Her form was ethereal, her beauty otherworldly. Her age seemed to defy the laws of time, mirroring Diti's own agelessness. "No asura has ever managed to pierce through my maya."

Diti came forward with a smirk, "This Asura is my son, Danu."

Danu's gaze shifted from Diti to Ajashakti, her expression a mixture of amusement and disbelief. "Diti, are you lying to yourself or to me ? This... creature bears no resemblance to any Asura I have ever encountered."

"Creature, you dare question the lineage of my son?" Diti retorted, her voice getting defensive "He is a Daitya, born to me, and heir to my throne." Her voice trembled slightly, a sign of the fear that gripped her heart.

Danu's gaze remained fixed on Ajashakti. Her eyes, ancient and wise, seemed to penetrate the layers of his being. Suddenly shock engulfed her entire being, as a realization dawned upon her. Something about Ajashakti, a flicker of divinity, a resonance with the cosmic order, had revealed his true nature.

"Diti," Danu's voice trembled slightly, "you have made a grave mistake."

But Diti, sensing the impending truth, cut her off sharply. "Enough !" she roared, her voice echoing through the forest.

Ajashakti, oblivious to the undercurrent of tension between the two ladies, looked from Diti to Danu with confusion. Diti turned to Ajashakti and let out a forced chuckle.

"Your aunt Danu, has a penchant for playing mind games. Ignore her ramblings." Her voice held a steely undertone, a clear warning to Danu.

Danu raised a brow, "Does our husband Kashyap know about this ?"

Diti's voice hardened. "Swami's affairs do not concern us here," she replied, her tone dismissive.

"Then how does this concern me, Diti ?" Danu asked, her gaze sweeping across the Daitya army. "Your children have invaded my domain. Is this how you treat your own sister ?"

Diti laughed and got down from the chariot, making her way towards Danu.

"I come bearing an offer, dear." She began, her eyes glinting with a cold ambition, "Soon, Swarglok will be ours, the Daityas will reign supreme. I offer you, and your Danavas, a share in this victory. Join us, fight under the banner of my son Ajashakti, and you shall reap the rewards."

Danu's gaze shifted to Ajashakti. She saw in him the reflection of Shreeshaktiswar. His potential was undeniable. Conquering Swarglok would be a mere formality for him. Yet, a sense of unease crept into her heart. She knew the consequences of meddling with the divine, and using a god of his stature for selfish ambitions.

Diti, sensing Danu's hesitation, stepped closer. "Do not overthink, sister," she urged, her voice laced with impatience. "This is an opportunity that comes but once. Seize it."

Danu's gaze met Diti's, her eyes holding a flicker of defiance. "And if I refuse ?" she asked, her voice steady.

Diti's smile vanished, replaced by a cold, predatory glint. Her eyes narrowed, a storm brewing within her. Without taking her eyes off Danu, Diti turned to Ajashakti. "What if they refuse to cooperate, my son ?" Her voice was low, a question cloaked in a threat.

Ajashakti's response was simple, direct. "Then they will face us in battle," he said, his voice carrying an icy coldness.

Diti smirkingly said, "And then your fate will be the same as that of dear Vinta's at the hands of sister Kadru."

Danu's face remained impassive, but her heart pounded with fear. She couldn't risk her children's lives in a futile battle against the divine power of Ajashakti, she could bear the thought of being Diti's slave like how Vinta had become to Kadru.

With a heavy heart, Danu nodded. "Very well, Diti," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "The Danavas shall join your cause."


Here's the list of 13 daughters of Daksh that married Rishi Kashyap -

And this is the reason why Rishi Kashyap is regarded as the father of all, and if you don't know your gotra, you may assume Kashyap Gotra.

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