Chapter 36

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**hello!! Currently posting this from London, O M G. I'm going to be studying in Europe for the next month, I am SO nervous. That's why I haven't posted this past week, so if posting is irregular... that's why. But I'll try to stay somewhat on schedule, bc the next few chapters are intense ;) Anyway, enjoy the chap, love you guys**

Chapter 36

They were to attend a ball that evening in the Capital.

Usually, Aveline didn't mind these sorts of events. But she wasn't in the mood, and had only agreed to go to get information.

Camille's maids had dressed her in a daring gown of opalescent red satin with a tight bodice and a diamond pendant on a necklace. It was striking, but something about it didn't feel like herself, she found herself thinking in the middle of a golden ballroom on the seaside edge of the city.

Outside the window, spots of flame glittered in lanterns in an idyllic garden of yucca flowers and a sandy path to the ocean.
Inside, frosted cakes and candied fruits were piled in towers on tables, and women in gowns the color of gemstones whirled around by men who wore only varying shades of black.

Camille, of course, sat with a throng of nobles at the edge of the ballroom in a blinding gown of platinum that flashed when the light caught it. The music was lively and upbeat, the floors so polished Aveline could see her reflection in the marble.
Something about the scene made her feel sticky and unsure.

Footsteps approaching made Aveline spin around, the scarlet ruffles on her dress skimming her ankles. Eli stood in front of her, his hands in his pockets.
She'd scarcely allowed herself to look at him all day, and it was with great reluctance that she raised her gaze to him now.

He looked miserable. Dark circles ringed his eyes, his golden hair disheveled all too adorably. His cheeks were ruddy and flushed, as if he were upset. He swallowed, visibly, and Aveline opened her mouth to speak.

"Aveline," Eli whispered. "Can we talk? Please?"

Her voice felt thick. "Didn't you already say everything?"

"It's not what you think. I don't care what you do, or... did, or..." His hand ran agitatedly through his hair. "I'm trying to protect you, Ave, I don't want you to get hurt."

"What makes you think you need to protect me?"

His gaze darted urgently around the room.

"You don't know the people here. If they find out what you did-"

"Excuse me," Camille's chirping voice seemed to warble from out of nowhere as she slid in between them. Her eyes landed on Aveline with a light smirk. "You don't mind if I steal him for a moment, do you?"

Aveline wanted to bash her skull in with a crowbar.
"Of course not," she lied sweetly through gritted teeth.

Eli let Camille lead him away, still staring at Aveline with that regretful, tortured expression, and she tried not to let it bother her too much.

Camille was stupid. The Capital was stupid. Aveline had run up and down the length of the Verignes beach for hours yesterday, and it wasn't as if sleep had been a possibility. She was so exhausted she was swaying on her feet, and Ari kept staring at her as if waiting for her to implode, and this gown itched.

A server passed by her, then, balancing a platter on one hand and fussing with his apron with the other. Aveline snatched a glass off of the plate and downed it in seconds, her eyes on Eli and Camille as they whirled dizzyingly around the ballroom.
The servant stared at her.

"Thanks," she blurted, and grabbed another.


Aveline really hadn't experienced intoxication since she was seventeen.

She and Ari tried not to drink; in their line of work, they had to be alert all of the time, she often said.

Also probably to prevent such behavior as Aveline was exhibiting, she thought now with a giggle as she stepped off to the side, aware of the many gazes that followed her off of the floor. Her hair had fallen out of its bun in curls off of her shoulders, and she hadn't missed a song yet.

In fact, she'd danced four more dances than Her Highness, and she'd lifted some young duke's gold pocketwatch right out of his coat in doing so. Aveline admired the article now, smiling as she lifted the rim of her drink to her lips. Camille had latched onto Eli like he was her lapdog, her face nearly the same color as her hair as she watched Aveline with barely contained fury.

Eli gawked openly at her; she couldn't tell if he looked shocked or concerned. Aveline didn't bother glancing at Ari to see his mask of disapproval.

Only Lyla hadn't managed to ruin her fun; Aveline had persuaded her to dance. She was laughing as some handsome duke whirled her around and around on the floor. The violins started up again, and Aveline skipped across the floor, elation and alcohol buzzing under her skin.

About an hour ago, she'd lost the jumpy feeling of anxiety in her stomach, and she'd stopped hearing the sound of rushing in her ears for the first time in weeks. Dahlia's medicine helped, to be sure, but it was no match for this, Aveline thought happily, sloshing the golden liquid in her glass.

