Chapter 33

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**sort of a long chapter, but it's a good one.... I think.... depends on your definition of 'good' I suppose,,,**

Chapter 33

"Well, your pulse has gone back to normal," announced Dahlia, releasing Aveline's wrist. She flashed an encouraging smile that Aveline couldn't help but return.

"The nausea has gone away, but I still have this terrible feeling." To say these things aloud consoled Aveline somewhat; she'd kept silent about them for so long she thought she was going to scream.

It had been three days since Lady Belthrop had given them the damning file on Verignes. Things seemed to have cooled down to a humming terseness in the air that Aveline supposed everyone must have been feeling.

They'd all agreed to stay silent on the matter for now, and when no one had showed up to arrest them, or worse, Aveline had figured they were in the clear. For now.

It had been the most difficult to tell Eli. At first he hadn't believed her. Then Aveline had showed him the file herself, and the color had seemed to drain out of his face, and she knew he'd understood

Aveline knew how it felt; to struggle between a job and what was honorable. He'd come around eventually.

Once she was completely certain things weren't going to explode in the palace (everyone else was acting normal. They hadn't even seen Guernot since Ari had threatened him in the hall, which Aveline thought was a good thing, all things considered), Aveline went back to see Dahlia and Marcie. Not just for more medicine (though she had to admit; the mixture worked wonders), but it crushed her soul slightly less not to have to lie to everyone around her.

"Well, of course you do, Aveline," Dahlia said now. She began combining the ingredients for Aveline's tea, picking up small packets of powder from her desk and squinting at them. "I have taken away your physical discomfort, but I imagine that this experience will not be easy for you nevertheless."

Aveline frowned at her legs as they dangled off the mossy log she sat on— some rotting piece of a fallen tree. Her feet had taken on a sickly, almost greenish tinge.

"Am I the only one who knows about your condition?"

"You, and Marcie." Aveline nodded at the smaller girl who had nestled herself underneath a tree and buried her head in her arms. Aveline tilted her head.

"Have you considered the emotional toll you are undergoing by keeping this from the people you love?" Dahlia said this with her back to her as she stirred the tea.

"Trust me; it's not the right time. Not after what just happened." Aveline muttered, almost to herself. She couldn't imagine dropping this news on her friends now. They already had enough to worry about.

"Right." Dahlia's face turned grim. "The infamous Verignes opioid experiment."

"We're working on clearing your name, Dahlia, I promise." Aveline tried to sound as sincere as she could. "The least I can do is hold the Verignes palace accountable for what they've done. Stick it to the king's ass."

A rueful curve appeared at the corner of Dahlia's lips.

"I feel ridiculous having to come here and beg for your help, when you have so much to deal with right now," Aveline continued, hoping Dahlia wouldn't think she was selfish.

The witch waved her off good-naturedly. "I like to stay busy. It keeps me from worrying. Isn't that right, Marcie?" She tapped her spoon on the rim of her mug to get rid of stray droplets.

"Is Marcie alright?" Aveline inquired, when the child offered no reply. Her eyes had seemed sort of pink-rimmed when Aveline had greeted her earlier.

"She's been a bit subdued as of late. I'm certain she's frightened, but it's alright- it'll be over soon." Dahlia pushed a cup of hot tea into Aveline's hands, and she took it. "You'd better get back, before that sweetheart of yours wonders where you are."

Aveline reluctantly hopped off of her log. "I don't have a sweetheart."

"Whatever you say."


Lyla caught up with Aveline as soon as she crossed the hallway to her room. Aveline was so deep in thought, she startled when the blonde appeared at her door.

"Lyla, I thought you were sitting in on Camille's dance lesson."

"I did. That was two hours ago." Lyla angled her head slightly, a few strands of her pale hair falling to the side. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes; rather, I'm tired." Aveline grimaced as she picked a stray twig out of her cloak. "What is it you needed?"

"Well, I visited the children this morning. They seemed as if they needed to be spending more time off the ship." Aveline closed her eyes and fought the urge to repeatedly bang her head against the door. "So, I asked Inez if we could take them out to the village for a bit of exercise, and she said no. Then I asked Ari, and he agreed with her. Don't you think that's a bit unreasonable?"

"No, I think it's perfectly reasonable."

