Our Time/Morgana's Defeat

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Down in the village, Isabel, Rolf, Naomi, and James were getting everyone to join them in a parranda to the palace in order to stop Morgana.

Meanwhile, at the palace, Morgana was still trying to murder the parrots. After many tries, she destroyed a stained-glass window, and the birds flew out.

"Well, that takes care of those birds," Morgana declared. Suddenly, she heard very loud music from the distance. "What? What is that sound?"

The guards came bursting through the palace doors.

"They're coming, Your Majesty," one guard said.

"Who's coming?" Morgana asked.

"All of Albuquerque," another guard said.

Morgana could hear the people of Albuquerque singing loudly. "Is that singing?" she gasped.

It was true—it was the second part of Athena's plan. The people of Albuquerque were rallied together to march to the palace and sing proudly. While everyone else was marching, Gina and the royals were flying on the horses.

This is our time

Our time to face our old foe

Our time

Reclaim what was ours long ago

This is our time

To stand up with honor and pride

Our time

We've come too far to be denied

And so we will march to the palace, you see,

To win back the freedom of Albuquerque

We've spent our whole lives waiting just for this day

And nothing (no, nothing) will stand in our way!

This is our time

Together as one, we won't fail

Our time

This time, we know we'll prevail

Our time

To honor our family and friends

Our time

This is our time

This is our time

Once again!

Everyone made it to the gates, where guards were standing.

"I'll take care of them," Brandon glared. "Hang on, Kerry!" He guided his horse down to attack the guards with his sword.

"They locked the gate," Athena declared. "We'll have to fly around to the other side and open it!"

The royals flew to the other side of the gate. While Walter and Brandon were sword-fighting with the guards, Kerry, Lucia, Miles, and Amanda remained distant. Kathy, Eric, and Athena opened the doors and went to open the gate. Then Eric and the girls went to open the doors more.

"Stay together, and stay strong!" Athena told her subjects.

"There's too many of them!" the guard shrieked.

The guards were so overwhelmed that they fled. Morgana was getting overwhelmed, so she tried to stop them by shouting, "Obscuras!"

That's when the clouds turned dark, and it looked like a storm was rolling in.

"Leave my palace at once!" Morgana ordered.

"It's not your palace, Morgana!" Athena argued. "It's ours, and you can't stop all of us!"

"I don't have to—I only need to stop you!" Morgana growled.

Morgana raised her wand to try to strike Athena down, but then one of the guards snatched the wand out of her hand. This shocked everyone very much.

"What are you doing?" Morgana gasped.

The guard threw the wand to Athena, who caught it in her hands. Morgana wasn't happy with what one of her guards had done, but she wasn't worried.

"Ha! You can't use the wand on me, girl," Morgana smirked.

"Maybe not, but let's see how powerful you are without it," Athena smirked back. She held the wand with both hands, and she bent the wand and broke it in half.

With the wand broken, Morgana's magic was destroyed. Morgana began to age into a very ugly old woman. The dark clouds were gone, and the kingdom was just as beautiful as it was 52 years ago. Morgana was down on the ground, and Athena went up to her.

"Morgana, your reign is over!" Athena told the ex-queen.

Morgana stood up and could barely move. With her magic destroyed, she was very old and ugly. "Oh, what a world!" she cried. "Who'd have thought you could destroy my beauty? I've walked this earth for 657 years, and now I'm going!"

Just like that, Morgana dissolved into dust. Athena and Kathy were both disturbed by this sight. Athena's family could tell that she was very unhappy with what she'd done.

"Don't worry about it, Athena," Eric assured his little sister. "She's gone now—we've won."

Those words made Athena smile. "After all these years," she smiled, hugging her big brother. "Now that Morgana is gone, we can finally do what should've been done long ago."

"Like what?" Lucia asked.

"Eric's coronation," Athena smiled. She faced her subjects and announced, "All hail the rightful heir of Albuquerque: Prince Eric!"

Everyone cheered loudly for their future king.

"That's right," Kerry agreed. "Eric was going to be king before Morgana took over."

"Well, boy, go on and address your people," Brandon smiled.

"Okay, Dad," Eric nodded. "Care to join me, Athena?"

"Okay," Athena smiled.

Before Athena and Eric could go up, Kathy stopped Athena. She took off the red Amulet and said, "Athena, I believe this is yours."

But Athena had something else in mind. She took the Amulet and said, "Kathy, I want you to keep it for all you've done for Albuquerque." She put the Amulet back on Kathy and said, "Besides, I think I've seen enough of this Amulet for the rest of my life."

Kathy hugged Athena and said, "Thank you, Athena."

Athena went up with Eric to face their people. Athena put up the old flag of the kingdom.

"Let every bell in Albuquerque ring—we are free!" Eric announced.

The people of Albuquerque cheered loudly. They were all happy that their lost royal family had finally come home. Thus began the reign of Prince Eric and, with it, a new age of joy and prosperity for all of Albuquerque.

Eric was going to be crowned king soon—this time, for real. Kerry and Brandon invited the Asmorinthians to join them in their son's coronation. For the first time in 52 years, everything was back to normal in Albuquerque. This really was a very happy ending.

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