Athena Is Free/My Time

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Pretty soon, the group made it to a temple.

"What's that?" Kathy asked.

"An old Maruvian temple," Gina replied. "The statue is inside."

As the trio rode to the temple, Kathy and Walter could see that Maru was a mess.

"They really let the place go," Walter remarked.

"The Maruvians vanished centuries ago," Gina told him. "Nobody knows what happened to them or where they went. All that's left of the ancient civilization of Maru are ruins like this."

The trio went inside a pyramid, where there were a lot of symbols on the floor—and all these symbols looked the same.

"Where's the statue, and how will we know which is the crown?" Kathy asked.

"Well, legend has it that when you flash a light on the Crown of Azalena, it'll shine red," Gina revealed.

Suddenly, Kathy's amulet glowed. Kathy walked around to find the symbol. Finally, she found a symbol shining red.

"That must be it," Kathy said, taking off her amulet. "Right—I have to put the Amulet and wand on the Crown of Azalena."

Kathy wrapped the Amulet around the wand and stuck the wand in the symbol. There was loud cranking, and the Amulet began to glow. There was a bright red flash of light. Suddenly, part of the floor began to open, and the statue of Azalena came rising up. Kathy slid down the backside of the statue and landed by Gina and Walter. The Amulet glowed bright red, and it unwrapped itself from the wand and flew down in front of the trio. Once the Amulet hit the ground, there was a bright red flash of light and puff of smoke. Right there before everyone's very eyes appeared Princess Athena of Albuquerque. She had been frozen in time during her imprisonment, so she was still 17.

The Amulet flew up back to Kathy, who noticed that the Amulet had turned ruby red. "My amulet—it changed color," she gaped. She put the Amulet back on and faced the princess. "Princess Athena?"

Athena opened her eyes and looked around her. She saw that after 52 years, she was finally free from the Amulet. She had never been so happy. "I'm free!" she cried. "At last, I'm free! Whoa, whoa, whoa!" She twirled happily, but then she lost her balance and fell down. She had been inside the Amulet so long that she was a little stiff.

"Are you okay?" Kathy asked.

"I'm fine," Athena replied, getting up. "I guess that's what happens when you're imprisoned for 52 years—you forget how your legs work." She was so happy Kathy got her out of the Amulet that she picked up the little princess and hugged her. "I knew you were the one! Thank you!"

"You're welcome," Kathy smiled.

"Princess Athena," Gina smiled, curtseying before the princess. "I'm Gina, Cedric's granddaughter."

"Oh, you don't have to curtsey, Gina, and you can just call me 'Athena'," Athena smiled.

"Okay, Athena," Gina smiled. "I can't believe you're really back."

"Neither can I," Athena sighed. "I was in the Amulet for so long that I thought I'd never get out—but here I am." She couldn't help but sing.

It feels so weird having my feet on the ground

It's been a while since I've been walking around

With my own eyes, I can once again see

My dream has come true—I am free

Athena took out a rope and started climbing up the statue to get Morgana's wand.

But now that I'm here, there's a mission at hand

To drive that witch out of our beautiful land

I'll banish the darkness and bring back the light

'Cause this time I'm ready to fight

This is my time

My time to face my old foe

My time

Reclaim what was ours long ago

This is my time

To stand up with honor and pride

My time

I've come too far to be denied

Once Athena got to the top, she took Morgana's wand and down the statue safely. Once she was down, she and her new friends each got on a horse and rode off.

Now off I must ride to the palace, you see,

To win back the freedom of Albuquerque

I've spent my whole life waiting just for this day

And nothing will get in my way

This is my time

I have a plan that can't fail

My time

I won't stop until I prevail

This is my time

To honor my family and friends

My time

This is my time once again!

This is my time once again!

"We'd better get to the palace," Athena said.

"Okay, but how exactly are you going to get in there?" Kathy asked.

"You can take a flying horse," Gina suggested. "We have them on my farm."

"You do?" Athena asked. "A lot has changed during these years."

"Not exactly—Grandpa sent all the flying horses to our farm when Morgana took over," Gina explained. "You can hitch a ride on one and ride up to a window."

"Thanks, Gina," Athena smiled.

The trio rode to Gina's farm, where she had Athena's flying horses.

"Okay, we can all go together, but I should face Morgana myself," Athena declared.

"But how are you going to stop her?" Kathy asked. "Queen Morgana is very powerful."

"Not to worry—Dr. Athena is going to give her a taste of her own magical medicine," Athena smirked.

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