Chapter II: Lock away the authority

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I was sitting down with Tatsumi praying for his friends after hearing that Aria killed them and hoping that they are in a better place a place away from this corruption and can have a great rest were ever they are.

Tatsumi: So much has happened.

Y/N: Don't worry Tatsumi your friends aren't really dead.

Tatsumi: What do you mean? They're gone.

Y/N: My friends are dead but I know they're hearts are apart of my heart as for your friends are apart of yours and when you know that you realize they are never gone no matter if they are dead or alive because they will always be apart of your heart no matter what happens.

Tatsumi: ( Hugs me and Y/N hug back) Thank you Y/N that makes me feel a little better.

Y/N: ( Stops hugging) No problem ( Punches his shoulder).

Tatsumi: That kinda hurt. ( Leone approaches from behind and put her rack on Tatsumi head) HEY DON'T SNEAK UP ME LIKE THAT!

Leone: Have you decided to join like Y/N did.

Tatsumi: I already told you guys that- ( Gets interrupted by Leone putting his head by her breast).

Leone: You know you do have the makings of an assassin.

Tatsumi: It's not that I just don't want to kill people.

Leone: ( Smiles) Well I'm going to introduce you to the guys anyway coming Y/N.

Y/N: Coming! ( starts to running to Leone and Tatsumi).

Akame: ( Just stares at us).

INTRO THEME (I choose this because of the Kingdom hearts theme and to be honest I think this is better then the normal theme of Akame ga kill but if you don't like it I'll change it to the original simple and clean )

After remembering the song my mom sang to me when I was younger then I am now. We entered a room with a huge table where we meet the girl named "Sheele"or what the girl in pink calls her.

Sheele: Have they decided to join yet?

Leone: Y/N has joined but my friend here ( Puts hand on Tatsumi's head) is still hesitant so I was hoping you can give him some words of encouragement.

Sheele: ( fixes glasses) Well then if we can't convince you to join then you'll be dead.

Tatsumi: Is that encouragement or a threat?

Y/N: No worry she'll have to get through me first.

Tatsumi POV

Tatsumi: Thanks (smiles) "Man he kinda reminds of Leyusa but younger. I'm glad I have a friend like him."


Sheele: Don't worry just let him give him a bit of thought ok. ( Continues reading)

Y/N: Ok I'm just looking out for my friend here.

I look to Tatsumi which he had an experience that reminded me of Riku when Kairi pranked him by putting an bucket with ice water on a doorway.


Y/N: I got that water Kairi. Why did you need ice water?

Kairi: ( shoshes Y/N and whispers) This is a prank for Riku.

Y/N: Why?

Kairi: Remember when he put hair remover in my shampoo.

Y/N: Yeah you had to grow your hair back for an mouth or two.

Kairi: (Shivers) Yeah don't reminded anyway I'm pranking him by pouring ice water on his head.

Y/N: Ok can I watch?

Kairi: Sure ( puts bucket on doorway) can you call Riku?

Y/N: Sure. Riku can you give me a hand.

Riku: (outside skipping stones) What is it?

Y/N: Can you help with my ( Thinks of something then spots his wooden sword) Can you help with my swords manship I think I could use the practice.

Riku: Sure and could sound like fun. ( He enters the house and the bucket falls on his head) COOOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDD!!!!!!

Y/N: Sorry but it was Kairi's idea.


Kairi : ( Laughs uncontrollably) That's for putting hair remover in my shampoo.

Riku: Whatever. Anyway I'll forgive you Y/N if you keep up request with your sword fight like you asked.

Y/N: ( Smiles) Sure and like you said it could be fun.


Y/N: Man those were the good days.

Leone: What were the good days?

Y/N: You see my friend of my called Kairi prank my other friend Riku with cold water after he put hair remover in her shampoo so she pranked him with cold water and his expression was more an angrier expression of Tatsumi's.

Leone: ( Laughs) Man I wish I was there so I could see it for myself.

???: What the hell! ( Turn to Mine) Leone why did you bring this loser to the hideout?

Y/N: ( Looks around and points to himself) Me?

???: Not you I'm talking about him (Points Tatsumi)

Leone: He's one of us now.

???: And nobody asked for my opinion. (Stares at Tatsumi) I won't allow it its obvious you aren't the same type of group. I mean just look at you Y/N can probably could kill you with no problem.

Tatsumi: What does that mean!?!

Leone: Don't worry that's Mine's way of saying hello.