"They're not... animals, Aveline-"

"I'm aware of the fact." Where was her room key? Aveline's irritation rose as she stuck her hand into her cloak.

"I just don't understand why you're both so paranoid about those children."

"Lyla." Aveline yanked her key out of her cloak, her words sticking in her throat. She couldn't stand to see her friend's crestfallen expression a second longer. "Someday we'll explain everything to you, alright? I'll answer all of your questions. But I can't right now. You just have to trust me. Do you think you can do that?"

"Of course, but-"


Aveline watched Lyla walk solemnly back down the corridor, the sight adding yet another tie to the rigid collection of knots in her stomach.

"Miss Aveline." How did people keep sneaking up on her? Aveline spun around, but it was merely a palace guard, standing dutifully before her.

"What?" She barked, sounding crosser than she'd intended.

"The princess requires your presence."

"Now?" Princess Camille? Even Aveline's swirling emotions seemed to halt in confusion.


Aveline allowed the guard to escort her down the hall, thinking that if the princess called her in to brag about Eli again, she'd lose her last nerve. Aveline imagined herself throwing a massive fit in Camille's throne room, in front of the bemused princess and all of her guards, and thought she might laugh out loud if she wasn't already feeling like shit.

The tall brown doors creaked open to receive her as if on cue.

Inside the throne room, a rare bout of sunlight streamed through the crystal windows, creating tiny rainbows that danced on the walls. The chandelier from the ceiling dripped with so many expensive jewels it looked as if it would snap off its precariously thin chain.

Aveline shook her head at the palace in all its glory. The same things that seemed so breathtaking to her before, now looked ugly and wrong.

"You seem disappointed," Camille called. She was lounging on a velvet chair in front of the window, a glass of golden, bubbling champagne cradled between her hands. Even Aveline had to admit she was envious of her indigo gown that fell off one shoulder like deep blue ink against her pale skin, though she had accessorized it a bit too much with the enormous diamond necklace-

Aveline forgot she was supposed to reply. Fortunately, Camille didn't seem to mind; she gestured for Aveline to sit with a ringed finger that flashed when the light caught it. Aveline sank into the velvet cushion as delicately as she could and set her hands in her lap.

"Do you know why I called you in here?"

Aveline shrugged. "Fashion advice?"

"Clever." Camille's smile was wide and feigned as she ran a finger along the circle of her wineglass. "I admire you, Aveline— you're smart. Beautiful. People like you, don't they?" She stopped, suddenly, blue eyes burning into hers. "One person in particular, dare I say? A certain palace guard?"

"That's why I'm here?" Aveline couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of relief and struggled not to let it show. "Are you serious? I missed dessert for this."

Camille arched her eyebrows.
"You think you're here because I'm jealous?" She chuckled; a high, pretty sound. "Eli is a handsome thing, isn't he? But I don't care about that, I assure you."

Well, shit. If that wasn't it, then.. she knew, didn't she? She must have known. The princess wanted to confront her about the Nova file- what else could it be?

Aveline's eyes swung to the guards standing at the back wall; on instinct. The one on the end looked weaker than the rest; if she could take him down first, then-

"You know what I am interested in, however, is your intriguing background."

Um, what? Aveline's hand loosened around the pistol in her cloak. She tried to make her expression as flat as possible; Camille looked as if she would enjoy dragging this out, if the grin hovering about her cherry-painted lips was any indication.

Think, Aveline. She was unused to not having the upper hand, and felt as if she was facing an opponent without anything to fight with.

But it wasn't a fight, or anything Aveline could handle with weapons or threats. Camille's power, she was beginning to realize, came from her diplomacy; which was perhaps far more dangerous.

Fight or not, Aveline wouldn't lose.

"Cut the bullshit, Camille," she said, brusqueness finding its way into her voice. She leaned back in her seat and crossed her legs at the ankle. "Was it you who sent us the threats? Did you order Ari and Lyla's kidnapping? I know Guernot carried it out, but he's too idiotic to have orchestrated it on his own."

Camille showed no reaction to her accusations as she calmly brushed a stray piece of lint off of her skirt.
"Lord Guernot works for my father, no one else. They keep me out of business matters, so rest assured I am not behind any of your palace misadventures." Her jaw clenched just a bit, her smile flickering, and Aveline narrowed her eyes as she realized that the princess resented this. "If you ask me, any threats you have received are simply repercussions for digging too deeply into matters that do not concern you."

