Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Lyla was having mixed feelings about the entire evening.

On one hand, she was, doubtless, ecstatic to see Tristran again.
Her cousin looked happy— and anyone who knew Tristran knew that he looked rather disgruntled most of the time, so that was more than she had expected.

She had missed him, and Ben, and even Jamie, though she doubted they'd be able to see her much...
Whatever. That had nothing to do with Lyla, anyway.

On the other hand... Lyla couldn't say the disturbing nature of the case hadn't shaken her.
Almost more perturbing was the casual way in which her cohorts discussed it- especially Aveline and Ari, who hadn't seemed fazed at all by any of the gruesome details.

They quickly took their attentions away from Prince Tristran and his companions to resume mulling over it. The much anticipated little trio disappeared soon after into the crowd to meet eagerly awaiting nobles, and Lyla watched them closely.

Jamie looked, perhaps, the most different; there was confidence in the way she held her head, poise in her curtsies, and regality in her expression— someone had taught her palace manners.
As Inez and Simon left to get drinks, Lyla deliberated whether or not to mention this to her companions.

"So, assuming we take the job... what are our goals?" Ari was saying, already bent thoughtfully over a piece of parchment paper that Aveline was writing on with a quill pen. The pair liked making lists almost as much as they liked solving creepy mysteries that any normal person would distance themselves from, Lyla thought. Lucky her.

(It wasn't that Lyla didn't want to go to Verignes, or take the assignment, but she had to admit that Inez and Simon's dismaying story had dampened the prospect of adventure, somewhat.)

"Find out what's making the townspeople go crazy," she put in, to make a sensible contribution.

"Perfect. What else?"

"Well, I've always wanted to walk dramatically away from an explosion," volunteered Aveline, squinting thoughtfully at her scribbled handwriting.

Ari snapped his fingers. "Write it down."

Lyla changed the subject before she could start wondering how they ever got anything done.

"Jamie looks very pretty tonight." She tried to keep her tone neutral— well, as neutral as it ever could be while she brought up the obvious. She met Aveline's gaze over Ari's shoulder- Aveline's expression mirrored hers.

"Who cares?" Ari straightened, irritation crossing his features as he examined their reactions. Ari's curls had grown out a bit in the few months that they'd spent in Apreuna— they kept flopping into his eyes, and he kept pushing them away. "What the bloody hell are you two gawking at me for?"

"No reason," Lyla quickly lied. "It's just that, you know, Jamie and you..."

"Jamie and I nothing. Let it go."

Lyla exchanged glances with Aveline. She didn't exactly know what happened between the two of them, but she was at least observant enough to know that Ari and Aveline hadn't exactly parted on good terms with Jamie and Eli, respectively.

"Fine." She pulled her plate of roasted chicken and apples back towards her, peering down at the spiced food as she picked through it with a fork. "Since we are taking the Verignes job, I assume, we do have to speak to the Queen at some point this evening and let her know," she reminded them, forcing a bit of asparagus into her mouth.

"One thing at a time," said Aveline. "Also, this is unrelated, but I've been thinking- Lady Clarette and Lord Guernot would make a lovely couple."

"That's a great idea," Ari agreed. "They're both vapid and annoying."

"Though I'd feel a bit sorry for her-"

"Shh!" Lyla stifled her giggle. "If my mother hears that I've been gossipping about the nobles, she'd skin me alive."

Ari reached across her to steal a spiced apple slice from her plate. "Where is she, anyway?"

"With the Queen, of course." Lyla scooped up another bite of chicken. "Which is why I'm hiding— if sees me sitting here with you, she'll force me to dance, or worse."

"Dance?" Aveline brightened. "I'd love to dance. Oh, Ari, please-"

"I'll dance with you," someone offered. Lyla swiveled around in her chair at the familiar voice. Ben stood behind their table, cheeks dimpling with warmth. Tristran, beside him, was a bit stiffer, but managed a cheerful wave.

"Tristran!" Lyla jumped to her feet, enveloping her arms around the taller boy. He chuckled, giving her shoulders a squeeze.

"I was wondering why my cousin hadn't come by to see me yet," he said, pulling away from her to fasten his twinkling eyes on Ari and Aveline. "I should've known she'd be with you two."