She just turns around and we started walking out side for what I think is their training grounds.

Leone: This is our training grounds where we go to blow off some steam (Spots Bulat) and look who is working up a sweat that's Bulat.

We watched as he was using a staff and I would say he is quite good at least I know who to ask if I need to learn how to use a spear.

Tatsumi: Woah that's incredible.

Bulat: ( Breaths) Oh are you the two we met yesterday?

Tatsumi: Wait how did you know that?

Y/N: He was the guy in the armour and how Bulat and the guy in the armour are great with spears my guess it Bulat was wearing the armour so am I right or am I right (Smerks).

Bulat: He's right. Names Bulat pleasures mine.

Leone: (Watches Tatsumi shakes hands) And yes he's gay.

I noticed that Tatsumi was disturbed but for me I didn't mind.

Bulat: Now don't give them the wrong idea ~yet~.

Y/N: Well I'm not into the same thing as you but if you like men then if your happy then I'm happy.

Bulat: (Smiles) Thanks.

Leone: Let's go meet the others.

As we walked we made our way to sometype of hot spring and I got to say it looks really nice but I noticed a man in green watching the spring like if like he was waiting for someone.

Y/N: Hey Leone who is that guy and what is he doing?

Leone looks and she looked like really mad that a literal tik mark appeared on her head. She then motion us to follow her and told us to be quite.

???Green: Hehehe It's almost time for Leone's bath. I'LL DO ANYTHING TO SEE THAT SMOKING HOT BODY!

Leone: In that case how about you give up two fingers.

???Green: (Gasps) AHHHHHHHHHH!

Leone: (Currently beating Lubbock) You never learn do you. ( Starts to break his arm) This is Lubbock and as you can see he's idiot.

Y/N: Oooooh K then.

I use Curaga on Lubbock healing him fully. After a while of walking I was guesting we were going to meet Akame and who ever is in charge of night raid.

Leone: Ok who's left?

Tatsumi: I don't know how much more I can take.

Leone: Oh quit your complaining the next one is a real cutie ( Points to a camp fire) she's stuffing her face by the fire.

We looked and saw Akame eating a giant bird which I thick could use either ketchup or BBQ sauce and that would make a perfect dinner.

Leone: Hey Akame.

Tatsumi: Oh and theres this crazy bitch. ( Y/N hits Tatsumi on the head with the Ever after) Hey what was that for?

Y/N: That was for calling her that. If we are going to be working with her we should at least be nice to her or at least respectful towards her.

Tatsumi: Hmm fine I guest. (Notices the giant bird) I just realized that's a giant bird. Did she kill that thing herself?

Leone: Akame is our resident wild child.

Y/N: Or was your resident wild child.

Leone: What do you mean?

Y/N: Well not to be rude but when I start working with you guys I'll be Night raid's new wild child. Oh no offense Akame.

Akame: None taken. Leone have some.

Leone: Thanks.

Akame: (Points meat at Tatsumi) Have you decided to join yet?

Tatsumi: Um no?

Akame: Then sorry I won't be sharing my dinner with you.


Akame: ( Points meat at Y/N) Have you decided to join yet?

Y/N: Acourse I did I said I wanted to join yesterday.

Akame:( Throws meat and Y/N catches) Then I'll share my dinner with you.

Y/N: (Smiles) Thanks (Starts to walk to Akame) My name is Y/N nice to meet you ( Holds hand out)

Akame: I already gave you some of my dinner.

Y/N: (?) Oh I don't want more of your dinner I just want us to shake hands.

Akame: I never shock hands before.

Y/N: Well then it's your lucky day because I'm will teach shaking hands 101.

Tatsumi: This should be interesting.

Y/N: Step 1: Hold your hand out (Akame puts her hand out) Step 2: Let the other person grab your hand or you grab their hand if they start to hand shake ( Grabs hold of Akame's hand) Step 3: Shake hands (Shakes Akame's hand) And that's how you shake hands any questions?

Akame: (She looks at her hand and some reason she felt good and smiles) Wow that felt good.

Y/N: You see hand shakes already make you feel welcome to someone you might not know yet. Try doing it with Tatsumi.

Akame: Maybe later. The reason because he hasn't join yet so I won't shake or share my dinner with him.

Y/N: Ok then. ( Sits next to Akame and starts eating) Do you mind if I sit here?

Akame: No I don't mind.

Leone: (Thinking) Is it me or is everyone is on edge today?

Akame: That's because the boss is back.

