Chapter 0: The hero unlocked

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(Duelknight X: Y/N is ten and for keyblades he can use all of them, use all the elemental attacks, has time manipulation, can control any projectile even lasers, can fly, breath under water, teleport, and everything that Sora can do. Starts out with Kingdom key but gets more and gets ultima in the end)

( Also I decided to unpublish this to so I can start over )

Once upon a time there was an village not far from the Capital it thrived on its endvance technology,crops, fish and more. But with every great village lied there Cheif and his name was D/N and his beautiful wife M/N and his ten year old son Y/N. For many years this village was know as the "Village of Heart" were it felt like with use they're hearts, hope, and they're light they can do anything. But one day something tragic happened for some unknown reason the Capital attack the village even though they were in peace for centuries.


I was laying down after a long time of playing with my friends. Usually we would by with sticks or wooded swords and we would always pretended to fight but even though we we're just playing. But soundly my Mom came in busting through my door with a worried look on her face.

Y/N/: Mom what's wrong?

Mom: Y/N Hurry follow me quickly!

I got off my bed and started to follow her and through the windows I saw the village was up in flames and a bunch of imperial torps were coming to our house.

Y/N: Mom wheres dad?

Mom: He said he'll hold them of until I get you safe.

We eventually got to a secret hatch that lead to our base which was the only way we could get in.

Mom: Get inside!

I did what she wanted me to do expecting her to come in soon after but instead she closed it hiding it with a skinned bear carpet we had.

Y/N: Mom what's going on why did you closed the door?

She opened it with tears rolling down her eyes.

Mom: I don't want them to hurt you so I'm hiding you and hoping they won't find you.

Y/N: But aren't you coming?

Mom: Sorry I can't ( Then hears some loud voices) DON'T WORRY Y/N WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND WILL DO ANYTHING TO KEEP YOU SAFE ( Pushes me down the steps) WE LOVE Y/N! WE ALWAYS WILL!

As she said that she closed the door with tears rolling down her face and hiding the hatch.

As I keep falling with tears in my eyes not even thinking of words to say I landed on my head causing me to black out with tears in my eyes.

After what seem like a while I woke up to some type of place with water like surface and with a endless blue sky with no clouds. I look around and saw nobody but I saw my Mom and Dad holding hands. I started to run after them but they started to walk off and it felt like no matter how far I run I can't catch them. But then they started to disappear into sometype of blue dust.


After that I woked up on the ground of the basement. I got up and grabbed one of the lanterns we had down here but I noticed the flame wasn't moving. As I walked up the stairs I upped the hatch and saw the most horrible able thing I could ever see. The village was covered in flames and building destroyed my pillars of ice and saw a lot of bodies two of my friends and my parents. As I saw this I dropped the lantern and ran to my parents and try to wake them up.


But they didn't say anything they didn't even breath or had a heart beat. But then I checked my friends Kairi and Riku and as with my Parents they didn't breath either.

Y/N: What happened?

I looked back at my parents and put they're hands together and prayed for them but as I did I noticed that the lantern was just floating in the air.

Y/N: Wait why is the lantern in the air (Checks for strings or something but find nothing) how is the lantern floating with nothing holding it?

???: Its quite simple Y/N.

I turned and saw a man with a cloak with a heart like symbol on the back.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: My name is Heart and the reason the lantern is floating is because time has stopped but the reason I'm here because I have to tell you something important.

Y/N: What is it.

Heart: You see Y/N you are how should I say this in a not cliech'e way you are the chosen one.


Heart: You see you can't use imperial arms but you have a greater weapon known as the keyblade.

Y/N: Sorry but I still don't follow.

Heart: Well how about I tell you a story. A long time a go there was a weapon known as Ultima it was a weapon powerful but sadly nobody could use it. But one day a man named Honest shaderd it and it broke into multiple keyblades scattering all over the country and you see Y/N you are the one to weld Ultima.

Y/N: Woah that's a interesting story but how am I supposed to use Ultima if it's destroyed.

Heart: Simple the more blades you collect the more Ultima will start to form.

Y/N: Well how am I supposed to find them I don't even have one of them.

Heart: Luckily I have one right and now it's yours. ( A key like blade came out of nowhere) This is the Kingdom key. Here take it.

I got up and grabbed the handle and hold it and for a key it was quite big.

Heart: Now let's practice ( Grabs a wooded sword) I want you to try to use it.

I got into my fighting stance and waited for him to attack but he did nothing so I decided to charge at him. But he was able to dodge and for sounding like a old man he was to fast so I tried again but he dodged again so I keep trying to hit him but I felt like I was getting faster but then I was able to get a hit on him.

Heart: Good now try to use the keyblade power. Try shooting fire at me.

I didn't know what I was doing but I aimed it at him but then the key end started to ignite then a giant fire ball fired out of the blade.


After a while of training he taught me all of my powers and more like flying, use the magic attacks from the blade, using focus, breathing under water, dodging lasers, reflecting, and blocking them, using my time powers, moving things around , using lasers, destroying giant building he made, teleporting, my second form and learning more about some keyblades can change form, and more it felt like I was ready.

Heart: You are ready now go save the Capital and take this (Hands me a metal shaped heart pendant) Thank you and please stop Honest.

After that he was gone so I started to walk out of my village and started to stop the Capital but realizing time is still frozen I decided to find at least two other keyblades.

Y/N: Mom, Dad, Riku, and Kairi promise to stop the Capital and make sure that no one while surfer the same fate not just me but all of you. Good bye I'll never forget you.

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