Chapter 14: Kill the Enemy

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POV: Y/n (Kakoshi)

As I helped Bols serve breakfast to everyone I saw Wave greet Tatsumi, “Yo” Wave started, “Did you sleep well? No it doesn’t look like you did.” “I was so nervous I couldn’t sleep until dawn.” “Seriously Kurome,” Wave started, “It’s early in the morning and you’re already eating candy?” “Mind your own business.” Kurome started, “It’s preferable to eating your seafood. I wouldn’t want to start smelling like a beach, like you do.” “Eh!? Seriously!?” Wave said grabbing his coat. “Do I smell!?” “No.” Tatsumi started, “Not too much  anyway…” As Tatsumi said that he turned and looked at Kurome. “Ya know Kurome, if ya didn’t want to eat seafood,” I started walking out carrying a plate of food. “I could’ve fixed ya somethin’ diff’rent. Here have some biscuits.” “Do you want a piece Y/n?” Kurome asked, “Sure.” I said putting down the plate of biscuits, as Kurome placed a piece of candy in my palm. “Tanks.” I said with a smile, “Are ya ready for our mission today?” “I guess so.” she responded. “I’ll head to the jail and wait for you to get there.” “Okay,” I responded, “I’ll head down after breakfast.” As I said that, I grabbed a biscuit and started to eat.

A few moments later I saw the guards questioning Kurome about the prisoner, “She’s with me folks,” I said walking in holding a saddle. “Thanks fer doin’ yer jobs.” “Thank you Y/n” Kurome said as a guard unlocked the door. “What’s with the saddle?” “That’s how we’ll travel,” I started, “by my horse, Sleipnir.” We then walked outside as I had the prisoner on a long rope and held it as I hopped on Sleipnir, “Need a hand?” I asked holding my hand out for Kurome, “I can get on myself.” Kurome said hopping on the horse. “Alright prison’r,” I started, “Take us to Night Raid.” We the walked south away from the Capitol, Good. I thought, He has no idea where we are located, now the only question is where is he taking us.

After a while we stopped for a bite to eat. “So Kurome,” I started, trying to break the ice, “Do you have an older sister?” “Yes,” Kurome asked, “Her death shall be caused by my own two hands.” Yikes. I thought, “Why do you ask?” Kurome retorted, “You just seem to bear a resemblance to that Akame girl from the wanted poster, except yer younger and cuter.” I said nervously. “One.” Kurome started, “She is my older sister. Two, keep it professional, and three, thanks.” “Yer welcome.” I started, “And I’ll be professional.” I then laughed trying to lighten the mood. It didn’t work, I tried. I thought, “What happened to the prisoner?” Kurome asked. “SHIT!” I shouted jumping on Sleipnir followed by Kurome, “Hold on!” as I said that I had Sleipnir speed off after the tracks I saw from our prisoner. Kurome then squeezed my stomach to hold on as we sped off. “Ya’lright?” I asked. “Yer squeezin’ kinda tight.” “I’m fine.” Kurome responded loosening her grip. “GAAAAAAA!” I heard coming from ahead of us. “Sleipnir speed up my companion, our prey awaits!”