Tatsumi: The boss?

Y/N: (Perks with intrest) Oh can't wait to meet the one in charge.

Leone: (Walks around the chicken) Ah boss!

Boss: Hey.

Leone: Hey did you get me anything?

Boss: Why would I do that. I checked and you had an assignment that was three days late.

Leone: OH CRAP! (Starts running)

She starts running at full sprint but then the "Boss" fired an metal hand which it caught Leone and started dragging Leone to her.

Boss: When facing an powerful opponent it's best to not to get riled up in the fun you should know better by now.

Leone: (Chocking) Ok I lEaRn My LeSsOn NoW lEt Me Go.

Boss: Now tell me about the boys!

Leone: Well my friend here (Points to Tatsumi) has a lot of potential.

Boss: And the younger one?

Leone: Oh get this he didn't not nearly kill Akame but nearly all of us expect for my friend here on his own with out breaking a sweat.

Boss: (Shows interest) Is this true Akame?

Akame: Indeed you could ask the others

Boss: Hmm Akame gather the others I want to learn more about these two boys.

After Akame gather the others we all made our way to the main room of the base and where we would discuss about me and Tatsumi being apart of night raid which I said I already wanted to joined because of what happened to my village.

Boss: Thank you everyone for coming here. Now Tatsumi and Y/N would you two like to join night raid?

Tatsumi: Your going to kill us if we don't.

Y/N: Well I want to join.

Boss: (Smiles) Good. (Looks at Tatsumi) No we won't take your life but I encourage you to join if not we'll have to put you in our factories so what do you say.

Tatsumi: I just wanted to make money to save my village but the Capital wasn't what I imagined.

Bulat: Tatsumi the Capital is creating mass poverty over the country would you like to destroy it at the source.

After a while of them talking about the Capital and the revolutionary army and how they made night raid I thought they were doing the right thing (Sorry I was just feeling lazy so I just cut to the part of what Tatsumi thinks of night raid).

Tatsumi: I-I like it you guys are taking the trash out of the Capital. YOUR A ROUGE TEAM OF ASSASSINS OF THE SAKE OF JUSTICE! (Everyone expect Akame, Najedena) What's so funny?

Leone: Oh Tatsumi-.

Y/N: No matter what you are doing it for either good or for evil murder is still murder.

Sheele: And there's no justice for the actions we have done.

Bulat POV

Bulat: " I'm glad that Y/N understands of what we're doing" And at any moment every one of us can take a toll of the sins of the blood we spill.


Mine: Man he still doesn't get it's probably going to take him a decade to understand.

Tatsumi: Hold up I ah.

Boss: Every team member has something worth fighting for and holds a strong resolve so are you ready to risk your life?

Tatsumi: You guys will be paying me for this right?

Boss: Acourse and if you work hard you can probably save your village.

Tatsumi: Then let me do it! Please let me be apart if night raid as well!

Mine: You'll probably won't be going be to them as a hero you know.

Tatsumi: I know I don't care as long if they will be taken care of.

Mine: (Looks at Y/N) You know that you won't going back home as hero too right?

Y/N: (Looks down) You know I don't have a home.

Mine: (Remembers about yesterday) Oh sorry I just remembered that thing about yesterday sorry.

Y/N: It's ok I forgive you.

Boss: Anyway welcome to night raid you two your both dismissed. Akame your in charge of training them and if Tatsumi becomes a problem then kill him and for Y/N we might need someone like him so don't kill him understand.

Akame: No problem.

Tatsumi: Eh no problem.

Leone: (Sneaks up from behind) You better do a good job if you want to live.

Tatsumi: It has to be her I'm so dead.

Y/N: Don't worry I got your back.


After getting along term of rest I woke up to someone knocking on my door and to my curiosity I wounder who it was.

Y/N: (Sleepy) Who ( Yawns) is it?

Akame: It's me Akame you and Tatsumi are need in the kitchen.

Y/N: Ok I'll be out soon.

Akame: Ok.

After I got dressed and getting done making my bed I made my way to my door and opened and saw Akame standing infront of my door looking like she was ready to cook.

Akame: Are you ready for training?

Y/N: (Laughs) I was born ready.

Akame: (Smiles) Glad to see your positive. Follow me to the kitchen Tatsumi is already there and waiting.

Y/N: Ok then lead the way.

I start following Akame to the kitchen and after awhile of following her we found the kitchen and saw the others eating breakfast with a seat with an bull full of food (I don't know what they were cooking) and it smelled good.

