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"We have to split up!" Shu yelled, looking at the hordes of zombies Jin had created.

"OH SHIT!" Hartes screamed, batting one's hand away from his face. "WERE GONNA DIE!"

Phi stood calmly among the dead. Most of them didn't even bother to attack him. The ones that did were at his feet. "But isn't that how people die in horror movies?"

"Did you say something?" Shu snapped. "Sorry, I thought I heard bullshit."

"In here!" Suoh pulled open a door. "We need to hurry!"

They rushed into the WBBA, slamming the door.

"Not gonna hold for long," the crimson-eyed albino warned, watching it bulge inward. "And what's with you geniuses deciding to sneak into Jin's house at three in the morning? Yeah, so smart, you two."

Hartes and Suoh looked away innocently. The other albino ignored them entirely.

Phi had nothing to do with it. He'd been listening to music in his room, judging from the loud Queens and his-surprisingly-good singing along with it. When the zombies started banging on their doors, the long-haired bastard was the one to kill the first few and gave Shu enough time to get out of the apartment.

"I just wanted to pull a few pranks!" Hartes whined. "It's not our fault! Jin just freaked out a little!"

"Not my fault either," Souh hissed, throwing his weight against the door. Another shove from the zombies, and he was promptly tossed back. "Shit!"

"Split up!" Shu yelled. "They're almost in!"

He grabbed the Salamader Blader and dragged him farther into the building. "Take Hartes!" Shu didn't bother waiting for a response before a knife flicked into his left hand and he ran in.

From the hiding spot in the closet, he and Suoh could hear the door explode inwards and the thumps of zombies pouring in. Lazy humming reached his ears next, and then Shu wanted to start screaming. Phi hadn't bothered to hide at all!

Yeah, maybe that was a good thing. Shu wouldn't even have to defeat him, he'd just have to wait for him to die.

"Get him!" they growled. Jin was probably at home, fast asleep again. Little prick.

"Go away," the distinct voice of Phi yawned. Shu could picture him tipping his chin up and the red-and-blue eyes staring coldly down at them. "Some of us have a life. Oh, wait, you wouldn't know that, would you, brainless? You're dead."

He facepalmed. Why, just why did he even bother to make that many puns in the last three sentences. That shouldn't even be legal.

"Never!" one zombie shrieked. "Make him suffer!"

Him. So Phi had dropped Hartes off somewhere. Considering how badly he wanted to crush Hartes, it should have been expected. But Hartes was the tank. He could literally sustain the most pain before screaming- they had actually tested it when the Hades Blader was drunk- so it wasn't exactly a strategic move.

"Then I guess I'll have to force you away," Phi sighed.

"With what? Your hair?"

Shu decided there and then that people without brains could roast Phi better than people with brains.

"With the power of Queen!"

"Oh fuck." Suoh and Shu curled up and clapped their hands over their ears, just before Phi turned on his phone and unleashed his playlist.


"BEGONE THOT!" Phi bellowed loud enough for Shu to hear. Apparently, all albinos were immune to the effects of obnoxiously loud music. "DON'T MAKE ME BRING OUT MY EMO SIDE!"

Suoh gestured for them to move. "This is the least crazy song on the playlist."

They had gone about three steps before Shu heard Hartes swearing. He immediately noted that it came from the left, it was extremely loud, and coupled with loud footsteps. Shu's first instinct was to go the other direction, and the second one was to go and use Hartes and Suoh as human shields in case the zombies attacked too hard.

Suoh glared. "Oh, don't even think about it. We are not leaving Hartes. Lets go, now!"

He grabbed him by the arm, the injured one, and started dragging him.

Shu batted him off easily. "Touch my hand again and this knife is in your face."

"Enough with the tough guy, let's get your only friend."

Shu perched on the top of the bleachers, watching the zombies assemble around the doorways. He was completely trapped.

"OH SHIT HOW DO I GET OUt OF THIS?" Hartes screeched, taking every punch without flinching. "SHIT SHIT SHIT-"

"KIll HIM!"