"Don't concern me?" Bitter laughter bubbled up in her throat before Aveline could stop it. "We were hired to investigate. You asked us to come."

"Yes, appearances are very important to keep, aren't they?" Camille lifted her drink back to her lips. "My father had been pressured to find a solution to this village hiccup for some time; I assume he just didn't expect his little detectives to be anything more than failures."

Aveline's stomach churned; so she was right. They hadn't been hired to succeed... and she suspected from Camille's evasiveness that they'd accidentally stumbled onto something much larger than whatever opioid experiment had been conducted in the village.

Whatever that could be made her stomach clench. But before Aveline could think further about the implications of the princess's statement she had set her glass down with a loud clatter.

"Which brings us back to you." Camille's eyes gleamed as she rested her chin thoughtfully in the study of her hands, and her next words brought a chill through Aveline's veins. "You know, I've always been particularly fascinated by mermaids."

It took every bone in Aveline's body to keep her expression neutral. Inside, she was shaking- oh, God, this couldn't be happening, not now-

"Surely you must be wondering how I know," ventured Camille, when Aveline showed no reaction. "It was sweet little Marcie, of course- it took very little persuasion, the poor girl could hardly keep from squeaking. You know how children are."

Aveline growled, and Camille's guards, waiting apprehensively by the door, raised their swords.
"If you touch her-"

"You'll what?" Camille challenged, laughing. She waved her guards down without even looking at them. "Kill me?"

Aveline's voice was too low for even the guards to hear; enough that Camille had to lean forward to listen.
"You wouldn't be the first Verignes royal to be assassinated."

Camille's eyes flashed, her hands tightening reflexively on the arms of her seat, and Aveline gloried in being able to feel a vain sense of victory- at least for a moment- to see the princess rattled.

"So it was you." Her voice shook with barely controlled fury. Well, me and Ari, Aveline thought- but she didn't bother correcting her; she was too busy enjoying watching Camille's face redden in anger. When dripping with vitriol, the princess didn't seem so beautiful anymore; a vein throbbing on the side of her neck.

Camille spoke quickly, her teeth practically gnashing. "Well, rest assured, that won't be happening again. And if you make any wrong moves, I guarantee you will not be able to say goodbye to that witch coven of yours. They are of better use to me when dead, anyway. Not to mention your darling Eli, Lyla, Jamie- even that pretty Captain you love so much."

Her steely voice softened; seemed to reclaim her self-control, Camille took a breath, and sweetly smiled. "However, because I am a generous ruler, I am still willing to spare their lives, should you accept the terms of my offer."

When Aveline spoke, her voice was like a tightened string.
"What offer?"

Camille scrutinized her with a shrewd, calculating gaze before clearing her throat.

"Mermaids are very valuable, you know. It is near impossible to catch one. They're supposed to be good luck," she said, as if Aveline for some reason hadn't known this.

"What's your point?"

Camille gave a thoughtful pause, biding her time, as dread sank lower and lower in Aveline's stomach.

"I want you to work for me."

"No," said Aveline immediately, "you want to cage me and use me like an animal."

"You could live in luxury, Aveline. Don't you tire of being a criminal?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? No, I don't."

"You would have power. Reputation. You could have a real future with Eli; one where he doesn't see you as dangerous." Her voice lightened comically. "Or, you could continue your dull life as a thief and a murderer, working under the Apreuna Queen like her little pet."

"Wouldn't I just become your pet, then?" Aveline countered. "Is that all you'd like? To show me off to your bratty friends?"

"A fortunate perk," Camille admitted, letting the corners of her lips tug upwards. "I would be the talk of the century, having tamed a mermaid. How the nobles would rave!" She gave a wistful exhale, sinking deeper into her velvety throne. "However, I must confess, you would be of some use to me. My father works with high-ended people; a network of business, if you will. He could use your persuasion skills, not to mention, you could locate his shipments for him. Mermaids are particularly good finders, no?" She shrugged. "He would be pleased to know that I had acquired a tool for them to use."