Y/N: Mmm that smells do good.

Akame: Luckily that's for you.

Bulat: Yeah you can't train on a empty stomach.

Y/N: Thanks ( Sits down and starts eating) Mmm not bad compliments to the cheif or the chiefs.

Tatsumi: Thanks

Y/N: Wait Tatsumi why are cooking?

Tatsumi: Apparently this is supposed to be my so called "Training" so that's why I'm cooking.

Y/N: (Finishes eating) You want me to help?

Tatsumi: Yeah three heads are better then two.

Y/N: Thanks.

I got to the kitchen and wow everyone with my cooking skills by juggling some stair berries and use the kingdom key to cut them into pieces and watch as they landed on the dessert I was making for everyone and after putting on frustrating and with that it was complete.

Y/N: Dessert is done come and get it everyone gets one slice.

Mine: (Takes the first slice and examines it) Hmm smells good, looks good, taste? (Takes a bite) This is the- THE BEST CAKE I EVER HAD.

As the others tried it I was pranced by their compliments about my cake and my baking.

Bulat: Mmm not bad I give it six stars.

Leone: Man not even the Capital can make cake like this.

Sheele: Mmmm I absolutely love it but may I ask for blue berries next time.

Y/N: Sure.

Lubbock: Now I know the true meaning of sweet.

Akame: I'm not much as a cake fanatic but I love it.

Tatsumi: I'm with Leone this is way better than the Capital or the food from my village.

Y/N: Thank you, you are all to kind.


Y/N: Well I'll be the new chief if Akame is fine with it.

Akame: I'm fine with it and maybe you can teach me some of your cooking.

Y/N: Sure and maybe I can learn from you too.

Leone: You know Y/N is better than Akame with a sword and cooking.

Y/N: I won't say be just more expensive besides I bet I could teach you some things and you can teach me some things.

Bulat: Indeed. Oh look at the time it's time for our mission.

Tatsumi: Wait should me, Akame, and Y/N go with you?

Mine: You stay here and be a good cook and cut a few olives for me and Y/N (Whispers) Can you make me a small cake like the one you made?

Y/N: Sure.

Mine: Thanks ( Looks at Tatsumi) Anyway like I said be a good cook and cut a few olives for me (Laughs).

Tatsumi: Mmmm I can't stand her.

Mine: Later loser.

After Tatsumi crushed an apple and Akame told me and Tatsumi to carry so weeded baskets and after following her to some type of lake pound thing which look nice for a picnic.

Y/N: This looks like a good place for picnic.

Akame: Today we will catch Koga tuna for dinner (Starts to undress)

Akame: ( Tatsumi looks away in embarrassment but Y/N looks away so it doesn't make Akame feel uncomfortable) What's the matter?

Tatsumi: Oh it's just a swimsuit. ( Looks at a unfazed Y/N) How you not shocked?

Y/N: In my old village we would have sometype of watering hole where people would swim and seeing things like this is just an normal weekend.

Tatsumi: Oh ok then.

Akame: Let's see how much you two can catch. ( She jumps into the water and after a while a bunch of fish came bursting out of the water with all landing in the basket) The key is to conceal your aura and then choose your target then strike.

Y/N: ( Pulls out kingdom key) You mean this key (Jokingly)?

Tatsumi: Really.

Y/N: Sorry I couldn't help it.

Akame: Anyway Tatsumi will go first then Y/N will go second. ( Looks at Tatsumi) Are you ready?

Tatsumi: (Smerks and rips his shirt off) WHAT EVER YOU SAY!

After he jumped in the water I decide to lay on my back and watch the clouds like how me and my parents would always watch them when we go for a picnic.


Mom: We are here ( Smiles and breaths ) I always love coming here.

Dad: I agree honey ( Breathes ) I remember coming here when growing up. Oh Y/N I want to show you something.

Y/N: ( Smiles ) OK.

Mom: OK you two don't get any trouble.

Dad: Don't need to worry just give a haler if you need anything.

We walk to the side of the hill and after he lays down I join him and look up and was thinking what did he wanted to me to see.

Dad: Hey son ( Points to a cloud ) that cloud looks like an dragon.

Y/N: What do you mean it's just a cloud?

Dad: ( Laughs ) Son you just need to look really close and then you can see it.

Y/N: ( Sequence ) Wow I see it look! ( Points to the end of the cloud ) I see the tail ( Points to the top and behind a bit ) and it's head and wings!

