Akaashi's sick day

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Akaashi's perspective

My eyes fluttered open for the first time that morning, only to be greeted by a pounding headache "Mm..." I sighed and sat up and slid off my bed and got ready for my classes that day, despite my headache. However, right as I was about to leave for my classes, the apartment started to spin around me as my eyes rolled back into my head, I stumbled back and collapsed to the floor.

Bokuto's perspective

Akaashi isn't answering the front door, he Normally does..maybe he's asleep..? Nah, that's not like Akaashi...I shook my head to snap myself out of my thoughts as I knocked on the door again "Akaashi? It's me, Bokuto!" I was about to knock again when I pushed on the door, and it suddenly opened "Ok I'm coming in!" I shouted and walked in, taking my shoes off as to be respectful of Akaashi's house "Akaashi?" I called, expecting an answer, but there was none. I was starting to get worried as I kept walking through his house, and my worry turned to shock as I saw Akaashi, unconscious and panting, holding his chest weakly with his right hand, Meanwhile his left had been grazed by a shard of a broken vase that fell from the table in the hallway. "Akaashi?!" I ran over to my usually calm friend and felt his forehead. It was burning hot. "Oh...he just has a fever" I sighed in relief, then started panicking "Akaashi is sick?!" I immediately picked him up and carried him to his bedroom and placing him back into his bed. Now how do I treat a fever..? Oh, right! Soup normally helps, so I'll make some! I nodded to myself before heading to the kitchen while emailing my teachers that me and Akaashi wouldn't be in class for the day because I was taking care of Akaashi, who was sick. Once the emails were sent, I started making some soup to help Akaashi out with his fever.

Akaashi's perspective

My eyes flew open for the second time that day "Ugh...my head" I meekly sat up "Huh..? I'm back in my room..?" I couldn't exactly see because I just regained consciousness, but I heard my bedroom door slam open. "Akaashi, Hey!" After hearing the all too familiar voice of Bokuto, but the way he talked made me blink twice "Bokuto-San? Why are you here?! You'll get sick! And besides, shouldn't you be at school?" My owl haired friend grinned at me "It's fine, Akaashi! I'll be careful. And I already emailed both of our teachers and told them that we won't be at school for the day" I sighed and chuckled a little "then...alright." I felt Bokuto's happiness radiate off him and bounce onto me "You know, I'm glad you care so much.." I noticed Bokuto's grin grow even wider than it already was. "It's ok, Akaashi! Any time I get to spend with you is worth it!" That smile my owl friend made had me blushing more than I already was. "God I love you so much..." I muttered under my breath, hoping desperately that Bokuto didn't hear, but unfortunately he did "Akaashi? You love me?" The moment he said that, I felt my cheeks go bright red, almost as if they were on fire. "I- uhm...yeah, I do..." Bokuto's eyes went wide, but then he smiled at me and sat next to me "do you want me to read you a book?" My eyes lit up and I nodded, grinning "Ok! Which one?" I put a hand to my chin as I thought of which one I liked the most "Bokuto, you can pick, it doesn't really matter to me" Bokuto Smiled and grabbed a Novel that I actually really liked "Akaashi, how about this one?" Bokuto said while walking back to my bed "Wha?! How did you know I liked that book?" Bokuto grinned and slid onto the bed beside me "well, I always see you reading it at lunch" I chuckled a little before shutting up and letting Bokuto read the book to me as I couldn't find the strength to read it myself. his smooth voice lacing the words perfectly, and the way he exaggerated some of the segments when the characters were talking made me chuckle softly. Eventually, I grew tired and fell asleep on Bokuto's shoulder.

Bokuto's perspective

I noticed Akaashi's head slid onto my shoulder. Looks like he fell asleep. I smiled and brushed his hair out of the way and felt his forehead "good, his fever seems to be going down" I kissed his forehead gently, and then I pecked him on the lips before putting the book on the nightstand and tucking Akaashi properly into bed and slid into the bed beside him, snaking my arms around his slender waist "Love you too, Keiji.." I whispered to him before cuddling him until I fell asleep, right as my eyes were about to close, I saw Akaashi's adorable smiling face, which made me smile and pull him closer and bury my head into his neck. I fell asleep soon after making sure that Akaashi was safe and secure in my arms as I fell asleep.

Holding Akaashi in my arms like this...it's the best feeling in the world...

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