For a moment Aveline was at a loss for words. At least the princess had managed to surprise her. The only way her day could possibly get worse than this, she thought miserably, was if the palace guards chopped her up and threw her to the ocean to be eaten by mermaids in a cruel twist of irony.

"You know, Camille I think I've just about figured you out," she said finally.

"Is that so?"

"Yes." Smoothing her hands down her skirt, Aveline stood up. "I mean, at first I thought you were some imposing figure. But, to tell the truth, Your Highness, you're just a pampered little girl starving for the adoration of others; wanting so badly to be taken seriously by her father. To no longer be seen as just a manipulative palace brat who concerns herself more with the pearls around her neck and the balls she is throwing than anything else." Aveline shook her head as if the princess had deeply disappointed her. She supposed, in many ways, she had. "Word of advice? You're a spoiled, conniving shrew, and that's not something I nor anyone else can fix."

Camille's nostrils flared. "I think this conversation is over."

"I agree." Aveline whirled around without being dismissed, her gown swishing around her feet as she stormed across the marble floors of the throne room. And while normally, she might have appreciated the drama of the exit, the pit of dread in her stomach prevented her from gaining any thread of satisfaction.

"Do consider my offer, Aveline," Camille called after her. Aveline yanked the door open, her anger overriding the panic that steadily rose in her throat. "I'll be keeping an eye on you and your friends. You'd do well to keep your mouth shut-"

Aveline slammed the door on the princess of Verignes before she could speak any further.


The ship's deck brimmed with lively voices and strategy-discussing conversations as Adeline entered. Jamie was trying not to smile at a joke Ari had made as they both unconsciously leaned towards each other across the table. Lyla was playing chess with Henry, and Eli was arguing with one of the crew as they ate roast turkey with carrots and sugared almonds.

The noise was comforting; Aveline found it easy to paste on a smile and hide under the laughter and cheerful shouting. Ignoring the twist in her stomach, she pulled out a chair and sat, thoughtfully examining the meal on the plate in front of her like it was her only care.

"What's wrong?" Ari had stopped eating and was staring straight at her, a frown creasing his forehead.

Jamie's smile faded as she followed his gaze. Confusion and concern mingled in her expression.

"Nothing!" Aveline grinned reassuringly and winked at the other girl. "Just starving."

Jamie relaxed and turned back to her plate. And after a moment, Ari did too, though he didn't look happy about it.

Aveline wondered what that meant, that her secrets were tainting all of the relationships she had. A few months ago, she wouldn't have thought that such a thing was possible, but now...

"Is something the matter?" Aveline jumped. Eli had sat down next to her. Concern flickered in his handsome face, bathed in an orange glow by the candlelight on the table.

"I'm hungry, I think."

"You are still unwell." He frowned. His hand landed on hers. "You aren't usually this tense."

"I..." Could she tell him? She imagined Camille's voice, silky and confident as she threatened her. Not to mention, your darling Eli...
"Where is Camille?" She inquired abruptly.

Eli blinked, startled. "The princess is in the throne room, having supper. I left post an hour ago. Is something the matter?"

Feeling a heavy gaze on her, Aveline glanced across the table at Ari who was pretending not to eavesdrop. He quickly looked away.

Aveline tilted into Eli's space, their thighs brushing together. She snuck her hands underneath the collar of his jacket, cupping them to his neck to pull him closer to her. He was so warm and alive, shivering just slightly at her cold hands on his bare skin.

Aveline was close enough that she could kiss him without having to lean forward at all, but how intimate they looked to everyone else in the room was the furthest thing from her mind. Eli's hands closed protectively around her hips. She could stay here forever...

"I don't like her, Eli, I want you to stay away from her," she whispered.

Eli's answering chuckle stirred a lock of hair on her neck. "It's my job, Aveline. Don't worry; it won't last for much longer, once we solve the mystery here."

Aveline clutched him tighter, her nails scratching lightly against his scalp. She would not lose him because of Camille. She wouldn't.

"I just want this all to be over."

"It will be over," he assured her, his lips tenderly brushing her jaw as he spoke. "Soon."

A thick coating of darkness opened up in Aveline's stomach, then, like black tar.

Yes, she supposed it would be.

**thoughts? Aveline's in deep shit, lmao. the story is just ramping up tho, guysss, i'm PUMPED.**

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