Chapter 2: Hogwarts

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On the Hogwarts express, Albus looked at his cousin, Rose.

"I can't wait!" He said.

"Me neither." Said Rose.

Suddenly, the door to their compartment opened. A short girl with long brown hair and bright blue eyes walked in.

"May I sit here? Everywhere else is full." She said. 

"Sure. Feel free." Said Albus.

She walked in and sat down. "My name's Lina. Lina Perkins. And you?"

"Rose Weasley and Albus Potter," said Rose.

Albus looked out the window and sas a very strange sight.

"Is that...five broomsticks?" He looked closer. "It must be."

Rose looked as well. "It looks like my dad. And your mum, Albus."

The snack lady came walking up with her cart of treats.

"Come on! Let's get something to eat." Said Lina.

They fished some money out of their pockets and went to the cart. They bought some chocolate frogs, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, and Jelly Slugs.

"So, who are you? You told us your name, nothing more." Albus said to Lina.

"Well, I am a pure-blood. I believe you introduced yourself as 'Weasley'?" Lina said to Rose.


"Well, I think we are somewhere in each other's family trees."

"Cool." Said Rose

They looked out the window, and the train slowed.

"All righ', firs' years over here! Hey, Albus, how have you been?" Hagrid walked up and down the train.

"Hello, Hagrid!" Said Albus, grinning.

They stepped out and followed Hagrid to the boats. The three of them got into Hagrid's boat with him.

"All righ', now just around this bend!" Shouted Hagrid some five minutes later. There was a loud gasp from all of the students.

Hogwarts School was wonderful! I can't believe I'm here, thought Albus.

"Wow!" breathed Lina.

"It's beautiful!" said Rose, "Utterly beautiful!"

They got off the boats, and Hagrid led them into the school.

There was another gasp, and Albus could see why. The entire inside of the castle was large, beautiful, and utterly amazing. Hagrid led them down a set of stairs and toward a big door.

"Welcome, students." Said a voice. Everyone turned to see an elderly, stern-looking woman walking towards them."I am Professor McGonagall. I am the headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The sorting ceremony will begin presently. You will come up when I call your name and put the sorting hat on your head. Then, go sit at your house table." She walked out into the hall, and everyone else followed.

"Ahem..." she unrolled a scroll. "The sorting ceremony will begin now. Andrews, Peter"she called out. A nervous-looking boy with dark black hair walked up and sat down. The sorting hat was placed on his head. 

"Slytherin!" yelled the hat. Peter walked over to the Slytherin table.

"King, Jonny"

A boy ran up to the hat.

"Hufflepuff!"He ran to the Hufflepuff table.

"Malfoy, Scorpio" called out McGonagall. Scorpio walked proudly up to the hat. It was placed on his head.

"Slytherin!" it called. Scorpio walked over to the Slytherin table as they applauded. There were a couple of other students, then again, a familiar name.

"Perkins, Lina" Called McGonagall.Lina walked up to the hat and it was placed delicately on her head. The hat took it's time deciding for Lina. Then suddenly-

"Ravenclaw!" yelled the hat. Lina jogged over to the Ravenclaw table while they cheered at her.

She sat next to a boy named Sky Wood.

"Potter, Albus" called out McGonagall. This was it! Albus walked up to the stool and sat. McGonagall winked at him for some reason, and dropped the hat on his head. All the teachers looked expectantly at him. He heard a small voice in his head.

"You wouldn't be good for Slytherin, too nice for that...But where to place you? Not Ravenclaw, no offence, so either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff...see, for Gryffindor, you need to be brave, but are you brave, boy?"

Yes, I am brave, let me prove it to you, he thought desperately."Ah, but see, you can't prove yourself at the moment. Well, it'd better be-"


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