Another servant passed by with a platter fruit, and she accepted a cluster of cold grapes. They were round and violet, and Aveline let out a small sigh as she popped one into her mouth. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jamie whispering to Eli and gesturing in her direction, and Aveline sighed as they approached her.

Their eyebrows were both creased in the same way as they sat down.
"Hello, Aveline," said Jamie tentatively.

Aveline pressed her glass to her forehead, relishing in the cold surface. "Hello yourself."

"I'm feeling a bit tired, and I asked Eli to escort me to my room. Why don't you come with us?"

Eli nodded encouragingly. She could feel him gazing at her, trying to meet her eyes.

"Hm..." Aveline tucked a leg underneath her chair. Was the floor moving? "I don't think so."

"Don't you think you've had enough to drink?"

"No," she declared. "Does anyone want to dance?"

They said nothing.

"Jamie? Eli? No?" She sighed, swayed closer to Eli beside her. His eyes were green, gold-flecked. Aveline's hand inched towards his collar, and his eyes widened.

"I don't..." he inhaled sharply. "Not a good idea."

"Why not?" Aveline demanded. She let one of her fingers trail down the length of his chest, tracing the bronze buttons on his coat, and something within her purred in satisfaction at the way his face reddened.

"You're drunk."

Aveline pouted. If she really was drunk, then she wouldn't be responsible for her actions. That sounded nice.
"That's the point." She nudged Eli's foot with hers, the hem of her dress sliding further up her leg as she did so.

"Aveline," Jamie hissed. She was blushing. Mortified by her. "Everyone is staring."

Aveline snickered. Pulled back from Eli just slightly. "Am I embarrassing you?"

"You're acting strange."

Aveline didn't look at her. She felt all fuzzy.
Eli was opening his mouth, but saying nothing. His gaze darkened as Aveline slid her hands around his neck.
"You're not yourself," he muttered. His eyes following hers. She watched his throat bob and cord as he swallowed.

"Isn't that what you want?"

"Come on, Eli." Jamie tugged on his sleeve. "Just let her walk it off."

"You're leaving?" Aveline dropped her hands, and he let her. Her palms fell to her sides, and they felt clammy and cold. "Fine."

She twisted her glass in her fingers and crossed her legs as she watched them go. Eli watched her back, he kept looking behind his shoulder at her as he left.
A strange, melancholic emotion tugged in her chest. Or maybe that was just the effects of the alcohol.
Leave. Run away, while you still can.
She wanted to run after Eli, to apologize, to let him take her home and give her water and touch her hand in the soft way he always did.
But perhaps it was better like this.

It was ironic; he thought she was in danger, when the last person who had gotten this close to her was dead.
Her blood chilled at the resurfacing memory, and suddenly Aveline remembered why she didn't drink.
She finished the rest of her glass. Her throat burned.
She stood up, intending to find more alcohol and perhaps even steal the expensive candlesticks she'd seen in the lobby. Everyone here was so boring, and the dances suddenly seemed too slow. The room was glittery and shiny and gave her euphoria and a headache at the same time, like eating some sort of sickly sweet candy.

"What are you doing?"

Ow. Aveline winced and pressed a fist to her temple. Her head pounded. Ari's arms were folded and his obsidian eyes stern, and Aveline considered that taunting Ari usually seemed to make her feel somewhat better.

"I'm celebrating." She watched his expression harden and swirled her champagne with a thoughtful, sulky twist of her lips. "Aw, is it my turn to be the fun one?"

Ari frowned.
"Dance with me."

"Can't," she slurred. "Dizzy."

But he reached for her anyway, his callouses brushing her skin as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards the floor. The gesture was so exasperated and firm, as if she were his irritating younger sister that he was unfortunately responsible for, and it made her want to bite him.

"You know, that's your problem, Aveline," he said, tugging her behind him like a rag doll. "You can't just do something because you want to or on some whim, and you never think. First it was bringing the children on when I told you it was dangerous, and now-"

"I talked to you about that," Aveline accused drunkenly.

"But you aren't talking to me now, Aveline, that's my bloody point-"

"Yes, I am." Her lips spread into a wide smile. "Talking to you. Now." Yet even as she spoke, black dots were crawling at the edge of her vision. Her vision suddenly split, and then two Ari's were bending over her, asking her if she was alright. "I'm fine!" She pushed at his chest, annoyed, and tried to pull away, but her limbs felt slow and limp, and it felt like trying to run underwater. "I'll be just a moment-"
Then Aveline fainted.

**P.S. THANKS FOR 3K!!**

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