Dad: See what I mean?

Mom: Honey could you help with the food while I get it set up.

Dad: OK then I'm coming. Hey Y/N try find more clouds maybe you'll find a friend for the dragon.

Y/N: OK dad i'll will ( I go back to watching clouds as my Dad walks to my Mom )


After thinking about the time when I first went on picnic with my mom and dad a bunch of fish came bursting out of the water and landed in the basket.

Tatsumi: So how many fish did I catch Y/N?

Y/N: ( Looks in the basket ) Oh sorry you only got around five or ten fish.

Tatsumi: Aw man it's just tricky to see fish in water.

Y/N: Hey you'll get it next time ok.

Tatsumi: Oh ok then.

Akame: Anyway it's your turn Y/N lets see how many you can get.

Y/N: Oh ok then stand back ( Jumps in the water and went down pretty far down) Woah even under water this is pretty anyway time to fish like a man ( Starts to swim after the fish but notices something) Wait is that? It is a keyblade it looks like a whale. ( Yeah I'm breaking my own rule ) (grabs keyblade and taps it and becomes apart of the Y/N keyblade) Great another down now what was I was doing? Oh yeah the fish well back to fishing.

Tatsumi POV

After Y/N dove in the water me and Akame swam back to shore and started to redress and but I looked away not to stoop on Lubbock level on woman besides if I did Akame would probably kill me with a fish from the basket of fish.

Tatsumi: Hey it's been awhile since Y/N dove in the water. ( Gets nervous ) Could you think he drowned down there?

After I said that a sudden burst of water appeared with a bunch of fish falling into the basket and even a shark sized fish landed in a single basket which filled it completely full and after that Y/N landed right infront of us with a grin on his face full of confidence.

Y/N: So how many fish was that?

Akame walked to the basket that all the fish landed in and she had a face full of shock and surprise.

Akame: Ten thousand fish.

Tatsumi: WHAT?!?! ( Looks in the basket ) HOW DID YOU LEARN HOW TO DO THAT?!?

Y/N: (Smiles) That's my secret.

Tatsumi POV

Tatsumi: Oh ok then I guess? "Who thought Y/N to do that and what else can he do".


After that me and Tatsumi started to carry the basket of fish with me carry one full of the fish I caught and that giant fish while Tatsumi had to carry Akame's mixed with his ten fish.

Akame: How did you stay under water that long no human can possibly hold their breath that long?

Y/N: Well seeing that I'm the most surprising person you met I'll tell you.

Tatsumi: But didn't you say " That's my secret"?

Y/N: I was just pulling your leg. (Tatsumi groans) Anyway let's just say I can breath under water.

Tatsumi: Wait do you have gills or something?

Y/N: Yeah I'm a fish (mimics a fish).

Akame: (Laughs) that's kinda funny yet adorable.

Y/N: (Blushes) A-a-at least someone gets the joke.

Tatsumi: (Laughs) Awww is someone imberesse. (Get hit on the head with Ever after) Hey I was joking.

Y/N: Well I'm not laughing come on let's get back to base.

Tatsumi: Ok and sorry for making fun of you.

Y/N: It's ok besides I might imberesse you for trying to imberesse me.

Tatsumi: Oh great.

After awhile we made it back to base and me and Akame started to cook the fish we caught with me making sushi, fish sticks, and lemon butter fish for the boss which I learn her name was Najedena, Leone, Tatsumi, Akame, and myself to eat.

Y/N: Alright dinner is ready.

Najedena: I look forward to try your cooking.

Leone: Oh you'll going to love his cooking believe me he impressed everyone with his cake.

Y/N: Hey dinner is ready I made sushi, fish sticks ( The sticks are like bread versions of fries ), and lemon butter fish ( All stare at the food while drooling expect Najedena ) and I know what your thinking and yes you can dig in.

After that they started to eat like it's Thanksgiving dinner for the full family to the point Akame almost ate Tatsumi's hand because he had a fish stick in his hand.

Tatsumi: Hm ( Looks at Akame ) AHHHHH AKAME LET GO OF MY HAND!

Akame: ( Swallows the fish stick and gets Tatsumi hand out of her mouth ) I wanted the fish stick.

Najedena: So after that fiasco Leone what are the targets?

Leone: Ok ( pulls out two pictures out ) the targets are Orge and Gamal the oil merchant.

After awhile she explained what they done like how Orge got paid to blame people of crime of that the oil merchant did and to me the most messed up part was the oil merchant was the one paying him but who payed who or who did the blaming just made me sick.