Suoh crouched and tensed, clearly ready to jump from the stands. Fifty feet up, too, like the genius who woke up Jin, clearly. The other albino put his hand out to stop him.

"He's going to die, dumbfuck! You wanna leave him?"


"Ma lOrD, tHeRe iS a PrObLeM!"

The zombies hesitated. "Huh?"

"The problem is, your kissing mah ass!"

"What the fu-"


"The fuck you saying?"

"And she's shooting flowers while riding on a pineapple! She's also-"

"We can't kill him, he had no brain!"

Hartes then turned around, both eyes suddenly glowing with bloodlust.


"Satisfied?" Shu asked, watching the carnage.

"Very. Let's go before we get killed."

Unfortunately, they were surrounded by zombies the moment they left the stadium area. Fortunately, Shu had several very sharp knives with him and knew how to use them, so most of them were dead for the second time before the kitchen knives got too bloody to use, and he had to drop it or accidentally cut himself again. Suoh just stood back calmly.

"Could've used some help," Shu growled, putting the knives back up his sleeves and boots.

"You didn't need any."

Shu paused. "That's fair."

The next wave came. And the next. And the next. And the next.

Eventually, they managed to make it back to the front, where Phi was trying to board up the door with zombie bodies. Didn't look like it was working.

"We need to live through the night," Shu said. "I can give Daigo a call in the morning to ask Jin, but his phone's always on silent at night."

"So, we're screwed," Suoh pointed out. "Hartes is probably still in the arena; he'll be fine, though. I believe he'll starve to death first."

"Yeah, so where the hell are these things coming from?" Shu kicked at the firmly shut door. "WE keep locking doors, but they keep coming! Where are they so I can murder them again?"

"They're coming from us," Phi said promptly. "The spirits are tuned to us, and only us. We're technically in a different dimension because Jin didn't want to destroy the world. So we can basically do anything, including die, but it'll hurt like hell."

"Like a dream?" the gold-eyed albino asked.


"So I can... kill you?"

"I am the great Phi. You cannot kill me, mere mortal!"

Shu normally would have stabbed him right there, but it didn't feel right. Maybe it was because it felt better to have somebody with at least one brain cell in the area. "Right. So... kill them all!"

The door gave out and twenty-something zombies poured in, along with a vampire holding a bottle of ketchup. Yeah, that was just weird.

Shu clutched his last sharp kitchen knife and Phi inhaled, ready to scream and play his awful music at a moment's notice. For some reason, Suoh just took off his tie. Did he really expect to be able to choke them? They were dead! They didn't need to breathe!

Then his left eye started glowing. "Do I have permission to burn this fucking place to the ground?"

What was his life anymore?

Shu considered burning something to the ground, preferably Suoh with the zombies, and the metal in his hands promptly melted. It hurt- a lot. But... "We're in an alternate dimension, if Phi's right. He might be. That explains why there aren't any police. We won't die if we die here, probably." He grinned and held up his metal-covered hands. They were glowing white-hot. "And we all have fire-beyblades. So by all means..."

The zombies charged. And were promptly set on fire by Phi.


Apparently. Suoh and Phi had some idea of how to bend other-dimension reality, but Shu had never actually understood The Matrix, so he couldn't help as much. After a few seconds, though, the prodigy figured out how to melt the undead with well-timed strikes.

His hands helped. They literally were on fire, and damn did it feel good right now.

The first wave went down.

"We just have to keep this up for a few hours!"

Phi grinned, eyes flooding with black. "This is going to be fun."

"Will it work?" Suoh already looked bored as he melted another zombie.

It didn't work.

"Stand back! I have a Suoh and I'm not afraid to use him!" Shu yelled, shoving him in front.


"But you're my shield!" he protested.

"And you're dead," Suoh snarled, giving him a shove into the nearest zombie and stealing his last knife.

Zombie Shu looked up and glared at him. His vision was actually fine, as was his hearing and everything else. Nothing actually changed, apparently. He lunged at Suoh, who made a panicked cutting motion through the air and missed completely.


And then, because this was some kind of dream world, he was shot in the head by Lui.

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