A few seconds later I saw our prisoner and a few danger beast, appearing to Apemen, “Kurome let’s go!” I shouted jumping off of Sleipnir and cutting down a few apemen as Kurome did the same. “I may use this as a puppet.” Kurome said. “I’m guessin’ that’s yer teigu’s ability.” I said finding our prisoner. “And where are you goin’?” “I-i-i-i’m sooooorrry.” he said on his knees in a begging fashion. “If ya help us fight, ya may get to live.” I said cutting the head off of an apeman. “RWWWAAAAAW” I heard come from a ways away. “Kurome,” I started, “Ya need to run, there is a horde of Tyrants coming our way,” I said putting her on Sleipnir. “I’ll keep the prisoner and I’ll meet you soon. I can handle them, but ya may get hurt in the assault.” “No.” Kurome said trying to get off, but I sent Sleipnir off to the east before she could move. “Alright prisoner,” I started, “You have a chance to fight or run, either way yer more ‘en likely to die, so what’ll ya do?” I then cut him free, “I’ll run.” He then ran to the west, Poor fool. I thought, He’s headin’ right to his death.  I then saw three Tyrants walk into the area I was in. “Mimic: Incursio, Mimic: Pumpkin, Mimic: Elemental Heart, Mimic: Mastema, Mimic: Extase.” I said activating my abilities, however since I mimicked Mastema, I grew brown wings instead of Incursio’s cape. “It’s time to kill.” I said flying up as the Tyrants blew fire onto the spot where I stood, I then turned my hands to stone and slammed down onto one of the tyrants, crushing it’s skull into a fine paste sending blood onto the other two tyrants. “Now ya cain’t hide!” I said firing into the eyes of another tyrant blinding it. I then jumped onto the blind Tyrant, coaxing the other one to slash at me, I jumped up and landed in the claw of the attacking tyrant as is left a large gash on the face of the blind tyrant, killing it instantly. “Time to roughen out the heard.” I said cutting at the tyrant. It then spat out bones, apparently belonging to a human, recently aten, belonging to a human, relatively similar in size to our prisoner. Figures he’d be killed quickly, I thought, it’s ‘is fault fer runnin’ in the direction of the tyrants. I then saw the tyrant build it’s flame up so I drew my revolver and using the powers of Pumpkin, I fired a round into the head of the tyrant killing it as the flames died out and I deactivated my ability when landing on the ground.

As I started to walk back toward the road where I sent Sleipnir, I noticed that the sun had gone down, and looking at the height of the moon, I’d say it had been down about an hour or so, Damn, I thought, it took me longer to kill the tyrants than I thought. “Y/n!” I heard come from the road followed by the stomping of hooves, “Who’s ‘ere?” I asked drawing my revolver. “It’s me,” Kurome said jumping off my horse and throwing her arms around my neck in a hug, “When I saw the flames I thought you died.” As she said that I saw tears form in her eyes. “Hey, Kurome,” I said lifting her chin up, “I’m not going to die that easily.” “Really?” Kurome asked wiping her eyes, “Yeah,” I responded, as I noticed a storm cloud coming up, “Come on, a storm’s a brewin’ take my coat.” as I said that I gave her my jacket and we got onto Sleipnir, heading back to the HQ.

When we got back, I had to explain what happened happened, “Well ma’am,” I started, “the prison’r lied ‘bout where Night Raid was,” “I thought he escaped before you found any signs of Night Raid,” Esdeath started, “So by that manner isn’t there a chance that Night Raid is in the area?” “Normally yes,” I started, “However, there was a nest of Tyrants, so I doubt that they would live anywhere near the area, either way, the prison’r was eaten by a tyrant.” “Very well then,” Esdeath said, “By the way Y/n, Kurome, you two will be accompanying me , Tatsumi, and Wave to Mt. Fake to train.” “Yes Ma’am.” I said heading off, “Roger.” Kurome responded as a bolt of lightning struck a nearby tree, followed by a loud burst of thunder, making Kurome jump, “Ya’lright?” I asked jokingly, Kurome responded by punching me in the shoulder. Later that night, as the storm grew stronger, I heard a knock at my door, “Come in.” I said thinking to myself, Why do people only come in when I want to sleep. “Y/n,” Kurome started while walking into my room, “are you awake?” “I am now,” I said getting up, I could see that she was still wearing my coat over top of her pajamas, “Ummmm,” She started as her face turned red, “could I sleep with you it’s kind of cold in my room.” “As long as you don’t try anything.” I said jokingly. Mimic: Elemental Heart I thought, using that to slightly raise my body temperature to warm Kurome up. “Wow Y/n” Kurome started, “You’re hot.” “Literally or metaphorically?” I asked, “Yes.” She replied. I then went to sleep.

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