Leone: ( put a bag of munny on the table ) Here it is she paid it up front.

Tatsumi: Wow she really paid all that in person?

Leone: She smelled sickly she must have been selling her body.

Najedena: Was she lying?

Leone: My sences had never lied before they're guilty.

Najedena: Very well night raid accepts this task.

After that Leone explained how Gamal would be easy but how Orge will be a real problem.

Najedena:We can't send Akame with her being so many wanted posters she'll be caught with all the people in the district Orge will appear.

Leone: Aw hello don't forget Y/N could handle handle him and there are no wanted posters of him or me either and plus targets like these are what I live for.

Y/N: Actually can I stay here so I can prepare for the mission?

Najedena: Very well then. Akame and Leone will go for the oil merchant and Y/N will go after Orge!

Tatsumi: Wait can I join him?

Najedena: Can you handle a target like Orge?

Tatsumi: Maybe with Y/N helping me and I am a expert swordsman.

Akame: That depends can you kill someone?

Tatsumi: Well I did once ( Has a flash back about him killing Aria )

Akame: You where blinded by anger.

Y/N: Really when?

Tatsumi: (Breaths) You see-.


Tatsumi: Y/N!

Leone: Wow that felt good. Look you think that this family is nice to you but you might change your mind when you sees what behind these doors ( Kicks door down ) Welcome to the Capital kid.

I walked in and saw a horrifying sight. I saw dead people everywhere in cages so people ripped in half, impaled, lossed limbs and people hanging in the air but the one that terrifying the most was the one infront of me.

Tatsumi: No way thats-thats Sayo.

Leone: We learned that they picked up people from the country side and then torturing them to death that's wrong with this sweet little family ( Sees Aria trying to walk away ) Going somewhere? Don't think we forgot about you sweetie.

Tatsumi: Di-Did they do this?

Leone: Yeah and they're gurads are as guilty for keeping it a secret.

Aria: She-She's lying who you going believe thes-these murders or the one who saved you?

???: Ta-Tatsumi!

I looked over to the cage to my left and so someone else I didn't want to happen to.

Tatsumi: Le-Leyusa?

Leyusa: She invited us to and we ate some food then everything went black then woke up here and that girl TORTURED SAYO TO DEATH!

Aria: Fine ( Breaks free from Leone ) so I did it ok!

After that she went on her rant about country folk and how she was jealous about Sayo's hair but that just wanted me to kill her for hurting my friends.

Leone: Sorry to interrupt but your kinda disturbing.

Akame: I'll kill her.

Tatsumi: Wait.

Leone: Your kidding your seriously going to defend her?

Tatsumi: No.( Slices Aria in half ) I'LL DO IT!

After cutting in half it felt a little good to avenge the killer of my friends.

Leyusa: Thank you Tatsumi you don't know how long I wanted to see that ( burfs up blood ).

Tatsumi: LEYUSA! ( Runs to his cage )

Me and Leone got to his cage and luckily she broke his cage open and I dragged his body out and hold him in place.

Akame: Its the end of the Lablo virus the mother love drugging people with different medications she even keep a dairy of they're reactions. It's to late for him

Leyusa: Ta-Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: LEYUSA!

Leyusa: I just wanted to let you know Sayo never gave in. She was so awesome so I wanted to go out a hero's death ( Goes limp with a smile on his face )

Akame: His strong will was only thing that kept him alive.

Tatsumi: ( Hugs Leyusa ) What the hell is wrong with this place?

Akame: Let's go!

Leone: Wait should we take him with us? We could us a pair of working hands and he does have a bit of luck on his side.

Tatsumi: HEY stop I need to bary my friends!

Leone: Quit complaining I can take they're bodies back to the hideout later.


Tatsumi: You can guest the rest correct.

I felt bad that Tatsumi had to live threw nearly the same pain he did but at least he killed they're killer.

Y/N: Sorry about your lost but at least you killed your friends killer unlike me.

Tatsumi: It's ok besides like you said like you said "My friends are apart of my heart like mine is apart of their's and when I know that there never gone".

Y/N: Right and I got your back on the mission

Tatsumi: Here that Akame Y/N got back the mission and I expect something after the mission ( Akame gets up )

Akame: Once you and Y/N kill the target report back soon as possible when you complete the mission.

Y/N: ( Stands up and solutes to Akame ) You got Akame the mission will be done Simple and Clean.