"Just corrupting her innocence as usual, Your Highness." Ari took Tristran's extended hand for a shake as Aveline bounced forward to give Ben a hug.

"You look tan," Lyla accused, surveying the pair. "Where did you go?"

Ben shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "Mainly the Western region, after we left Diviel."

"Oh, right. How are your cousins?" Lyla had almost forgotten about the non-crazy side of Ben and Jamie's family that had helped them rescue the royals.

"Much better off now, thank you."

"And where's Jamie?" Aveline inquired eagerly— she and Ben's younger sister had hit it off almost as soon as they'd met, despite their contrasting personalities. "Did she have a good time?"

"Yes, wonderful. I'm sure she'd love to see you. She's around here, somewhere." Ben waved his hand at the crowd behind him. "We're still trying to get used to royal events."

"You and me both." Ari shook his head. "Why are there so many?"

"It's for social interaction," Lyla objected automatically.

"Whatever," said Aveline, already distracted. "I'm going to get more bread. Ari, you coming?"

"I'll go with them," Ben offered, winking good-naturedly at Lyla. "I suspect you two need to catch up."

Lyla lifted a shoulder. "Fine with me. Ari, Aveline, don't forget we have to talk to the Queen."

"So, Ben, how are your crazy dead relatives? Still dead, I assume..." The tones of Ari's voice
gradually subsided as the three wandered off towards the kitchen, leaving Tristran and Lyla to stare at each other in silence for a moment.
Finally Tristran grinned, offering her an arm, and she took it.

"You seem happy," Lyla began as they started across the pristine marble floors out towards the courtyard.

"So do you," Tristran countered.

"Yes, well..." Lyla glanced off towards where Ari and Aveline had gone. "A lot has changed."

"I know. I suppose the pirates aren't so bad, but then again, I do owe them my life, so..."

Lyla giggled. She liked being able to speak to the prince like this; so casually and open. Pre-kidnapping Tristran had been closed off and sullen, but now he actually seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say.

"So, what do you have to talk to Mother about?"

Lyla groaned. "You caught that, huh?"

Her cousin waited.

"Aunt Rowena- that is, Her Majesty, is giving us a new assignment."


"Yes." Lyla's forehead creased at the reminder. "Some sort of business in Verignes."

Tristran pursed his lips. "I heard about that."

"You did?" Had everyone known about the assignment except for her?

"Of course. I have to keep up on kingdom affairs, now that..." he trailed off, peering quickly down at the floors. Lyla paused.

"Now that what?"

"Well..." The prince hesitated. "Mother's having second thoughts about Oliver."
Lyla cocked her head, wondering what could possibly be amiss with the crown prince; even at twelve he was remarkably dutiful, and obedient to his mother's every request.

In the past, the crown prince or princess was simply chosen based on the oldest child in the royal family, but now most kingdoms in the Detache selected their future ruler after careful deliberation of who was most capable. Lyla knew Rowena had been hoping for Tristran to take the throne after her, but since he'd turned about to be more... rebellious than his siblings, and the princess was already married and living in another kingdom, Oliver had been the second choice. Realization bloomed as Lyla remembered this, and she faltered in her tracks for a moment.

"Does she want you to take the throne?"

Tristran gave her a rueful half-smile. "You're quick."

"Gracious..." Lyla blew out her breath. This would be a massive change; everyone had been expecting Oliver as next in line for years. "Do you want to?"

"I'm..." Tristran wavered as if choosing his words carefully. "Not sure. I just... I don't know if I'm really the person for the job, and I don't know how Ben would feel about it. I mean, he's been poor all of his life, and all of a sudden he's a prince, and now he has to rule the kingdom with me?" He lifted a shoulder. "It's a lot to take in."

"Surely," Lyla conceded, chewing on her lip. "But... I think Ben would just want you to be happy."

"I know." A shadow of a smile flitted across his cheeks for a second. "But I want him to be happy too."

"Have you spoken with him about this?"

Tristran opened his mouth to respond; but before he could say anything Aveline popped up in front of them, with Ben and Ari in tow.

"Sorry to interrupt!" She chirped. "Here, I got you cake." She pushed a piece of strawberry pound cake into her hands, which Lyla awkwardly took. "Anyway, Queen Rowena wants to speak with us now."

