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*things haven't been going good with beatstar, a few days ago her brother king trollex went out for a royal retreat but he didn't return the next day, so she begged her sisters and cousins to find him but they couldn't pick up his scent*

*this left beatstar feeling scared and paranoid, fearing she could lose her tribe, her sisters, her cousins and worst of all she was afraid of losing her boyfriend alberto, they've been dating for about 4 months now and loved each other like crazy, so when alberto heard that beatstar wasn't feeling the best, he came to techno reef to comfort his little angel*

*right now the two just laid on her bed with alberto already asleep while holding beatstar close, one arm wrapped around her back and his other arm wrapped around her while his hand was delicately stroking her head*

*but beatstar was awake, the feeling of paranoia kept her wide awake, she looked up at her sleeping lover, he looked so peaceful when he slept, his soft, scaly tail slightly wagging at times, his mouth slightly agape, and his breathing was soft and steady, it was a sight that always made her heart flutter and she was scared that one day she could never see him like this ever again so she decided to wake him up*

Beatstar (softly): alberto?

*alberto's neon green eyes slowly opened and then felt a hand caress his cheek and he looked down and met his gaze with a pair of two twinkly vivid violet eyes*

Alberto: yes my princess?

Beatstar: you know i love you...right?

*alberto didn't respond he only smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead*

Alberto: yeah i know...and you?

Beatstar: *lightly chuckles and snuggles closer to him* i really do alberto...the way you care so much about me

Beatstar: You're loving, you saved me from ercole...and now you want to help find my brother and i love that, but something's really been bothering me...the thing is...i'm scared alberto, i'm scared i could lose everything i have, my tribe, my music, my friends, my sisters, my cousins...but *sighs shakily* i'm terrified of losing you

*beatstar said softly while tears were forming in her eyes*

Alberto:...hey *sits up* come here 

*beatstar wraps her arms around alberto and she rests her head against his chest*

*alberto moves his hand up to her head and rubs her head tenderly*

Alberto (softly): it's okay...*kisses the side of her head*

Alberto (softly): you don't have to be afraid of losing me, i'm right here and you're safe with me

Beatstar (shakily): I know but...what if it happens?

Alberto (softly): well if it did i would've just come crawling right back to you *softly nudges beatstar and sees her smile softly*

Beatstar (softly): *chuckles softly* thank you alberto...

*alberto smiled softly again before facing her and gently kissing her lips and she returned the kiss*

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