Tatsumi: Understood ( Under his breath ) I'll show her.

Akame: Either way I think we should wait until the others to get back.

Tatsumi: Do even now when they are coming back?

Akame: No.

Tatsumi: FINE I say we do it without them.

Najedena: Oh is that so.

Leone: Watch what you say if you can't back it up.

Tatsumi: Look I now what me and Y/N are going to be doing and we both know killing isn't fun either. But every moment we don't do something someone else might be blamed and killed so I say we do it now!

Najedena: Very well I see motivation in your very well move out and get you find out where the targets will be at.

After that Leone and Tatsumi left to the Capital to scout out before the mission while I was at the training ground training for the mission doing things like using my magical abilities, my swordplay with the kingdom key and learn about what can the new keyblade in the water.

Akame: When did you get that sword from?

Y/N: Oh this I got it when I was getting the fish by the way do you guys have any mask?

Akame: Yes why do you ask?

Y/N: When in the Capital on missions I want to keep my identity a secret so why not hide my face isn't that what all assassins do hide their faces?

Akame: ( facepalm her face ) Why did we thought of that in the first place.

Y/N: Don't know anyway let's see what weapon with can turn into. ( uses form change and the keyblade turns into a hammer ) Ha a hammer sounds good to me ( Starts attacking the training dummy ) Now let's rev it up! ( Uses the keyblade max power which called upon a giant whale landing on ground causing a Tutsumi which completely obliterated the dummy then after that the whale disappeared )

Y/N: That didn't make any sence but I like.

I turned to Akame who was completely soaked to head to toe.

Y/N: Ops sorry about that at least you won't need to shower for a week.

Akame: It's ok but may I ask what Imperial arm is that I never seen anything like it before?

Y/N: Oh this. This is not a imperial arm its know as a keyblade and well I don't know how to explain how I got it and where came from.

Akame: Well you can tell me I'll listen.

Y/N: Well you see.

After while of how I got it meeting Heart and, told me about how it works and told me about the Ultima.

Y/N: And that how it happen and I know it doesn't make sence but that's what happen.

Akame: I see but seeing how what your abilities are I guess it makes sence.

Y/N: Thank you so may I ask can you give me any pointers before the mission?

Akame: Let's see. Oh make sure you aim for either vital organs or joints with the organs you can get a swift kill and joints so you can disarm them fast.

Y/N: Got it thanks for the advice. Hey Akame.

Akame: Yes.

Y/N: What caused you to join nightraid in the first place?

Akame: ( Breathes ) Very well but it isn't a happy story you see-.

Akame POV

Akame: When me and my sister Kurome where young our parents sold us to the Capital for a lucky penny.


Capital Soilder: So what do you say? You give us your children we will pay you both handsomely do we have a deal?

Father: I can't say no to an offer like that what do you say honey.

Mother: I agree it's a good way to get rid of these mistakes of ours.

Capital Soilder: Very well ( Shakes hands ) so we'll be taking those stupid brats with us now. Go get the gold after that we'll take those brats back to the Capital.


Akame: The Capital put us into slavery and made us child like assassins sadly we weren't the only ones. There were other kids but sadly they died one by one until me and my sister where the only one's left.

Y/N: I'm so sorry no one should ever go through that! Like who sells they're own children for just something like money it sounds inhumane.

I was surprised by his outburst but it felt good knowing he cared and felt sorry for what me and my sister had been through.


Akame: Thank you.

Y/N: For what?

Akame: About caring about my pain and saying sorry for what I been through it means a lot to me.

Y/N: Thanks also may I ask what happened to your sister.

Akame: She wanted to stay with the Capital.

Y/N: Wait why would she want to stay?

Akame: I don't know I guess the boss wasn't able to persuade in time before the Capital was able to completely to brainwash her but like I said I don't know.

Y/N: I'm sorry but maybe just maybe I can snap her out of her brainwashing but I can't be for sure if I can.

Akame: It's ok like I heard you say to Tatsumi that his friends are part of his heart like your friends are apart of your heart. For me my sister's heart is apart of my heart even if she no longer loves me I always love her ( And not in a werid way for any weirdos reading this ).

Y/N: I guess that I'll be hearing that alot.

Akame: Can't you blame us it's a good lesson ( You might want to prepare to hear that line a lot )

Timeskip Akame POV

I was hanging from the ceiling waiting for Leone to grab the target from behind.

Gamel: Well time to go back to living the dream.