"I'll let you talk to Mother," said Tristran quickly. "It sounds important. Ben?"

"Coming." Placid and even-tempered as usual, Ben cheerfully sidled up next to his husband. "It was nice to visit with you two for a bit," he grinned at Ari and Aveline. "And Lyla, we'll have to catch up soon!"

"Yes! I'll speak to you later?" Lyla looked at Tristran as she said it, and he nodded.

Lyla took a bite of the cake Aveline had given her as they made their way down the hall towards the throne room.

"Were you able to talk with Tristran for a second?" Aveline inquired, in her usual mild way.

"Barely." Lyla felt her eyebrows furrow. "I think he wanted my advice about something important."

"Queen Rowena wants him to take the throne?" Aveline guessed, and Lyla's head whipped towards her.

"How did you know?"

"It makes sense," declared Ari boredly. "Prodigal son returns; mother gets over-excited and becomes unable to manage her expectations. It was only a matter of time."

"Yes, well, I'm not sure that-" Lyla stopped short as they reached the main hall where they were supposed to meet the Queen. Lyla's aunt was a few feet away, murmuring confidentially with a lithe brunette who Lyla immediately recognized.


Automatically, Lyla's gaze shot to Ari, and for almost a split second she thought she saw shock flit across his face before his expression snapped back to vague unconcern.

"Jamie?" Lyla echoed her thoughts, wondering why she was so surprised to see Ben's sister; she knew why she was here. Ari and Aveline, on the other hand...

Rowena and Jamie both glanced up simultaneously, and Jamie's eyes widened. This was one of those moments where, if Jamie had been drinking something, she probably would have spat it out all over the floor, Lyla mused.

Her Majesty opened her mouth, likely to break the awkward silence, but before she could say anything Aveline had already bounded forward, practically tackling Jamie in her eagerness.

"Jamie!" She squealed, throwing her arms around the taller girl. "I've missed you so much!"

"Aveline?" Jamie's shocked voice was slightly muffled in Aveline's embrace before she pulled away. "I've missed you too! How are you?" She managed to sound enthusiastic, though her cheeks had flushed with color.

Lyla followed suit, giving Jamie a hug as Aveline released her. "You look so beautiful!"

"I want to know how you are," Aveline chattered on, pressing the other girl's hand.

"Absolutely sublime, I'm sure," interjected Ari in that tone of voice he sometimes used where you couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic.

"Ari," Jamie acknowledged— tactfully, but she said nothing else, and the way she lifted her chin, like a challenge, made Lyla glance nervously at Aveline.

"I was just congratulating Jamie on her return," Queen Rowena smoothly interrupted. Lyla suspected she was the only one in the room who was truly at ease as she calmly adjusted the bracelet on her wrist.

"Of course. Congratulations." The subtle amusement in Ari's voice was palpable.

"Thank you," said Jamie coldly.

"You're welcome," he replied in the same tone.

Lyla grimaced, suddenly feeling as if she was back on Ari's ship four months prior, watching them argue.

"And you three have been well, I assume?"

"Oh, just brilliant-"

"Exactly," Aveline broke in, not dropping her smile as she gave Ari a stern look over her shoulder. "We have so much to talk about, but first, Your Majesty, we just wanted to let you know that we'll be taking the job," she tacked on hastily, turning towards the Queen.

"Marvelous." Rowena clapped her hands together.  "If it is convenient, they'd prefer all of you there as soon as possible. Would next week be appropriate?"

Ari went rigid at the Queen's word choice, and Lyla winced, waiting for the tension to burst.

"It works for me!" Jamie declared smugly, and Lyla didn't even want to look at Ari's expression, so she instead focused her attention on Aveline, who looked amiably confused.

"Wait," Ari's voice rose. "Wait... Jamie is the person you're sending with us?"

"But of course!" Jamie said demurely, the smirk on her face sparkling almost as much as the brilliant color on her gown. "And I am just ecstatic to be working with you three again!"

Aveline smiled weakly. Queen Rowena beamed, completely oblivious. Ari, for once, seemed stunned into silence. And Lyla stifled her groan.

She was so dead.

soooo... Jamie's back! And she's going to Verignes... What do you guys think? ;)) also I didn't have time to edit so I'll prob do that later, sorry for any mistakes oops lol**

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