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again, credit to 

"Welcome back, Shu!"

Shu jolted back, startled first by the bright lights, then the bottles of what was clearly wine, and finally who had called out. He briefly considered whether it would be better to step back outside, or better yet, die on the spot. That knife block looked awfully tempting.


The long-haired albino sat on the nicest kitchen seat- that was Valt's seat!- with most of the bottles. He lazily saluted Shu with one and said, "Come in," as if the heterochromatic eyed man wasn't an intruder. Like it was his apartment! Phi gave a slow smile, and Shu hated the blood that rushed to his face. Seductive, evil bastard. He was going to pay for shattering Spryzen one day. If Phi didn't charm him into forgetting.


Phi's little brother gave a wild grin from where he had been playing on Shu's console. He had been the one to yell, "welcome back," and his green and red eyes practically glowed with something like excitement. Hartes was a masochist: he was only happy when something painful was going on, and it looked like Shu was going to be the main event. Well, that was just wonderful. All he wanted was a few minutes of quiet, but it seemed like complete and total chaos had a thing for stalking him.


The third albino- well, fourth if Shu counted himself- smiled at him calmly, eyes closed. He lounged gracefully across the couch, watching a rerun of Lui and Valt, smiling when the darker-haired boy's bey snapped to three pieces. Suoh glanced up, eyes still closed. "Hello, Shu Kurenai. Come here to get beaten?"

Lovely. He was going to be a douche.

The three waited for him to respond.

Shu shook his head. "All of you, get out."

Phi pouted. "Shu, that's not a very nice thing to say. Have a drink, you look like you need one."

"I'm fifteen!"

Suoh smiled at him, taking a shot. "That doesn't stop me. Fire feels good sometimes." He drained his, then flipped the white hair covering his eye to the left side. Those stunning gold eyes snapped open and he took another shot. "First one to finish gets the console!"

"But that's my console!" Shu protested. "And why are you even here? Especially you, Phi."

He shook a finger playfully at Shu, who sincerely wished he could throttle the bastard. Shu might have attempted it had Hartes not grabbed him from behind.

On instinct, he threw his elbow out, catching Hartes on the arm and flipping him over his shoulder. He landed flat on his back,feet knocking the other chairs aside.

Suoh set his empty glass down on the counter. "More please." He turned to Shu. "We were hoping for you to join our squad."

"You all know each other?"


"Of course!"


Shu sighed. If he said no, the three would continue to bother him. Phi was persistent in everything, from beyblade to tracking people. Hartes was single-minded, no matter what he did. Then there was Suoh, who's split personality could kill. None of them would ever take no for an answer.

He suddenly felt very tired, and everything felt so warm the world was blurry at the edges. Maybe they could take the edge off.

"Fine." He slumped onto one of the seats and took a shot. The albino drained the cup and held it out.

"Got anything stronger?"


Thank you for reading!!! Feel free to drop a vote, and I wanna try something new, so at 10 views ill post up the next one~

okay maybe im begging for reads.... im not ashamed.

Kinda ashamed.

Okay, forget that rule! I'll post it when I have teh third chapter made~ Feel free to comment ideas for the next ones!

Robin out!

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