Leone: Wait I got an better idea.

After I quietly jumped down and quickly impaled the oil merchant threw the heart which in turn killed him.

Leone: You lucky dog killed by two hot babes in one night. ( Leone drops him ) Well I wounder how the Rockies are doing with there task.


I was waiting for Tatsumi to bring Orge out to the in alliway with no one around. ( Spots Orge and Tatsumi ) Mom, Dad, Riku, Kairi watch over us.

Tatsumi: Please I need money for my family in the country.

Orge: Just like the rest ( Starts to walk away ) resignation that way.

Tatsumi: I applied but they wouldn't take my application.

Orge: Is that so-.

But before Orge struck Tatsumi sliced him in the gut but was still alive but Tatsumi didn't noticed.

Tatsumi: Just like-.

Orge tries to slice him but I block it parry it and did a spiral slash and the kicked him but he tried blocking with his sword but it broke on contact which pushed him back.

Orge: ( gets up ) Not bad but I'm guesting that you two are apart of those night raid creeps that go around killing people in power the weak can squeal all they want but the strong will survive in this empire WHO YOU DEAM WORTHY MEANS NOTHING!!!

But then he pulls out a keyblade from his belt ( Favorite Deputy ) and trys to slash me but got me thinking " How I'm the only one that can use the keyblade " but luckily I blocked it in time but he was able to push me back a bit but before he stroke Tatsumi blocked the hit.

Orge: What you think a simple sword will do?

Tatsumi: Simple a diversion. Y/N NOW!

I jumped off the wall cut his hands of and grabbed the keyblade and made it apart of my keyblade and after that I felt like ending this with some flair. First I turned the keyblade back to the whale one.

Y/N: Hey ugly ( Orge looks up ) try this ( fires piranhas at him ).

As the piranhas landed and started to bite fast and furious with blood gushing by the second.


Y/N: Here you go ( Throws the keyblade at him )

With that the keyblade decapitated his head clean off with blood firing out like a broken fountain.

Tatsumi: Jesus did you really have to go that far?

Y/N: Well it was the only idea I can think of in a second while those piranhas where holding him in place.

Tatsumi: Oh K.

Y/N: ( Teleports the keyblade to him ) Well anyway we should head back.

Tatsumi: Oh yeah by the way cool mask.

Y/N: Well it does match with my outfit by the way if you want to no one to noticed blood wear red.

Tatsumi: How do you know that?

Y/N: I found a book on the ground in the library and I remember that part where a blind lady tells the main character to wear red so no one notices blood on him.

Tatsumi: Oooh K then

After awhile we got back to base which at that point I removed my mask and waited for what Najedena was about to say about our results of the mission.

Najedena: You both defeated a powerful opponent by yourselves, well done both of you.

Tatsumi: Yep hear that Akame we got the job done and we came back without a scratch on us. So now tells us how great we are.

Out of nowhere she lifted his shirt off which turned Tatsumi so red he looked like a Tomato with potatoe colored hair.


Akame: Leone, Boss grab him and Y/N you might want to turn around.

Y/N: Alright just tell me when to stop looking away.

With that they pulled down his pants and Akame started to look all around him and was glad to see no injuries.

Akame: Thank goodness. Most allies I had died because they where to proud to not report their injuries.

Y/N: I guest Akame was just worried about you.

Akame: He's correct.

Tatsumi: Oh ( Picks up pants ) I can't wait to work with you again. Hey Y/N you can turn around now.

Y/N: Alright.

Najedena: Sadly you and Y/N will be working with Mine tomorrow.

Tatsumi: BUT SHES WORSE!!!

Y/N: Actually something interesting happened during the mission.

Najedena: What is it?

Y/N: Well Orge was using a keyblade.

Akame: Wait I thought only you can use them?

Y/N: Yeah but he didn't use any of it's power or it's other forms.

Leone: Maybe to you. You can use such things and more but maybe to others it's just a normal sword?

Y/N: Maybe but I'll make sure to tell you if anything else happens during the missions.

Najedena: I'm glad you are taking responsibility of reporting current details on the missions you go on.

Y/N: ( Solutes ) You got


DuelknightX: I know it took awhile but it's done and sorry if it wasn't good as the first Chapter but I'll see if it can improve in later chapters and don't forget I have a gaming channel called Duelknight X and I play games like kingdom hearts 3 so check it it will mean a lot to me and sorry I my voice sounds bad so thank you for reading and stay toon for chapter 3 bye bye

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