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This is a short chapter, kind of a filler, but you need to know this for what happens next. This book is wrapping up soon. If anyone has an idea for one more weird/funny chapter, please go ahead and comment them.

This originally started as another version of @justadiosaur and if that didnt show up, justadiosaur's Albino Squad. It was an original idea and i immediately loved it. I know that only Shu is technically an albino, but for the sake of the book and normal amusement, i kept it this way. Even though I started with this intention, it turned itself into a little bit of Phi x Shu, which, with the help of my friends, has been dubbed, "Kurephi." 

Dont hate. People ship Shu and Lui.

This is early, but I'm in an okay mood today.

Anyways, here's the next chapter~ Enjoy~



After several hours of enduring Phi's endless chatter, they finally made it to Spain. Hartes and Suoh checked into a hotel, grinning at each other before disappearing to somewhere Shu probably didn't want to know. Phi stayed by his side while he walked around and shook off another heat wave, and they started for the castle on a hill, BC Sol.

Once they got to the top, Shu paused, glancing to where Phi waited. When the taller blader caught a hesitant look from Shu, he shrugged, saying, I'll be around if you need me. And he vanished, disappearing so fast he didn't even see which way the Phoenix blader went.

Maybe it was a good thing Phi was actually smart. His presence at BC Sol would probably be bad.

Almost as bad as getting his ribs crushed by Aoi Valt.

He smiled down at his adorable Valt. "It's... nice to... see you too."

Kristina arrived in front of Sol. "Valt, let him breathe," she chided. Her eyes flicked to Shu, narrowing slightly. Analyzing him, he noted. She must have decided that he wasn't a threat, because her tensed body relaxed and she smiled. "It's nice to see you again, Shu. I assume you and Free won't be trying to kill each other today?"

His ribs now released, Shu managed a smile. "Probably not. " Other than his friends and Phi, Kristina was one of the only people who knew about Red Eye, and the only person who wasn't afraid of it. Even Valt hesitated when he looked at Spryzen.

Valt smiled, looking up at him. "I'm glad you're here, Shu! Can we talk?"

"Sure." Shu didn't even need to pretend to be excited around Valt. He made him happy just by being in the same room. Best friends did that. He wasn't technically his boyfriend yet, even though Chiharu had given her blessing for that. Shu was just waiting for when Valt got old enough to make it official. He had already planned it for Valt's sixteenth birthday.

Kristina awkwardly coughed and mumbled some excuse about Silas breaking dishes and left. Smart girl.

"So..." the Number One blader awkwardly scratched his head. "What's up with kissing Phi?"

"He took my oreos and I wanted them back." Shu was being absolutely honest. There was no other motive in that. He just hadn't felt like going to the store. "Phi stuck them up his sleeve and there was no other way to get close enough to take them. Not without him running out the door."

Valt grinned. "Are those oreos that important to you?"

"Imagine beybread, then multiply it by ten."

He laughed. "So true! But still..." His face crumpled slightly, then regained its happy form. Shu's chest started to hurt. "I thought you would only kiss me, Shu. I waited for so long to see you. Did you forget me?"

"It's difficult to forget about such a unique person," the albino said calmly. Thank goodness he'd shaken off the heat wave earlier, because he knew the steady, burning pain would be flashing through his body right now.

"That's not the point."

His voice was dead serious, and Shu flinched. He sighed and remembered why he came. "I'm sorry. You're right. The Oreos weren't worth kissing him. I didn't come here to offer excuses. I came to offer an apology and see you again." The Chimera Blader wrapped his arms around him. "I should have just gone to the store or gotten beybread. It likely would have been easier."

After a moment, Shu felt the Valkyrie Blader's arms around him. "Don't worry, I forgive you... IF YOU BATTLE ME AGAIN! LET'S GOOO!!!!"

Before Valt could drag him off, Shu detached himself. "About that..."


He allowed himself a slight smile. "I happen to know where Phi is."

Valt's hair perked up. Shu melted inside. Adorable! "Really?"

He hadn't just brought Phi for emotional support. If he had, then that bastard would have been strangled and hid in one of the bathrooms. He was perfectly gift-wrapped for Valt, and what was better, Shu could leash Phi at will. "Of course. Now... "

Phi was going down, if what Free said was true. Valt had been training nonstop, and if anyone deserved the revenge more than Shu, it was him. Plus, the battle might give him some extra information about the blader's weaknesses.

"...How would you like a match with him?"


we're finally getting to the main event! What do you think will happen???


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